GF lowers my sex drive?

Has anyone else noticed this? I've noticed that when I have a gf I
>don't sleep as much/as well because my sleep schedule is out of wack what with going out, fixing their car late at night, staying up to watch movies, etc
>diet is thrown off because of eating out, skipping meals, eating shit to get a semblance of caloric intake
>can only get into the gym on a consistent basis if I ignore their texts which always results in an emotional explosion on their end
>less money to spend on diet, supplements, self-care in general, anabolics
>often stressed out

All of this shit and more doesn't necessarily tank my sex drive and my health in general but it takes a fucking hit. I feel like I become a weaker man when I have a gf in the picture. When there's no woman in my life I feel like Spike - a ramblin' gambler who just does what he wants and doesn't have to answer to anyone. My health improves dramatically and I'm horny as fuck. As soon as I enter month two or three with a gf I start feeling rundown and like I am dragging a ball-and-chain from my ankle. What gives? I thought getting a gf was something I should be striving for? Now I just feel like avoiding relationships and just smashing random girls off of tinder when I don't feel like going to town with porn and weed and fleshlights.

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Just have booty calls. Have them come over your place on you terms. Pump em then have them leave. That’s what I do.

Dude relationships are gains goblins regardless of what you are doing. I'm stuck in one right now and I'm getting fat and weak and not sleeping well not eating well have no money. Fucking cunts

She’s going to dump you bro for being a fat broke looser.

I think the problem is more that your gf a shit rather than having gfs in general.
Moving in with my girl actually improved my sleeping and eating habits, because she actually can be bothered to cook unlike me, and she lures me to bed at reasonable hours instead of letting me stay up till down and sleep 4-6 hours a night.

She sounds like a girl, not a woman. No one should demand your attention 24/7, fuck that.

Either get a girlfriend that actually motivates you to train, as in goes to the gym with you without making it a couples holiday. Or as others have said, if you cant control your alone time then dump the cunt and get some booty calls.
Most of the time just going to the gym at your schedule will leave her wanting more. Women get moist when guys leave them to do their own thing.
Just the other day my girlfriend bitched about some shit, said ok and went out for 4 hours. When i came back we ate dinner, watched a movie and went to sleep. She didnt mention it at all, because women have a short attention span. If she dosent get immediate and constant validation (you gettin mad, angry, sad) then whats the point of her getting angry.

Bruh if your gf doesn't let you set some simple boundaries in your life around eating a healthy diet, sleeping a healthy schedule and fucking going to the gym for a couple hours she's crazy. You have to be firm about it and let her know in advance that you're doing this shit, don't ask permission just tell her. If she gets pissy and yells at you ignore it and if she dumps you because of it you're better off.

Jesus man set some boundaries but also realize hitting the gym as hard as you are isn't necessary lol. You can still get it in 3 times a week. You have a new role of boyfriend that is one hundred percent better and more fulfilling than gym rat.

The sooner she does that the sooner I can stop being a fat broke loser

If you had firm values and boundaries then this wouldn't be a problem. If you value good sleep, quality nutrition and gym then you have to prioritize those things and don't comprise on them. Make that clear and be ready to break up with her if she can't respect that. If you break those values for her then she won't respect you. If she can control you with emotional explosions then she also does not respect you. If those are things that you have problems with in relationship after relationship then you are the problem. You make room for the things you want in your life and you set non-negotiable boundaries on those things.

Your relationship isn’t the gains goblin, you are. It’s too easy to just keep eating/sleeping/working out and schedule relationship shit around that.

Lol I don't think you understand. A relationship isn't something you schedule around. It's got to be a priority and focusing on yourself is selfish. Everything that isn't your relationship takes a back seat until you die. If you aren't ready for that then you aren't ready for a relationship

You're being retarded.
If she's constantly expecting you to follow her around doing what she wants disregarding your needs, she's putting herself first, not your relationship. By your own judgement she's being selfish and proving herself not ready for a relationship.
More likely, you're just lazing around enjoying her company and using her as an excuse for why you're not hitting the gym these days.

Nigger I’ve been in a healthy relationship for the past two years, both of us do as much apart as we do together. If you can’t have enough time to yourself to go to the gym a few times a week, eat healthy and sleep then your relationship is an overly codependent piece of shit

women will bleed and manipulate you until youre worthless. then they will dump you for being worthless.
>keyword worthless

You sound like a massive cuck. You are a weak man. 90% of the problems described would not be an issue if you asserted yourself with the partner. If your gf “makes you” do anything then you are the gf my man.

Everyone in this thread saying GFs ruin gains are just in shitty relationships that will ultimately result in breaking up. I have effortlessly been with my GF for over 5 years now and she is my biggest motivator and supporter of my training. A truly good relationship will involve her actually loving you as the person you are and not how what she wants you to be. Dont take relationships too seriously guys, if you have to sit there and contemplate whether your gf is good for you or not, then shes not. Your perfect gf is out there somewhere, just be patient.

Depends on the girl to be honest. You do lose some motivation obviously because you’re not seeking some hot new poon or dick. I noticed I use to be able to go full on warrior monk mode single, but now I can’t be bothered to spend 30 hours a week in the gym.

it's your own fault you don't know how to keep your girl in check. all the incels here bashing women are worthless weak man with no spines. eat a dick faggots. have sex

If she’s hot it’s surprising how much they can get away with. I had a buddy who was a super motivated and didn’t take shit from girls or anyone meet this 10/10 blond and it was amazing watching him be bent and manipulated to do whatever she wanted. He ended up maxing out credit cards and driving 2 hours every night because this bitch wanted to live the high life in a big city. When she eventually dumped him he ended up shooting himself in the head

>tre your gf cooks you healthy, nutritious food for when you're cutting while you're at the gym.

I eat and way more home cooked meals now that I'm in a relationship = saving like 300 dollars a month compared to when I was single.

Don't know what these virgins are crying about.

i'm obsessed with power, if i ever get a gf i don't want to meet her at a gym or fitness related thing.
I won't ever stop working out or putting my gains first no matter how much she begs and pleads, but i won't tell her how much i care about it because thats beta.
I will constantly mog her by making her feel insecure with my body alone, she'll either work out or she will implode the relationship.
Maybe i will take her to the gym so she can see the other mire me.
God, i just want to psychologically torture my gf.
who can relate?

My wife has gained weight and we can't stand each other. We almost never have sex. It makes me want to die.

This sounds like a typical college relationship. Do not, do not ever date a woman seriously under the age of 23. Women are impossible to cohabitate with until the reproductive instinct makes them desperate to please

Big time yea. I don't even enjoy sex and after a year what do i even have to prove.

Sex is totally overrated.