What happened to this board? The threads, replies, everything is absolute trash and plebbit tier language/trolling...

What happened to this board? The threads, replies, everything is absolute trash and plebbit tier language/trolling. Where do you go for fitness discussion now?

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reddit or uni. Read some books, fuck some pussy.

Shut the fuck up you faggot redditors ruined in. The ideals thread is cringe DYEL shit, the “high test” threads are full of flabby, obese PORCH MONKEYS and wiggers. You reddit scum have teamed up with the deformed, overnourished, lard ass, tub of shit, shut in janny’s who were bullied their entire life and will commit suicide at no later than age 30.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some shitposting to do as an actual lifter and 4CHAD user.

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Why are you still here then? You're free to leave any time.

Nigga we made it

You've learned everything you need in Jow Forums. Now all you need to learn is how to say goodbye.

Only the sticky that matters

discussing fitness? let me redpill you on something. Fitness is an extremely simple topic. There's only so long you can talk about things like the mechanics of a squat or how to improve OHP form or which program/template to go with or what a decent diet looks like or how to cut. The only people who feel any need to discuss such things are gymnoobs, no offense, because anyone who's been doing it longer than that knows everything and has nothing to discuss anyway, most of the time.

I come to Jow Forums to troll dyels, laugh at memes, and mock e-celebs. If you want some cringey hugbox go to r/fitness.


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Goodbye user and good luck. I will miss you. Im heading to infinity.

Blame the summerfags. It's seasonal. They'll leave by the mid or end of August.


Summer fags haven't been a thing since phone posters

It was once amazing, now its trash as fuck. Its frustrating

I'd tell you but i don't want those good places to get filled up with trash


What was so amazing? Literally every board I visit since at least 5 years is crying that it's ruined and yet those whiners are still there. What was so fucking good about your 'golden times' compared to now, explain.

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redditors come here because reddit took a nosedive and is full of reposts and sjw crap now. and reddit has gone to shit ever since trump won and every time the summer holiday starts it just gets flushed with garbage.

The sticky is shit, only useful thing it does is tell fat people to stop eating

Modern internet culture has changed. Message boards/forums like this won't ever be the same.

"fitness" is an extremely broad topic... what are you talking about? you can get into really specific detail when discussing the "mechanics of a squat." It is as technical as you need it to be

I think the main problem is that after you cover these things on a broad level, the advice becomes increasingly personalized since everyone has a different set of attributes (experience, other life commitments, body shape/size, etc.)

I don't think this board is well suited to accommodate the needs of a such a diverse set of people. it's easy to mock those that don't follow the herd mentality, and there's less and less incentive to provide the specialized information and training advice that is needed.

Ultimately, you have to seek out this info on your own. Visit multiple forums, search for answers from accomplished and seasoned guys, get a random pdf on conditioning for an elite sport and see if you can keep up with the exercise and routines within, find the one guy on youtube that isn't a fraud and see if they'll answer your questions, etc. etc.

simply put, /fit is not a place to find concise, densely packed, high quality training and exercise discussion. you'll have to spend time and or money to acquire such info

Then what's the point of crying? Internet has been ruined by smartphones and it will never go back to how it was before it.

I'm not crying, you asked, I answered.

Also I'm not this person

Hit up cytube, can't write the link here because Jow Forums thinks it's spam. The """""fitness"""""" chatroom is muhgainzzz.

Just a bunch of dudes hanging out, enjoying autism and the ments