Stop doing Deadlifts

Stop doing Deadlifts.

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stop eating fat fuck, you’re shit at strongman btw

145 wont kill my back

Kilos or pounds

>taking words out of context
you are biggest scum on earth OP and worse than buzzfeed at that. "stop deadlifting" and posting that picture makes 0 sense other than shitposting for which you should be banned for.

He said you shouldn't deadlift if you have a professional carreer in sport since it can cause you to have an injury that can prevent you from ever doing the sport again.

First one, then the other

>you're taking his words out of context
No, JOE ROGAN posted the video with the title "YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING DEADLIFTS", dumbass. Blame the right person and go read the comments. Everyone took it as such.

>lmao DUDE deadlifts are bad because if you ego lift you will hurt yourself

holy shit. wow. oh my god, that's crazy. i can't believe this is real. OH MY GOD. this is insane. what the fuck. really? i can't believe this. is this for real? does anyone know if this is true? oh jesus, oh fuck, oh god. this is fucking revolutionary. jesus christ. how could we have been so blind all this time. oh wow. this is insane. fucking insane. wow. crazy advice. jesus. thank you OP. thank you for shining light into the void. WOW. can't stop thinking about how GOOD of advice this is. damn.

Lmao what a good post! Have some gold, friend! XD

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t. literally one of the least successful active strongmen
he also lied that he has american log record and couldn't even tell who's the world's record holder
he's trailer park trash tier burger

Least successful but still one of the strongest men in the world

>he also lied that he has american log record
did he, i actually googled it after he said it and the first articles that came up where all with his name so i assume he said the truth

Why do fat Americans with shit beard genetics always feel the need to grow it out

To be fair it fits for a fucking giant like him

This plus that dip shit said about Patrick Baboumian

Idk why I'm surprised this man big dumb.


Rob Kearney lifted 214 kg during Log Lift Championship before ESM this year. Oberst record was 211 kg


>stop lifting wrong

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>have long as fuck torso
>deadlifted only once and last time in my life

Literally the most uncomfortable excersise in existence , especially geared towards manlets with short torsos and limbs

Weak genes t.b.h.

Short torsos and long limbs*

T. Built like that

My squat is 60 kg behind deadlift

>Check form intensively with slow reps
>Lower back still hurts after

This exercise is not for me but I wish it was

I don't follow Youtube celebs but I have to respect how hard he btfo'ed ego lifting divas.

Rack pull master race

>Lower back still hurts
>on an exercise that works the lower back
Are you retarded? Of course it’s supposed to fucking hurt unless it’s a sharp pain. You’re working your spinal erectors

it's a tightness type of pain concentrated on the right side of my lower back, and it lasts for multiple days after working it. I'm not fucking around with my back and get my lower back fortification from putting all of my cardio on the rowing machine

I'm not going to listen to a fat person, ever.

Are you retarded? The best pullers are tall.
You fucking lanklets have it so easy in life you'll complain about anything.
Inb4 manlet no I'm average height, just tired of always seeing those same excuses.

Not him but
>The lower spine hurts
>confuse it with the feel good muscle soreness hurt

Nice try, faggot
Enjoy being a wreck by 40, like all weightcels are

This is why is do only calistethics now
Never felt better

you need to stop deadlifting and work on your flexibility and do accessories in the meantime (back hyperextensions, RDLs with a kettle bell). you are going to snap your shit up

sick of seeing this bumbling fat retard in brian's videos

he says professional athletes are never deadlifting though

Are you that faggot who does those voocaroos?

have sex.
fyi im a fat person
Jeff once again puts all of you tard parrots to your place

>American world record on log press
>shit strongman

Jow Forums is fucking retarded

Meant for

Absolute fucking weak core cope. Fuck off you pussy.

>american record
Thats like saying "the best skier in Somalia.
lol, all the top strongmen are eastern european

I'll take this fat fuck's advice when he actually wins something.

Average male height is 5'09"
Have fun being "average"

I don't think that my 4pl8 deadlift is dangerous and I don't plan on increasing it

the people arguing to do deathlifts are either manlets with a tiny rom, or 19yr bros on their way to snap city. its been this way for years

This is white in America.

I just stepped into the 2pl8+ territory and the only thing that scares me is my groin hernia exploding again 7 years after surgery, should I wear a belt? It feels wrong on me and moves at every rep.

imagine having such shit facial hair growth lmao

anyone get the feeling hes just delusional and salty that martins is younger and have been competing in strongman shorter than him and is better and won WSM
he likes to bring up shit like hes was the only rookie to make it to finals in whatever WSM it was and other bullshit and keeps cocksucking brian shaw and the other shitty strongman (which i kind of get because they are on a show together and promoting it) but then he doesnt even bring up martins the fucking winner of 2019 or even mateusz he just says poland has a bad dude and only talked about hafthor when joe brought him up

he's incredibly salty, i saw one of those videos where he responds to youtube comments and he comes off like such a faggot

Enjoy being crippled in your 40s, retard. While I'm still slamming squats and rows

I always love hearing from guys that did gallons of steroids that we shouldn't be doing something.

Yes I know sinners make the best saints, but he has zero credibility.

he's really annoying. at least guys like eddie can actually back up what they say. oberst is mediocre and typically doesn't even qualify for the wsm finals. there's nothing noteworthy about him and he has a low iq

its just funny that he thinks he still has a dog in the fight when hes 34 and bragging about his press when mateusz is only 25 and already surpassed him in pressing power and hes only going to get stronger
dude couldn't make it in football and can't make it in strongman and he puts on this weird "personality" big and pretty bullshit
also not that big of a fan of shaw too cause he seems like an asshole and puts on a facade
if you watch his videos theres always a weird forced feeling to them
eddie hall is like only respectable strongman among that group
you never see shaw and oberst and shit interact with the younger generation of strongman and martins mateusz and hafthor seem to get along fine
martins hafthor best broship tho

>only good at one lift
>can't even make finals consistently, getting BTFO by others smaller than him just not a huge fatass
> unlikable personality in videos

Patrik Bimbambum is a gay faggot who is extremely butthurt when you call him out on his obvious roiding,

shaw seems like a "nice guy", and because of his size he never learned that being a "nice guy" is not a good thing (although it works for him to an extent [because of his size] but it's still not good).
shaw also seems like he's trying really hard to sell out, not that you can blame him though. he has the personality of a piece of damp toast and he used to be extremely boring. he still is but he used to be too.


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I need to eat alot of meat to rep rather just eat vegan options and stay at 315 for reps..deadlifts are stupid..I like 275 better.

its just the way he talks about shit is annoying
>was too fat couldnt move as well
>i thought the strongman competitions are supposed to be mainly about strong static lifts but this year there was alot of moving events i guess strongman just isnt what it used to be
>i got sweat in my hands during the deadlift hold and the bar just slipped out (seems like an excuse to protect his ego and pride since he did alot of grip videos and i think was known as a grip guy)
its one thing to aknowledge your weaknesses but the way he talks about it just sounds like hes just whining and making excuses
hafthor fucking ripped his foot at the beginning of the event didnt complain dealt with it on the moving events and still got third and celebrated with martins on his victory

didn't realize he was 34, holy shit, no wonder
they are kind of forced, the only thing natural about them is the way eddie talks, brian is an incredibly sterile person

So at one point Robert did beat the record, like he said he did.

My back has never been tweaked by deadlifts, even ohp has given me more low back pain than deadlift. I used to be afraid of deadlifts because of my hernias, but since I started deadlifting my back hurts a lot less.

This. OHP hurts me more than Deadlift

I got two terrible fucking knees Jow Forums scared to do dead lifts. What can I do instead?

chop off your legs so your body stops wasting precious nutrients maintaining your defective lower body

This is so true, for push press I'll sometimes tweak my upper trap but I've never had a problem deadlifting yet and I pull 500

I'm not, I'm using a trap bar.

>least successful active strongmen
>top 10 in the world

>he also lied that he has american log record
He never said he still had it, he said he broke the world record and they were literally looking at the video where he did that. Do you have room temp IQ?

he's not even top 10 lmao. he routinely fails to qualify for wsm finals

Professional athletes, martial artists, men who make money with their body and don't get paid to deadlift, and soldiers don't deadlift.

Deadlifting is in and of itself an ego lift.

post body

You're confusing him with that vegan strong man who has a world record in something no one has ever given a fuck about from a contest held in his backyard.

Fine top 20 then.

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