Does anyone else think getting fit is so damn complicated?

does anyone else think getting fit is so damn complicated?
>have to count carloies
>have to track food
>have to track workouts
>have to use math to calculate new lifts
i just want to workout, not do math and cook a fuckton of food

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You're just retarded

i have autism, but that doesnt stop me

kill yourself

Yeah addition and subtraction is hard user

how about just eat small amounts of healthy food and workout when you feel like it you fucking retard, you'll look better than 99% of the population doing this

it's because you are trying to get everything perfect instantly
in reality, you have to just get things to be more perfect than they were yesterday

You don’t have to count calories. Just don’t eat too much and don’t eat like a retard. Have some self control

>have to count carloies
no you dont
>have to track food
not really
>have to track workouts
yes but a child could use a workout app. It keeps it all there for you
>have to use math to calculate new lifts
not even. just keep increasing and struggle forward when it becomes hard

dive into it OP and stop whining

You don't actually have to do any of those things to get fit though.

but if i dont control what i eat i'd eat a single meal a day and be content

>have to use math to calculate new lifts
+5 pounds isn't really using math. As long as you put more weight on and don't take weight off you should be fine.

It's really not that hard user. People love to make a mountain out of a molehill.
>I want to gain weight.
Great. Eat more.
>I want to loose weight.
Great. Eat less.
Granted there is a lot more to fitness than this but since you mentioned nothing about goals, current lifts, current body etc this is the advice you get.

Then take the /fraud/ pill and leave humanity behind

Lift a lot, eat a lot and eat less if you’re looking chubby. Not really that hard. Mind muscle connection and doing lifts right is the actual hardest part. All the extra minutiae with counting calories and such is for bros who want to min/max their stats.

leave humanity behind in a casket?

It astounds me how fucking retarded people are getting. Oh man, basic fucking addition and subtraction is complicated. Fuck, I have to write a few things that I did last week down so I remember for this week. What the fuck is wrong with you

>Great. Eat less.
Unironically terrible advice for fatties. If they aren't tracking or measuring their food, they have no idea how much calories they are truly consuming, and since they are fat, they probably like to eat a lot, so eating less to them is probably going to be above maintenance or at a 250~ or less deficit and they're going to get mad and give up because of slow or lack of progress.

> rows, press, and deadlifts
> eat just meat and fish and eggs
> skip everything else

Wow so much work

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Literally only remember to smash prs for the 4 compounds and thats it
> inb4 powershitter 510 165 lbs 1/2/2.5/3.5 with abs

>counting your calories

>have to count carloies
>have to track food
Just use cronometer you dumb nigger

Just eat the same thing you eat now and double it

Addiction is no joke m8

Some people don't use shitty linear progressions

Counting calories is only necessary when you're an absolute beginner. After a while you get a feeling for it and you'll mostly eat the same anyways. The only thing I do is weigh food.

Wow, that was stupid as shit. This clown said that starchy carbohydrates are calorically dense, and that they're the least filing. It's broscience central with no regard for reality or science

Unironically this is the hardest for me. How the fuck do I function without excess coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and on low sugar? I feel like death all the time. I can power through, but sometimes I go to shit and fuck my gains up in a weekend.

I only needed to do it for a week to realize I eat way too little. Also you can gain size on maintenance caloric intake. Do it for a week if you're new, adapt your diet by adding protein-shakes and bigger portions. Most people eat too little in their meals and fatties eat snacks all the time.

If you actually want to do something about it set small goals and follow a plan, but don't try to quit everything at once.
Honestly I wouldn't bother too much about coffee

I cut coffee down when I realized I had headaches if I didnt drink one. I still drink a couple of cups of coffee a week, but I was at 5 a day so it was probably a bad habit. I drink tea and coke too so I'm still getting a caffeine fix.
The other habits are kind of the same. I dont see anything wrong with smoking a pack a week, however I was smoking a pack a day. I'm much more comfortable with cardio now.

For me it's the opposite. Getting fit is very straightforward. Eat enough, lift. When I do it, I succeed. But I always get distracted with life bullshit.

Good for you dude. Tbh I'd rather drink coffee than coke

This. All you need to do is lift and listen to your hunger. It only becomes hard when life gets in the way.

>But they won't like doing it!
That's their problem. It's still perfectly valid advice on paper. If they don't have the wherewithal or discipline to see it through, too bad.

who is this semen demon?

>lift heavy things
>tomorrow lift slightly heavier thing
>run around a little sometimes too
>eat lots of dead animals
wow so hard

lift big and eat big its not that hard

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So what you curl 80lbs one day and the next you only curl 50? I'm pretty sure simply adding weight to your lift at some point is a universally accepted norm in weightlifting.

>have to count carloies
Only on a cut and only if you're to retarded to eat intuitively and not like a fucking hambeast.
>have to track food
>have to track workouts
>have to use math to calculate new lifts

None of this matters unless you're approaching apex form.

>have to count carloies
>have to track food
>have to track workouts
>have to use math to calculate new lifts
u don't have to do any of that but ok. i mean if u want OPTIMAL results, ye probably u should be doing that shit but it's definitely not necessary

>ur body knows what u want!!!!! dont try hard! Dont do anything u dont wanna!!!!

sounds like someones been drinkin the HAES movement juice

Shouldn't autism make it easier for you?

Nothing worth having comes easy.

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Holy fuck I'm hungry
But my belly is still disgusting
I am gonna make it


Just make a plan you know you'll be able to stick to.


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We all gotta die sometime brudda. Beats being low test

>tracking things
>not just living in a healthy manner

lol fag