Are chiros worth it or not?

are chiros worth it or not?

Attached: chrio.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

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It's a scam dude.

depends on the chiro imo
If the guy thinks he is a doctor or can cure anything it's probably a red flag
If the guy thinks he can take tension off your nerves and give some adjustments because your posture sucks, at least he is honest about what he's doing

no only lou dong can fix

Attached: loudong32.webm (640x360, 2.99M)


lmao what a womanlet

This. At most it's temporary relief. The dude should tell you to stop being a slouch and advise you what muscle imbalances to work on.
If he claims to cure whatever disease you have by popping your little toe you know who to avoid next time.

Attached: lou.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

do they think this guy is a shyster in his country or legit

This guy just feels up braphogs

idk can't imagine they buy it

Attached: loudogn5.webm (640x360, 1.62M)

in fairness she looks like she just received some good dong right at the end so it was probably pretty nice as well

She retarded or something?

Not if you're a grower

I would pay good money for a good ass/pelvis massage I promise no sexy times. I just don't want some ping pong guy doing it, I'd even pay a large manly-looking Dyke if need be just no XY or penises.
Fucking deep tissue massage on the pelvis fuck yeah bet you wouldn't even get a boner because of the pain.

i could watch this shit all day, its a mix of hot and hilarious. my hat comes off to this lad

>an old Asian balding manlet getting more ass than Timothy

There's no consistency with Chiropractors. There's a college that offers really cheap sessions near me that has 3yr students supervised by a professor and they never once adjusted me or cracked shit. It was pretty much all PT. Went to "real" Chiro this year and once it helped and the other time it didn't do shit. The guy had the deminer like he wanted to get in and out of the room as soon as he could.

People love to point out that Chiro was invented by a magnet healer and that "adjustments" cause people to have strokes. Of course, ignoring that doctors accidentally kill tens of thousands of people every year and that all medicine has a shady past.

I'm of the belief that consistent stretching is the best way to prevent back pain and injuries. Your glutes, hip flexors, in particular, can throw everything off. If I go a week or so without stretching my lower back goes back to being tight and painful.

Attached: 8_23_3.png (500x322, 25K)

I stretch before every squat session unironically. My rugby team has a chiro guy that does that stuff for us for free because he's an alumni of the school and the team. The videos you see ITT of Asians doing that stuff is just sexual harassment. The girls think he's got some ancient Chinese secret that will heal them but in reality the guy is just the village rapist who decided to get a job using his talents. The guy does that stuff usually stretches and cracks out backs and stuff. None of that other shit

I think the problem is that a lot of old and lazy people go for chiros because they either don't want to strengthen the muscles around the weak areas or because they no longer can. My uncle (soviet man) made a good point saying that you can work out as much as you want but all the muscles in the world won't stop a weak back from fucking you up when you're older. It's all just a matter of time.

How the fuck do I trick women into paying to be molested? Lifes not fair, brehs.

he's based

Attached: loudong12.webm (640x360, 3M)

be old
and speak broken english

all western women think you know secret oriental magic

Attached: loudong2.webm (640x360, 646K)

Literally, how does this guy get away with this? Does he have 4 starts on google or some shit?

popular on youtube
western women think old asian men know ancient hidden secrets

Attached: lougdong3.webm (640x360, 705K)

What is that supposed to mean? Muscle is what will prevent your back from becoming weak.

like another user said, the quality of care you get from a chiro in the US lacks consistency due to a lack of standards which leaves your question unanswerable.

you can obviously find a "good chiro" that grounds his treatment in evidence based research and does a bit of cracky-crack on the side for temporary pain relief but when your best case scenario is the bare minimum for other medical professionals (evidence based treatment) then you have to wonder why you're going to this person when you could go to a physio. worst case scenario, you're paying for a sham physical therapist with a fraction of the medical understanding that believes way too much in the efficacy of grade 5 joint manipulations. when all you've got is a hammer then everything looks like a nail and that's the issue the shady chiros run into.

a "medical professional" that tells you that your musculoskeletal issue can be "solved" by simply coming back to me for the rest of your life should raise red flags. you hear about these sorts of patients all the time: "oh yeah, i've been going to my chiro for years for my back. he's the best." you've been seeing this guy for years and the problem persists, he's not helping you.

a PT would tell you "hey, the problem seems to be this. we should see each other three times a week for the next three weeks and i'll walk you through a progressive treatment that focuses on building up your strength, function, and mobility. there will be things you do at home, changes to make in your day-to-day, and you'll walk out of here with a better understanding of your injury and methods for prevention of such problems returning."

good example of how the west is falling
imagine some random fuck trying this in the early 1900's
wouldn't fucking happen

it happened all the time? you don't think they were charlatans posing as medicine men or advertising some great cure on street corners? i'd wager it happened far more back then.

>the west is falling

Attached: ancient mystic fighting art.png (640x749, 526K)

He meant the bones, work as much as you want, but if your spine is fucked due to genetics, all you can ever do is strengthen the muscles around it, but they will eventually fail with time and you will be in pain.

I'd agree that people are generally lazy and that may be why Chiros are so popular. They offer ultra quick fixes that don't seem to ever have any lasting effects. It takes me at least an hour to properly deep stretch my lower body and I have to keep at it at the very least a 3 times a week to stay loose.

I've had scoliosis since I was a child. This pretty much sums it up completely.
In addition to this, a chiropractor cannot alter your posture/spine/pain permanently. If however you suddenly experience pain in your back that you've not experienced before, a chiropractor would likely be useful. However a physiotherapist would be just as good if not better.

If this was a comedy, she'd be having a smoke after all that.

>good example of how the west is falling
>imagine some random fuck trying this in the early 1900's
>wouldn't fucking happen
what is literal fucking snake oil?

If you are dumb enough to even consider chiropractors, then go for it and hopefully you will get a stroke and remove yourself from the gene pool.

If you can find a chiro who can treat you in fewer sessions than a physio, and gives cheaper massages than a massage therapist, then go see that chiro.
But must chiros are in the business of having repeat customers.