Finally took the the chicken thigh pill

>Finally took the the chicken thigh pill

you guys were right these are absolutely delicious and the macros are insane. Gotta start perfecting my technique now and find some good toppings.

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I just season and throw in the oven on foil.
Tumeric and paprika for sure.
Cracked pepper, sea salt, rosemary and a bit of thyme.


breast or bust

Upgrade to smoked paprika if you like that flavour

The best part is that chicken thighs are ALWAYS on sale, cheaper even when not on sale, you always get more, and they taste better then everything else.

You cannot lose.

What makes thighs taste better than breasts? I'm a cooklet so I don't know about this shit

More fat.

Dark meat with increased fat content so it's more flavorful. Also stays juicier so is more forgiving to cook with and stays moist.

>stays juicier
Fukken sold. I love chicken but hate how I have to hover over it so it doesn't dry out

you should also put cumin and mixed arab spices
nutmeg is good too, put some cardamom in a blender and add that
>t. mother was a kino home cook

Making gumbos with chicken thighs are food for gods.

I feel that, at this point I use chicken breast for "wetter" dishes like curries, sauced pastas, chicken salad sandwhich. And thighs for grilling or roasting, sauteeing.

chicken thighs are incredibly underrated. Usually even cheaper than breast, MUCH better tasting, practically zero risk of ever overcooking the meat no matter your cooking method, etc.

I fucking hate chicken breast. I'll cook it if I have to, but it's so fucking bland and monotonous. Sure you can do other things with it, but in terms of just grilling/frying a piece of chicken breast, there's only so many ways you can mask its blandness with varying combinations of herbs and spices and marinades. Meanwhile chicken thighs ALWAYS taste fucking delicious even with the simplest seasonings like just salt+pepper.

Only downside is you have to spend some time trimming off the excess fat blobs, but it's a small price to pay for the superior food.

I usually just rip the skin off on top after it's cooked. That's really all that you need to do to get most of the fat off. EZ

Gonna have to try this sometime looks like it'd make amazing meal prep

Man that looks tasty as fuck. Definitely gonna try making it

t. flavorlet

Not that guy, bit I agree that the thighs taste better, but I get way better macros eating just the breast

breasts for cutting, thighs for maintaining.


Grill them, toss them with a mixture of salt, pepper, ground chipotle, brown sugar, garlic and onion powder and smoked paprika after.

Nuggets for bulking

brine is the way to get joocy

>trimming the fat blobs off


It's a huge difference from breasts. I can just throw the things in a pan with some onions and garlic, cover for a bit and come back after a few minutes with no timer and they're glorious.

Anyone got accurate macros on quartered chicken legs (thigh+drumstick) basically? I see ones on MFP for anywhere between 1200-1800 per lb raw. and yes that's for skin on. It's hard to figure out which ones to trust

1200 fits my macros, 1800 doesn't.

Very versatile and easy to de bone for other recipes once done cooking and cooled. I use them for salads, Chicken parm, just eating chicken thighs. It's literally the best tasting part of the bird and where I live it's 80cents a pound. Stupid cheap. Thank you natty bird of gainz

Thighs are Hella cheaper than breasts in my supermarket so I might give this a try, does anyone debone their before cooking with it?

Pan fried in butter was so fucking good. Skinless breasts can just stick with people who 1:1 copy modern bodybuilders while forgetting the drugs.

Cookie cutter food.

based as fuck
arab spices are fucking godly

the bones will add flavor into the dish. Only reason to debone would be faster cook time, but not worth it imo.

These are almost considered a trash meat in the US. I'll get a 10 lb bag for 0.50/lbd

Based and saltwaterpilled

I took the Nando’s pill and just eat delicious Nando’s every day.

Look for macros for a maryland, that's the name of the cut.

You seriously never tried chicken thigh?

What the fuck is going on in this thread

Love this video. Fuck it I might make gumbo this week and do a cookalong on here if there's a food thread up.

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in Sydney, thighs are ALWAYS more expensive its the worst

have you tried cooking bone-in chicken breast? It's delicious and juicy. I prefer breast over thigh but only if I cook it myself. Always sear in the pan and finish in the oven for a tender juicy breast, and let rest for 4-5mins before cutting or you'll lose all the juice. grilling/frying is a perfect way to decimate a chicken breast


Any tips on cooking these in a slow cooker?

Sure, but consider:
Cook, chop, put on plate.
Chipolte pepper, garlic powder, onion powder.
Microwave on low until chicken becomes chewy.

Low fat, high flavor.

Smashed/minced garlic
Chopped fresh Italian parsley
Let it sit overnight and cook on a grill.
I make a garlic sauce to go with it. Greek yogurt, whole bunch of smashed garlic and a little olive oil. Start with the olive oil in a mixing bowl and whisk in a little bit of yogurt at a time till you get a thickness you like. Then add garlic till its tangy.
I could eat this every single day and not get tired of it. I regularly make 6 to 8 lbs of thighs this way.

This, breast sliced thinly, coated in spices and a little bit of flour, and pan fried is my go to and never gets old

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Chicken thighs from Aldi are fucking REEKING of piss and ammonia, what the fuck is going on there??


>cum in
>nut meg
>carda mom

the fuck is this nonce shit

they're actually good spicies

Hey I worked as a butcher that shipped in 1500 odd whole chickens each morning and the amount of piss and shit that covered the chickens was stomach churning. Luckily everything was checked and cut manually so any dirty fuck chickens were send back to become animal feed. Supermarkets do t have that level of quality control and may let pissy, shitty chicken through as it's all just spraywashed before packaging. Chicken should be bought from local butchers cause you know it hasn't got shit and piss on it.

Cumin is legit a transformative spice.

transformative of your body odor thats for sure

No fucking way? Where??

Los Nuggutos.

Ay caramba!

Can confirm. I am a chicken farmer and we store them all in barrels of shit and piss on the way to market.

Pls stop

You want your chicken to taste like fucking eggnog?

Salt, pepper, garlic powder, curry spice mix, shit is cash. You can even leave the skin on if you figure out how to make it crispy.