In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over

>In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over.
And all of them are on Jow Forums, how curious!

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brainlet OP thinks the average US demographic is the average Jow Forums demographic

average height in US is brought down by manlet taco niggers who are too low iq to to go on Jow Forums

14% club and i drive manual; 18% club
get at me bros

this average white male height is like 6'2"

>too low iq to to go on Jow Forums

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I've never seen a healthy young white man under 6'0 irl

I'm UK fag, but I'm 6'3

I legitimately miss being small sometimes; sure, it has its perks being tall, like being able to reach the top shelf- but I miss the comfort and the wonder the world had when I was smaller- having a bed where I dont have to curl up to fit in it longways, being able to cuddle into my mum or dad, not having to duck and contort my body just to be able to walk through the trees for nature walks.

But I cant be small anymore, and I never will be again.

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i know but bell pepper picking taco niggers are literally too low iq to go on Jow Forums cmon bro dont do me with that reddit stuff and make me feel bad about myself

>not knowing that everyone on Jow Forums is 6'2", makes 100k, has an 8 inch dick and benches 4pl8
lmaoing at you

what a faggoty thing to think about

>In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over.
That's a bit of 17 million people, user. Why are you surprised that a few of them hang out here?

and how much of the 14% is white males? probably almost all of them which is who is actually on Jow Forums

Are you attempting to lie to the very niche sliver of people who have internet but have literally never met other humans, or did you mix up which country OP is discussing?

That's hilarious, because in the military, the ideal height for pilots and special operators is around 5'10" (fighter jets weren't made with tall people in mind, plus their circulation gets more fucked up the more g's they pull. As for operators, smaller people are harder to spot/shoot and move faster) and they are required to live some of the healthiest possible lifestyles.


Even this isn't true. Just look at the average height in northern european countries. That's what the typical corn-fed white american is in terms of height. Likely a hair under 6 ft on average.

>And all of them are on Jow Forums, how curious!

Obviously manlets can't reach the keyboard

Some people lie, for sure, but also tall people are much more willing to talk about their height than shorter people are, so it can give an impression that everyone is tall.

the US records height based on race, the average American white height is like 5'9" to 5'10", the same as Britain and Australia

i'm 6’4 and apart from having to duck on double decker buses i haven't experienced any discomfort apart from idiots always going about "wow ur so tall"

Salty manlets pulling fake stats

This is a known thing with self-reporting. If you ask about dick sizes, the ones embarrassed about their dick size will refrain from answering, but those proud of their dick size will all answer. Which is why surveys about dick size skews big. Same for height. Manlets won't come in and announce that they're a whopping 5'2", but 6'6" lads will absolutely let you know about it, because it's not something to be ashamed of the way short height is seen in society.

t. 6'7"

See? I just did it.

Or maybe manlets are just expendable

t. 6'3''

feeling bad about yourself over a picture is pretty low iq tbqhwyf

He thinks that 6'2'' is tall and 100k is rich

Lol shut the fuck up. You're either larping or a faggot. You're not any better than whiny babies who bitch about having a big dick.

I’m 6’3 and would trade inches height for inches dick size 2 to 1

Well there's no point in lifting if you're a manlet so manlets aren't as likely to come here. Also we bully them off the board.

>tfw really tall and also have a 7.5 inch dick
>tfw also KV at 25

>14.5 %
would have expected much more

>7.5 inch dick
lmao I have that at 5’9”, i’d expect someone at 6’3”+ to be at least 8.5 inches

>I'd expect the very nature of human biology to change when dealing with non-manlets
what did he mean by this?

5'11" and proud


talk about cope LMAO

Yeah, you're right. The fastest runners in the world are all 6'3", and it's way easier to reposition your aim of fire with much longer arms than shorter arms. And surely fleets full of multimillion dollar fighter jets are designed on a whim because anyone below 6' must be expendable, and in no way were they carefully researched and designed to be operated in the most efficient manner by the most efficient human organisms. I mean, that would be crazy.

Imagine having so little going for you that you need to brag about something you in no way put any effort into having. Do you faggots realize this 6'0" meme that women crave came from this very board? It was originally trolling, but you insecure faggots took it too far, like incels do with everything.

what's up svenenjeager


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Most of Jow Forums is self-hating manlets, nothing new.

6'3" isn't even that tall bro

No way that meme came from Jow Forums

That’d be nuts

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I'm 6' 2" but im extremely ugly so it balances out.

At least put on your trip mast

This. The majority of the board are of bunch of lookism incels who say things like "why work out why it's all about face, frame and height". They want an excuse to be lazy because of things they have no control over.