What does Jow Forums think of fat people?

What does Jow Forums think of fat people?

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they are sick

What did op mean by this

>bragging about your sexual conquests is beta
That being said:
>fucking a slampig is extremely high test
Get your dick wet

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Is a zombie apocalypse did happen, would a fat zombie be easier to outrun/fight off than a normal sized one?

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Outrun yes, fight no. Then again, depends on how they become zombies. The classical walking corpse really wouldn't be able to move around too long, since muscle decay is a thing.

haven’t you played left 4 dead? they have special abilities n shit

Thts what I’ve always wondered about zombies, even if they keep moving wouldn’t they basically all be decayed after 10 years? Not sure how long a human corpse stays but I imagine between the maggots, birds, weather, and bacterial decay that an average sized man should be mostly bones after a couple years.

I don't think about them

I like slampigs but there's a limit. I find fat repulsive but big tits and free sex are too good to dismiss.

Didn’t think about that. The whole boomer bile shit aside, I think that’s ould be pretty close to how they’d act. The whole stumbling and quick short steps that they do. Sure a fat zombie would have weight advantage, but if you can push it back then it’s weight becomes a disadvantage as it struggles to get up

>mostly bones after a couple years.
Not even that, couple of weeks tops. Watch how fast roadkill disappears during the summer.


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Yeah I had roadkill in mind when I wrote that, but a raccoon is way smaller than a human, plus roadkill tends to stay in once spot when it dies whereas a zombie walks around which would affect how fast it decays(idk if it would necessarily slow it down or speed it up though). Granted it would still decay way faster than what’s depicted in movies, but I think that they could last a few months, maybe a couple years at the most if in a cold enough area

disgusted by their sight. feel the urge to punch fat children in their fat bellies


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its my fetish so

Careful man, my uncle rick lost a hand that way. Fucked clenched his belly button and cut off circulation right at the wrist.

i am going to need a before and after my man

Fat people in general? I honestly don't mind them.
Fat permabulkers? God I hate them.

Brehs, would destroy

They're shaped like big babies.

Id say not even that. I guess if they're just standing thats one thing, but I would just take into account the law of thermodynamics. Even walking costs SOMETHING as far as energy goes. Id imagine by week 2, the average zombie would be crawling. Moving your body burns muscle, albeit small amounts, and if there is no system there repairing it, theyd quickly use it all up on just a short hike.

who is this girl and why have I seen her get posted on Jow Forums for about 8 years now?

I guess a zombie apocalypse is just something you need to survive for a year max in order to beat. Shit where I am it’s high population but if it happens during hurricane season nature would take care of that lmao

only if they're tall. if short just...idk

Depends on the universe too. For instance, in the max brooks universe of zombies, the virus wards off animals, insects, and bacteria that would normally facilitate the decay process. It doesn't really say anything about energy use, but I would definitely imagine that without a system to repair muscle, any muscle used by a zombie would be burned up pretty quick. I mean, think about how you feel the day after a a concert or an event where you spend all day on your feet. Your legs might hurt, your feet might hurt, your back might hurt. Now imagine your muscle never repaired and it only got worse each day. Cant imagine theyd last long.

electric chair

Brehs look how swollen she is like a tomatoes growing too fast for its outter layer....

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God dam she do big the loading taking so long