Jow Forums, if you could give your <20 self advice what would it be?

Jow Forums, if you could give your

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accept that i'm gay and starve myself so i don't have to do it in my early 20s.

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>stop watching porn
>teach myself proper lifting form to prevent recurrent shoulder injuries and acquire faster gains
>tell myself to major in physical therapy

kill yourself before you get to the point where nothing makes you happy

Why the last user

Explain for a youngfag

life is not worth living, what else is there to explain

Don't get fat. Make the change now. The loose skin is just as bad. Before I was just the fat guy, now I'm the deformed guy. Life is suffering and I did it to myself.

>Just because you're each other's first boyfriend and girlfriend, doesn't mean you're each other's One, you dumb fuck

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im starting my 4th year in a molecular biology major next semester
my gpa is shit and the only reason i entered this major was because of easy job opportunities since my dad works in the same field and i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life.
i still don't but i know a lot about anatomy and training from experimenting on myself and being a PT doesn't seem like it involves as much wage slavery.

Meh i disagree, just find some meaning and study some philosophy (Stoicism, Epicurus) and you will get a long way

you are probably right but... ah fuck it, a friend of mine died recently and i can't get over it, i feel like life has no meaning and i just keep drinking
how does someone die at 20 without any signs at all, ffs
i miss you Ben

Dont put your dick in her she has herpes bro. Start roiding at 17-18

Sorry m8, keep ur head up

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Don't gain all that weight and join the Air Force instead of the Navy

I feel you user, i had some shit times to and Stoicism (Mostly seneca) has got me trough some shit, i highly recommend it.
Just try to better yourself everyday user, do it for your bud. Godspeed bro

Buy bitcoin, ETH, Link, etc. etc.
Winning lotto numbers
Winning sports teams and politicians to bet on

Life = easy

I actually needed to hear this.

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All of these

thanks man, i know i just gotta get through the following couple days, it will get better if i pull through, but its difficult
i promised him, i'll become a better person. it was very sudden so not in person, but i wrote him a letter and burned it, so i think he knows, thanks for the recommend, i'll do my best

Why at 17-18?

Go out with the girl who you were hitting on your freshman year in college. Yeah you would find out she was kind of crazy, but it would give you the experience and confidence necessary to get not second guess yourself with women now until waiting until your mid 20s. While we are on that, quit lying to yourself about being friends with women you want to fuck. The super cute traditional blonde does not want to fuck you, she just sees you as trustworthy guy that she can talk to. Also dont spend so much time resenting her boyfriend- she marries him and they are way better together than you would be.

Also, get into more active hobbies instead of fucking around with friends and fucking around with vidya.

Make sure you go the gum more often. Yeah shifting over to free weights from machines will make you look embarrassing, but it's better you learn now.

you sound incredibly white, tasteless, a faggot who wears khaki shorts and wears crocs. Your penis maybe around the 5 inch mark nothing more

You should've killed yourself when you wanted to do it the most.

Wrong on all counts faggot, except for white.

Not like incels have ever been at good at predicting anything, other than how fucked their future is.

Start lifting immediately.
Don't drink yourself blind in college.
Don't get a liberal arts degree; go for something in a STEM field.
Fix your fucking acne.

have sex, bye bye, get off my board now

Turning 19 in two months and have been working out for two years and look better than most of Jow Forums, not much advice to give

>ib4 zoomer

>Study abroad in 2015 instead of 2016
>Go on the aspen spring break trip instead of that other one freshman year
>Stop playing League of Legends so much and go out with your friends more
>Don't bother lifting until after you graduate when you have a car and money (for proper dieting)
>Take calc II at the community college first summer (tough shit pal, we're bad at math)
>Get the fuck off /vg/

Don't go to college. You're not going to learn anything you couldn't teach yourself.

Forgot to add

>Buy Ethereum at sub $5 and sell it for railblocks as soon as ETH hits $350, sell nano at $32

>mfw im 20 right now

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To lift.

>don't go to law school
>get your PhD in history
>don't leave home for college

Never stop lifting. If you think it's fun now, wait until you really start getting strong, and now is the best time to stay with it. Never stop bicycling, either.

Take it easy in uni, work some more instead and get some "real" experience under your belt, INVEST what little you have, even if it's only 100-200 dollars a month into index funds/ETFs.

Also, to keep it Jow Forums, just do...something...stay active.

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This DESU senpai.

Don't trust her.

Stop worrying so much, noone worth considering is going to judge you if you just do it with confidence and say "Because I want to" when asked.
Punching someone in the stomach is more socially accepted than letting them walk all over you and far healthier for you too.

Do your best to *not* spend all your time on Jow Forums and porn sites

dont smoke weed, its a cliche that its a gateway drug but in your case its actually true, there i just saved you 5 years of wasted time you little prick

>just don't care about anything
>because a lack of emotion is the same thing as happiness

What are you going to do with this history PhD?

More water more coffee and gatorade.
No stoppy till you fuck.


That’s not even what stoicism is my man

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Teach history

If You're posting on Jow Forums theres a 99% chance you're still 14 so this thread is pretty pointless

and then bet all your profits on trump to win 2016.
then retire

I don't think my get a job while in school to be financially independent
>stop being such a perfectionist, abandon your big dreams (this advice would catch on, I can't say I regret trying)
>good luck

I was a victim of the circumstances. I tried my best. I'm broken now, but I still try to improve. I wish one day I'll be finally living a life I enjoy. We might actually make it in the end. Not like we dreamed at first, but we might get something for ourselves.

>while stoicism is about knowledge, it fosters a mindset capable of action
Just like:
>liberalism isn't about control, only freedom

Nice i want to do the same but I’m just iffy on whether it’s a good route to take. I hear the pay is shit and with all the teachers already in place idk how I’ll get into a school by then

That’s the point

Work hard, get an internship every year at uni. Invest in BTC.

Just kiss the girl you like. Stop thinking about it and do it.

I wasted so much mental energy fretting about the girl I ended up marrying because I was insecure about whether she would like me.

When I finally made my move, my girl told me she was beginning to think I was gay because it took me 6 months to realize she liked me back.

Fuck me I was such an idiot as a teenager. Don't be me kids.

Man up and be a man. Take your shot. Fortune does favor the bold.

Studies. Or learning, at least. Knowledge is the single most valuable thing.
I got my job as a financial manager because on top of my corporate finance diploma, I did a degree in supply chain management and one in contract law. Wish I could've learned more engineering as I completely rely on those nerds to explain me every single fucking project ever.
Just learn stuff, bro.

Confront every bully and asshole who tries to dominate you.

Mentally repeat: It's my planet too motherfucker. I got just as much right to be here as you.

It's amazing in life just how fleeting power is when you dig your heels in and show courage / backbone against pricks.

You don't owe any stranger anything in this world.

Fuck. Them. All.

Pay attention to where your money is going. Have fun, but stop wasting it. Get an index fund and auto-transfer from your paycheck.
Girls don't know what they want. They have no idea. Pay attention to what guys who get girls do, just don't become a douche.
college is important for some fields but not for a lot. 50%+ of majors don't get you anywhere
Fitness is more about consistency than weight moved or amount of sets.
Work muscle groups at least 2x per week if natty
you really do get smarter as you get older
a disciplined man with high energy will bury a smart man who lacks those 2 first categories
white girls are best, don't settle
porn is evil
the best car to buy is the oldest (and therefore cheapest) of a particular body style. Say you want a Ford Explorer but you don't want to spend too much. If they have a body style that was made from 2012-2016, get the 2012 if you can. It looks just like the 2016 and you can get it for thousands less. Have it inspected before you buy for at least $60 so shop actually checks it out. I bought a 2014 truck recently and everyone thinks it's brand new because it has the same body as the 2018 model. Paid 15k and new its like 32k
the Bible is legit. Its not fundamentalist Christians vs atheists. If you are in a first world country, you are de-facto christian in thought and ritual, even if you think you're atheist or Buddhist or w/e

Don't blow that guy at the porn shop and get herpes.

>porn shop

what kind of 1998 bullshit is this


I mean, I was 18 in 1998 so.

Motherfuckers need to lay off on the shorts. Goddamn. Im sure as shit not going to be wearing jeans in Florida.

give up on women

Oldfag LMAO

> mewing / proper posture
> fasting / carnivore / proper eating
> read the bible / look up
> stop consuming modern/jewified media


Stop hanging out with Noah
Get ankle stabilization surgery before you fuck up your nerve
Get a different job
Go to socialization therapy off tricare
You will be ugly and alone so don't sweat over women
Phase out toxic friends from Rhode island

none, because i know my then self wouldn't have followed it anyway.

wtf wrong with crocs?

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>the Bible is legit. Its not fundamentalist Christians vs atheists. If you are in a first world country, you are de-facto christian in thought and ritual, even if you think you're atheist or Buddhist or w/e

This one big time man. I was raised in catholic school and eventually got fed up with the bullshit and pretty much dumped religion. Not to fedora tier, but I just wanted nothing to do with it. Now that Im older and see the values that it teaches and by exposure taught me have made me a much better person. I dont believe in the paradise after death thing so much, but I recognize that people who have the values that Christianity teaches are the people I much prefer to be around. Im seriously considering going back to church at this point.

>dont fall in love
For once in your life, you will find happiness in being yourself. Then you will find a girl you will fall in love with and she will become the thing that makes you happy. But you start to neglect the things that made you happy in the first place and made her love you. Whenever she leaves because of that you will no longer reach the happiness you once had.

Dont deadlift

based bloatlord

Regarding women:
>You don't get points for being a nice guy. You didn't lose out because your oneitis prefers douchebags, she prefers abs and you're fat. That other girl thought you were funny, but guitar players are what really make her wet, and you can't even play air guitar. Stacy just wants someone to cuddle and protect her, but who can also hang shelves if they move in together. Can you hang shelves? My point is that if the only thing you have to offer is being "nice", something that everyone should already inherently be, you don't actually have anything to offer and probably aren't as nice as you think you are. Learn shit, diversify your interests. Not for women, but so that you're more knowledgeable and useful in general, and you'll see girls begin to hold their interest longer. Also stop treating them like they're special and instead start treating them like your annoying little sister.

>There is no inherent "one". You meet a girl that you find attractive, and through mutual interests and shared experiences she becomes the "one". You should still absolutely put your all into every relationship because love is beautiful and feels wonderful, but don't sweat your breakups too much.

Regarding money:
>Take advantage of your companies' 401k match and forget about whatever the percentage is that's coming out of your check. It's literally free money. Unless you're dirt poor, adjust your means so that you can forget about that 6% or whatever. Try to put at least an additional 20% into a Roth IRA, but ideally maximize the deposit on the Roth every year. If you're gonna play around with investing, go VOO for guaranteed long term gains, don't worry about individual stocks too much. If you've got a few hundred extra to blow, go for some Apple and Facebook shares, diversify with stuff that's not going anywhere.

>Get a credit card that offers cash back on everything and use it for everything. Pay it off in full before the end of the month.

>Do all the steroids, fuck bitches, work at a shitty job just to pay for drugs, live at home.
hopefully you will die at the ripe age of 25 swole as fuck drowning in poon

>excessive physical injuries and birth defects meaning that running, martial arts and any exercises that involve the spine are banned
>approaching 22 with a degree in international security studies, way overqualified for retail but also way underqualified for actual work, ergo no ongoing source of income
>crippling insecurity and depression, basically unable to chill out because I've always got my guard up/thinking about something I could be doing
>no real structure to my life, the year has had a handful of 1-2 week unpaid internships and six weeks paid casual work, my unemployed time goes by with fucking nothing to show for it
How do I get my life out of this fucking pit before I lose my entire 20s lads? I don't think the unemployment situation is that uncommon but the physical shit really gets me down

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Dont get fat.
Dont date that guy.
Actually give a fuck about college.


Regrading lifting:
>Run SS for a couple months, but swap flat bench for incline bench. Switch it up after that, either a 3 day full body routine or move to a 4 day upper/lower routine. It's OK to get bored of your routine, change up the set/reps schemes when you do and try some new exercises. It's also OK to take a day off when you're just not feeling it, but unless you're sick or on a vacation, don't take days off. Lifting is easy to fall out of hard to get in to. Stretch more. Move more in general. Don't lift for thots. Lift for yourself. The aesthetics and health will eventually become just a bonus and you'll start making soul gains, for lack of a better word.

Join us in the wonderful world of EMS. To work in fire you just need fire classes and an EMT card


its not to late with the red head, start lifting now, quit that shitty little construction job and go get your pre-reqs and BS classes done at community college for cheap and then transfer the credits to a better school when it comes time for graduation.

>t. wh*toid

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

You're about to leave the military for depression and suicidal thoughts. Those stem from feeling like you don't have a purpose in life and that you will never amount to anything. Ride out the 2 trips from the psych ward out and deal with it in any way you can.
Become an electrician. y the time you type this out you could've easily earned your journeyman's and be making big dick swinger money
Invest in Bitcoin and sell every last penny once it hits 19k. Ethereum and Monero are also good bets
Download and use Tinder/Bumble. You're attractive even as a DYEL and can smash plenty of p00n. In a 6 month time period you take your number form 2-15. Get on that shit
Get out and socialize more
Get off Jow Forums

Bro just make sure your GPA is good enough and you take on a professor in undergrad that you can do some solid research with. I'm not sure if you're a burger but a lot of the top schools don't even require the GRE anymore. I chased the money but I wholly regret it, law is the most dishearteningly dull field out there

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Stay single and just have good times with mates. Don’t live with women.

>you won't realize how important flexibility is until you lose it
>meditation will save you from mental health issues
>never believe anything on Jow Forums unless otherwise verified
>every fitness YouTuber other than Jeff is a waste of time
>ask her out before you lose your chance

dont believe that joining the military is going to give you any direction or purpose in life

>she is crazy so treat her right, not just as a fuck, so you won't see her in the position shes in now..

>eating good and doing cardio is great, but weights will enhance it

>talk to her

>fuck their feelings

>get a better attitude about life! cuz the world is only going to get worse

>become a go getter not a follower

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>keep the car my parents bought me in high school
>major in some sort of engineering degree

don't have sex
stay in california
play more sports

Keep exercising everyday and get the fuck out of town before 2018

Loose weight or you'll be fat and hit 100kg in your late 20s with more stretch marks on your stomach than a pregnant girl. Also enjoy your time in prison, it will develop your character and allow you to train every day for 3 years. Make good use of the dedicated time.

Join military. Just take the right job...the one you think is the easiest, may in fact be hard. In the end no job is perfect and life is all about what you make it.
In all honesty I joined late..30 yrs old. But it gave me great perspective, I knew life wasn't easy at a 9-5, and making ends meet in military was way easier.

Fuck trying to get huge, in a few yrs you wont care...just be super fit.

Notice how your parents, no matter how cool or fun or new or expensive things get, notice how they're always just a touch underwhelmed? It's because they've done everything a few thousand times.

Food? Done it all by 25.
Sex? No point after 30.
Drugs? Booze? BORING

The only, and I do mean the ONLY thing that makes you even remotely aroused after a certain point is a near death experience, trumped only by death itself. Victory is hollow and empty when you live in a world of perpetual disappointment.

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