Im confus

is this only possible with roids?

or is this possible natty?

thank you for time sirs

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possible natty, but only with the proper genetics, an early start, dedication and years and years of training afterwards. once attained natty, maintaining that physique is another thing though.

Pretty much this.

no can basically be attained in a 3-5 years of training, this is me after 2.5 not there yet but in 5 I'm sure I will be

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Cmon man, don't make yourself an easy target to pick on

Get the markers.

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Have sex

you think in another 2.5 years I couldn't attain similar Conor murfys physique, he's not even that big

>he's not even that big

alot of people on this board could take that advice (gay sex doesn't count)

Roided vs Natty in Connors own physique

You tell me

Stop chasing rood bodies as a natty, it's poison, you look fine

Attached: _Hvw33fN9Gr1CON2iyea9BhwrGGWbgufoSuX9Fp5FEQ.jpg (640x312, 32K)

I mean in terms of if he was taking roids he's huge for a natty but you think he's roiding common have some standards he's 6'2 100kg at about 15% bf

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photoshop lighting and tan but I still maintain that even if he did roid he was never as big as he looks in that picture, find me one video where he looks remotely that big and I'll agree with you

I'll leave you with with my words of that poster Stop chasing a roider physique as a natty, it's poison

If you lift like a retard this could take 3 years, possibly longer
SS+GOMAD+DISCIPLINE will take an average guy roughly a year

Kek, no. A body like that takes around 2-3 years of 3-4 times in the gym per week, working out like a psycho. That's all. Just always push yourself. Always try to set new PR's, else you won't evolve. Of course, genetics also play a role, but it's not really THAT important - it's more relevant regarding how much time it'll take you to reach that body. For some, it'll take only 1-2 years, and for others, it'll take 4-5 years. Persistence and constantly pushing your limits is key.

And remember to eat well.. Working out without getting sufficient protein is mindless.

exactly what I was saying the physique posted anyway some of Connors photos are shopped and not possible natty

Literally nobody but frauds look anything like that. If you check CBT, all the experienced lifters aren't even close to prime Murphy.

You're stupid. That's how long it took him ON STEROIDS. That's why idiot believed he was some natty king for so long

Let them drink their poison juice chasing roid physiques

If it takes you 2-3 years to get to that size on roids, you have bad genes.

Unsure. A lot easier to obtain on roids tho. Not too hard to maintain after cycling off if you don’t go much lower in bf%

Took zyzz the same amount of time as well, and he was natty tho right?