Why arent you taking shark pills /fit ?

Why arent you taking shark pills /fit ?

a pill of these have 160 mg protein,insane for muscle building

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Only need like 1000 of them

Jaja it cume

Will they give me a body like pic related?

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OP is a manlet so it's a good amount for him

I did for a while back in the 90s was repping 405 squat and diddy back then. Now a days I leave that stuff to my boy and just stick with some light accessories haha

>why aren’t you taking shark pill Jow Forums?
Same reason I’m not taking FrogTech

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Why should I buy this chink shit?

because i'm not going to support the killing of one of the most alpha animals on earth

veganism and that shit is stupid but you gotta respect the ocean brah

Apparently they help with joint pain, but it’s probably bullshit. Eating any part of a shark is pretty fucking alpha though

Sharks are soulless niggers
Fuck sharks

Fuck sharks.
Fuck polar bears.
Fuck all those other majestic fucks.

>We need them to keep populations in check.
Eat them too.

Yeah cartillage is non vascular tissue. The only thing that helps joint pain is strengthening muscles to help hold the weight.

imagine forgetting to take your shark capsules AND forgetting to hit deadlifts

god damn can chinese people leave these animals alone? i'm not vegan or anything but aren't we killing them off?

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A friend of mine from uni visited me at my childhood home and when he saw a shelf full of these in my basement he told me they were the most homoerotic thing and probably why i am the way i am.

Fuck that guy, Street Sharks are still JAWESOME

brah you surf?

Sounds like projection unless your street sharks were fucking each other.

I’m almost positive they werent. My Xtreme Dinosaurs might’ve been.

Kek. Good thing he didn't see the Biker Mice from Mars

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Are we? I thought there were more sharks. I thought it was Japanese killing them for shark fin soup. I only don't like that they often don't use the rest of the shark and it drowns on the sea floor without its fins. If that part was better I wouldn't care as much.

Go fuck a shark faggot

cartilage is a low-bioavailability protein, OP... don't waste your euros

Are you gonna eat rhino horn too? Are you chinese?

Sharks are cool guys

Japs kill whales. You niggas kill sharks.

I'm not chinese. I said we in response to aren't we killing them off.

Nigger what