Would fitness be helpful in this situation?

Would fitness be helpful in this situation?


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no, having a gun would
also not being a passive aggressive pussy

a taller guy always wins, regardless of how buff you are. always conceal carry.
t. manlet

well, you'd have a better chance than if you were wimpy
combat sports would help if it comes to blows, grappling disciplines may make size irrelevant if there is an important technique disparity

this video demonstrates my only issue with being a manlet. i don't really care about the effect it has on dating/girls since i do alright.

but this idea that some teenager/early twenties kid could pose a real physical threat to me simply because he has a larger frame is a shitty reality. like, i've seen kids in fucking high school that have a foot and 60lbs on me and, despite being fit and relatively strong, he could probably take me in a fight despite his incomplete brain. the teenage/college aged male demographic are (probably) the most likely to engage in physical altercations and that threat stays true for someone of my size forever.

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>put gun on table
When's the last time you got shot?

This really is a no win situation. If you agree to fight and win you’re booked on assault. If you fight and lose or decline to fight you embolden the aggressor and humiliate yourself.

Though I’d probably be willing to go to jail for fighting someone who interrupted my coffee.

It's not even about being a manlet, even a tall buff guy would lose 5v1.

>calls your bluff and keeps fucking with you anyways
What now? Are you gonna shoot a kid and go to jail just because you don't want to look weak?

Everyone is vulnerable to being shanked/shot

He's standing you're sitting, you can't get a good aim on him

You leave the establishment and go somewhere else

call him a nigger

What was the point of taking out the gun then?

Street fighting isn’t the fucking octagon. Your goal isn’t to decisively defeat dudes in unarmed combat; it’s to get away with minimal damage to yourself. If you want to win every altercation, you bring a knife or gun.

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literally the best thing to do in a situation like this is to stand up. if you stay sitting down you're gonna get fucking murdered if the guy decides to swing. realistically though the store owner will deal with this shit.

>not being a passive aggressive pussy
good advice

>This really is a no win situation.
this, dealing with someone who has zero concern for negative consequences always ends badly.
>booked on assault
assault = creating immediate apprehension of an offensive contact. as long as you don't initiate the encounter and don't over-escalate you'll have a defense against battery, which is causing an offensive physical contact.

>t. cuck
only do this if you have yet to be approached by the other party

He might not call your bluff, and if he does then you can now safely leave and shoot him if he attacks you

Only Louie did the smartest thing in the situation, give the guy a bone to tell him to fuck off. He lost the woman though because roasties logic

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Remember faggots never be afraid of getting your ass kicked. Always put up a fight as long as guns and knives are not involved. Combat sports may give you a simulation but its always a fight that will trancend you from a manlet to a man.

all this kid wanted was a reason to respect louie.

This, the only reason there was anything wrong with louie's decision is because women are retarded. If you take the pussy off the pedestal and disregard her opinion it's the optimal choice.

you've never sparred in any combat sports whatsoever nor have engaged in real life altercations
it's so obvious it hurts



It's also the biggest brained choice because you trade ego for self preservation. Only a brainlet would feel so insecure he can't out his ego away to avoid the possibility of a pointless fight, especially for pussy

In my experience, 90% of these situations come down to a question of standing your ground. It basically becomes a staring contest. It's harder than one would think to stare someone down when you've got your adrenaline pumping, though, but you've got to just stand up and stare the guy down. Hell either back off and try to play it off as a joke or punch you, but 90% of the time he won't punch you, and if he does, then at least it's self defense when you fight back.

> it's so obvious it hurts
Not as much as my fist up your ass

bro frame has nothing to do with who wins the fight. Eat more, lift more and train fighting if it really matters to you that much.

Schmorgie, ya know? Schmorgie.

Fitness helped with your T levels and these things are mostly a question of posturing. And posturing comes down to T. If two males end up staring each other down, both if their brains go into full monkey mode and it just becomes a physiological battle. Usually the guy with lower T backs down and then also takes a T hit. In fact, it's been shown that social defeat leads to an immediate drop in T levels, and the opposite is true for social victory. So the best thing to do is to stare the guy down while calling on your ancestors and trying to imagine yourself as the most vicious savage motherfucker that ever lived. It's sooooo much easier said than done though. Whenever this kind of ahit happens to me, my heart thumps so hard I think it's going to burst. That being said, guys have almost always backed off. I don't think I'm a particularly intimidating guy, but I just have a kind of crazy look to my eyes that I think gives peoe the idea that I'd bite their ear off or something.

you're too paranoid
if you're so scared of getting jumped on just get weapons and shit
you couldn't scare a toddler, zoomer. shut up

Does anyone even care about assault? Fuck, most middle aged men I know would have half a dozen assault charges in this day and age

oh bro, I've been in this kind of shit a couple of times and it fucking SUCKS
I just took the bullets
first time I was surrounded by like a dozen of negroes who god knows what could've done to me if I acted up, and the last one some 16yo kid mogged me because I didn't wanted to lay hands on a minor

I've sparred numerous times and I would gladly fight all of them at once.
>working for a gay company that has a problem with men being men

Fuck off faggot, you don't know shit about me. The point I made is true. In an altercation like this, it always comes down to two guys staring each other down, and usually the lower T guy backs down.

Jesus Christ, how poor are you?

60k/y and climbing. Not that poor, bro. Just not a fag who puts their status above their values.

Can you imagine the manlet uprising that will occur once cybernetic enhancements become a thing?

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yeah I believe that part
I don't buy the you being a grr mean scary psycho dude you think you are, that's all

>Has a normal job
So why are all your friends hooligans with assault charges then?

I'm definitely not grrr mean psycho dude. I just have weird looking eyes that seem subtly insane. I think I might have some undiagnosed mental health issues or something. I figure one can see that kind of shit in peoples' faces.

>I just have weird looking eyes that seem subtly insane.

woah there tough guy, calm down

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you're on the wrong board friend. anime larping belongs somewhere else

Who said they were my friends? I'm 25 nigga, not middle aged. They're my coworkers.

He needs to realize the world owes him nothing. Hes at the bottom of the chain.

Nothing he will ever do will be seen as normal. Laughing, getting mad, telling jokes, etc everything will be against him

Fuck I love this shit, so much of his show are scenarios like this.

I think if this was the same scenario with Louie as he is but the only thing changed was that he was fit that it wouldn't matter.
>Louie does not have the personality of a fighter
>Louie thinks he can assume dominance out of a false belief he has authority because of his age which surprises him when it isn't so
>Louie probably sees himself as a rational guy and doesn't understand that people exist who aren't like that
>Louie can't be getting into fights, he has responsibilities (doesn't wanna go to jail, has two girls to take care of, has bills that need taken care of, blah blah blah)
>This guy on the other hand has absolutely nothing to lose for getting into a fight with Louie
>He's a divorced middle aged man trying to get back into the dating scene and he thinks if he fights this guy she's gonna think he's immature and hot headed
All this shit came down on Louie in a couple seconds. He's gonna freeze up, stuttering fearful just like he did even if it was buff.


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Eat shit and die

louis ck is a race traitor and a filthy degenerate globohomo.

This literally is an anime larping board, faggot.

Eat shit

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The worst part was how the used up hole he was eating with looked down on him for not fighting. Women in this society are entitled cunts.

What evangelion is this?


Pepper spray would have put this little shitbag in the fetal position and he probably would have cried. Might not work on someone high or drunk though.

Totally easy to flip the situation.
> wow, picking on some guy while you got 5 guys to back you up, you must be a real tough guy
> if he hits you he looks like a pussy
> if he offers a one on one fight, "sorry I'm not 15, leave me alone"

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based youtube commenter

This shit made me so uncomfortable.

I'm an amateur boxer (3-1) and confrontation still makes my anxiety spike. I genuinely don't know what I'd do in this type of situation. My goal is to one day be able to remain calm cool and collected in these situations so I can make the most rational decision and not charged with fear or anger.

Okay, Pussy out of the equation. Are you tell me that you two have so little respect for yourself you would allow this to happen to you?

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Yeah, it's crazy man. It's really easy to imagine who you'd act when it happens, but when it happens idk, my heart always starts thumping out of control and I start to shake.

Vocal control would be better.

Woulda worked though


It'd kind of impressive how Louis CK manages to dig so deep into the primal fears of every men, to be humiliated by some sociopathic fratboy 20 years younger than yourself in front of your lady.

But as you're about to praise his creativity and writing skill, you realize Louis CK literally has a cuck fetish and this is the type of thing that just gets him off, so it's not that impressive anymore.

This is why you fight, knock him out and book it outta there without paying.

Louie started the situation. If you do that, you have to be ready to follow up.

>you can't get a good aim on him

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I'm fucking seething.
Just like a time I got strong arm robbed then cops threatened to arrest me for theft on the bullshit the rest of his party told them.
Carry a gun now. Doing dry fire practice now.
Fitness helps but just for the intimidation factor.
I say carry at least a gun dominant side and a fixed blade nondominant.
I've carried two guns, one for each side before though which I honestly like.
Best if the gun you carry dominant side is at least 15 round magazine capacity precisely for dealing with groups like this.
Number one is Louie should have abruptly and forcefully stood up as soon as the guy came.
It's a game of egos. Meet his and he'll probably back off unless he's really looking to victimize you.
Which a lot of them are.

Did you have a woman with you?

It wasn't because he didn't fight, it was because he didn't establish dominance. He looked like a weak little bitch, but so would I if there was a group of six dudes willing to kick my ass if I didn't admit defeat. It's just a shit situation all around.

Tell me how this wouldn't work.

The most important thing is just to not show fear. Louie fucked up by acting afraid. He should have just told the kid to fuck off and ignored him. If he kept talking to him, just say "want me to call the cops kiddo? Run home."

realistically speaking how does one deal with this without looking like a pussy ?

No fighty before coffee

>t. crazy manlet from the vid youtube.com/watch?v=Rv4D6wlJ2jI

but fights are fun tho

Usually in any group of people there are one, maybe two guys that are cocky and will fight you. All you really have to do is crush the fuck out of the first guy, maybe the second and the rest will want nothing to do with you. You can even observe this in online fight videos. Some group of frat dudes fucks with some old boxer and he lays one or two of them out with a single punch to the chin and then the rest pace around and try to reason with him or help their friends.

Obviously though this doesn't apply if they're niggers.

Oh shit, stand your ground invoked, kill him for free.

So for nig nogs just whip out a gun?

by not creating the situation in the first place
the whole scenario is literally made up and unrealis tic, how can a group of teenagers talk so loudly that you can't hear what someone next to you by the table is saying?
have you fags never been at a fucking restaurant?
just talk a bit louder
thus you won't have to act like an ass towards other people who are willing to get into a fight for disrespect

Id just start mocking, laughing im his face andd provoking him instead, if he attacks me right there then i have witnesses and law on my side if i somehow put a fork through his eyeball. If he doesnt then oh well, ita a draw then.

Step 1. When he was telling them to keep it down he shouldn't have said 'please'. Thank you was a nice touch though, good conversation closer.
Step 2. When he joins you at the table- stand up. That should be enough to get him to back the fuck down. If you're not intimidating enough(Louie is, when he's not making those pussy ass 'deer caught in the headlights' eyes), then definitely get up. And most importantly- when he approaches- don't let him talk. Don't give him the initiative.

i live in NYC, I carry a concealed pistol with me everywhere specifically for two groups:


guess which one I've actually had to threaten to use my gun on to get away.

Stand your ground and tell him hes making a mistake and theres no need for fighting. Signal the owner who should be there telling them to fuck off.
Teenage/Young adult boys love doing these powerplay fakeouts to intimidate people and get a macho feel from it but usually never do shit.

Act like Dennis, not like Mac

Probably methheads. Because despite living in NYC you probably still try and avoid niggers as much as you can.

Methheads are the ones reasonable enough to actually listen to the threat, so them, I guess.

I heard that it's incredibly hard to get a concealed carry permit in NYC, is that true?

>Signal the owner
LMAO, how? Scream "Waiter, do something!!!"?

This is exactly what I would do, having been in similar situations several times now.

Also, you shouldn't wait for him to throw the first punch. First punch statistically usually wins in street fights. Best thing to do:
>immediately stand up and get in his face
>if he doesn't back down from that, you now know you have to fight
>ask a completely non-sequitur question, somelike like "What's your mom's name?" or anything seemingly retarded and confusing
>a split second after asking, hit him

Better yet, if you can act like you're backing down like a pussy and then smash his fucking head in with a bar stool once is back is turned, do that. This is advice right out of One Bullet Away by Marine Corps Lt. Nathaniel Flick (yes, the dude in Generation Kill) given by one of his commanding officers. Only idiot children posture and bump chests. A real predator will smile, apologize to your face then slit your throat from behind.

>local man beats highschooler to death with pistol
>he was heard screaming "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY" as he bashed the kids head
>he refused to flee and told the officers that "Cardio kills gains"
Community in uproar

>he thinks testosterone is the same as seratonin
lmaoing at ur life rn

In 99% cases just getting in his face is enough. Most people, especially drunk people, will back down easy. Recent example
>out in a bar, it's hot af ourside, so I'm rocking a tank
>waiting for friends to get the drinks
>some dude a whole head taller than me approaches, asks 'what are you wearing?'
>turn to face him, say 'whatever the fuck I want'
>he backs down
>I grab a few beers from the friend, shoulder bump baldie on my way out
I expected to get hit with a bottle from behind at this point. But no, nothing.

Is this guy from comments correct?

>No, no, no. Most commentators have got it wrong. Louie did the right thing BUT he used up all his options before getting to this pivotal scene. For starters, if a bunch of football player yahoos enter a cafe and make life miserable for you, you get up and leave. You can complain to management on the way out, or depending on the thugs behavior, even to the police. End result: you and your date are alive and you haven't lost face. But Louie got assertive with them with nothing to back it up. Pretend it wasn't Louie but it was Bruce Lee or Gronkowski or someone who can back up the request of the thugs to shut up. You still lose. So Gronk and the thug, who in this case doesn't himself back down, wrestle or exchange blows and meanwhile the thugs buddies rush in from behind and one of them stick's a knife into Gronks ribs. He loses and in many real life scenarios, the good guy does lose. And for what? Most martial arts recommend you first look at your escape options and use those first.

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Ok, I double-checked and yes, there are two niggers amongst those kids, so knifing is an actual risk.
But no, you don't leave just because something makes your life uncomfortable. Remember, this is a show, actions are exaggerated here.

i hate this meme. only nigs and gypsies know how to fight more on 1. they just rush you like brutes. but when dealing with 3, 4 or even up to 6 on 1, no one ever rushed me after dropping the 1st guy. thank god theres no nigs in my country and i never had to face gypsies.