I have actual diagnosed autism and have issues with many environmental factors. The two main factors being many unfamiliar people and background noise. Currently I exclusively work out in my apartment but I want to start going to the gym. I have noise cancelling headphones which will solve the latter problem but gym environments are frightening even to people without autism. To Jow Forums's members who have gone through the struggle of adjusting to the gym environment, what advice do you have for a person like me?
I have actual diagnosed autism and have issues with many environmental factors...
Go during late hours when it’s empty, aside from that all I can say is you’ll just have to get used to it overtime, either that or invest in a homegym
Find a gym buddy. Ask a friend about going to a gym and carry on this beautiful thing together
join a 24h commercial gym
go late late
build up a tolerance for other people
Start slow, like what Terry Crews said. Go to the gym, but don’t lift anything, just get a feel of the place. After you build the habit of going you’ll realize it’s not that bad.
won't people call me a faggot or some shit if I go to the gym and don't do anything? Or are you saying use the machines but don't lift any weights?
Just go to get used to it, you don't have to exercise. Nobody will be paying attention to you, everybody is busy doing their own thing.
I have a lot of the same issues you describe, on the one hand I got lucky and have a absolute gymbro who understood and was more than willing to help and almost literally hold my hand. On the other hand it was way busier than it was when we went to get me a membership, which was a pretty immediate shock to me. Whats more one of his gymbuds came up and started shooting the shit with him, which i thought was kind of weird as we probably already looked obnoxious hogging up the rack the way we were (he kept having to repeat himself).
I shut down pretty quick and just did what he told me as best I could, having a difficult time remembering all the videos on form that I had watched was rough.
Id definitely tell you to go late hours and just keep your head down. I cant really do this as despite being there a few times now I still feel incredibly anxious and uncomfortable setting up the weights and racks myself as im paranoid ill fuck something up, resulting to me kind of sticking to my friend like an annoying leech. If you dont have that sort of problem just being late at night will help you alright. The only other thing id tell you is that of the few people that have personally interacted with me (seeing someone lift small weights seems to be a magnet for big bois wanting to I assume look impressive or pass on knowledge) every single one has seemed to take the "Im not trying to be rude im just really uncomfortable" signals pretty well. Again possibly because im on small weight and they dont want to be perceived as a bully. And for anyone who wants to say im fucking up my friend's routine/other peoples time there, i will get used it, I always do. It just takes a long time for new situations and environments.
Id think it'd be kind of weird if I saw someone in noise canceling headphones just putsing around the gym and leaving after a while man. If OP wants to take the Ease-Into-It route, id recommend using a machine thats really easy for you to use to get used to being there.
If youre just as comfortable on the weights as you are on the machines, dont let it stop you, I only recommend machines as I feel it might make someone feel a bit less in the spotlight.
No one will say anything, they’ll probably understand what you’re doing. Go to the gym to see what it’s like, don’t worry about routines or programming. When you’re comfortable start doing some exercises, then get into a program when you’re confident in yourself enough to start taking it seriously. Just don’t quit.
My buddy is legit autismo. He’s got Aspergers. The dude is like 6’4” 250lbs and fucking diesel. He’s got the kind where he’s fucking obnoxious and really annoying though. He has been able to pull some fat chicks though. Sorry I couldn’t help but hopefully this gives you hope.
Hey OP, I also have sensory issues. I think the easiest solution is just going at night, like other people said. Gym is usually deserted and it will just be you, which is nice.
If somebody is in the gym with me usually they aren't making too much noise. Sometimes clinking weights which is annoying but for me, tolerable. If somebody is slamming weights I usually just leave and come back later.
how do you know someone has autism or aspergers ? also autism is more beta or chad personality wise ?
His mom worked with my mom when we were kids. He doesn’t understand social cues at all so he didn’t have any friends. My mom forced me to hang out with him. I hated him at first but eventually he grew on me. As we got older his Aspergers hi jinx became things like slapping girls asses and other mild sexual assault. It was really funny and I’ve just become life long friends with him ever since. I’m somewhat of a tard wrangler but he’s honestly cool as hell 80% of the time nowadays.
>slapping girls asses and other mild sexual assault
that sounds terachad tier
Just do it
Saying this to emphasize what others have said: go to the gym and start with one exercise. Maybe just one lift or 10mins on the treadmill,then go home and finish your workout. You just have to take steps to systematically desensitize yourself to the environment. You can do it user, we all believe in you.
Thanks user, I am moved by your support. I may post updates in the coming days if you people want
You have to remember that no one in the gym cares what you're doing UNLESS you get in their way, make excessive noise or hog their equipment or leave a mess. Unless you're jumping around like a monkey or something people won't care or notice.
You might get a personal trainer for a few sessions just to feel comfortable. The personal trainer will walk you around and people will automatically ignore you extra when they see a PT. Could make you feel less awkward.
Am poorfag and cannot afford a personal trainer
Often, I just go to the bathroom to get away when I'm overstimulated. They have a raised floor where the lockers are that I sit down on. Noise cancelling headphones eliminate most of my problems. I never talk to anyone there except for the people working at the front desk, so I've never really had an issue socially. Most people tend to ignore you and do their own thing, like others have said. I haven't lifted in the weight section. I have too much anxiety, a fear of not doing things right and breaking something or looking like an idiot. Every time I'm there, every bench is taken with extremely fit guys who know what they're doing and they all look at you. I'm wondering how to overcome this myself. There's never a time of day they aren't there because our gym is only open a few hours a day. I know it may seem silly, but keep something comforting with you that you can stim with or grab unto, especially white talking with others. I use a textured band on a fitbit. I also carry around a tangle, which is the thing in pic. I use it to keep my hands busy when doing things that aren't lifting. I like focusing on the way weights feel in my hand, and buying extremely comfortable clothes help me too. I have shoes with a variety of balances in the soles that always keep my work-out interesting because the exercise feels different depending on the shoes I wear that day. I kind of have a feel for what kind of things are going to bother me that day, and I prep accordingly by knowing which items and clothes will help me cope the best.