Does practicing combat sports help you get fit as well?

Does practicing combat sports help you get fit as well?

Attached: nigger btfo by legless guy.webm (270x480, 2.93M)

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No because the only measure of fitness we recognize here is being able to lift heavy objects

how the fuck did they even end up fighting each other?



why are niggers so niggery

As 65 kg skinny guy who did lot of kyokushin and boxing I can say - no. You need some sort of additional strength training.

If he's already got metal legs is it more or less of a handicap if he takes them off? Like his legs won't get tired but if you punch a man with stumps for feet then you've already lost the spiritual battle.
Our handicapable friend has truly won on every front.

OP's webm is pretty tame, usually it ends up like this.

Attached: 1540961385231.webm (720x480, 2.05M)

Feel bad for the kid in black.
>Can't just kick the fucker because he'd look like a cunt
>Losing makes him look like a bitch

IMO handicapped kid is worse than Jews for using public sympathy as a weapon.

That was a good trick

Black kid should be commended for not using soccer kicks and stomps. He could have ended our legless friends life with ease

The handicapped kid IS a jew

>Caring enough about your public reputation so much that it hinders you from punting this ginger jew-fro's head like a fucking NFL field return.

Sorry, gimpy, but your time has come.

Fucking niggers. Why do we let such dangerous animals loose in society? They should all be killed for the greater good.

First I was rooting for the black kid out of principle, but when I saw the other dude had no legs... damn, he has heart

Look at that hair. There's no way the cripple isn't a kike.

>start fight
>begin losing
>pack immediately jumps in

Fucking niggers. They're the same as gypsies. Thankfully, we don't let them study in the same schools as our kids.

Fucking niggers

Yeah, and they want whites to accept multiculturalism, when all the other races play for their own team

>Living near blacks

I hate niggers so goddamn much. No ambitions, no honour, no respect for the elderly, women or animals.

Why is killing them illegal again?

>not using your acquired gains to film people quietly
>not enjoying the sheer look of confusion or terror

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Jews fall for their own tricks, you know. I mean one of the female Rothchilds is fucking a nig.

Weird, for me it was the reverse

Kill all nigger loving whites first since they're the ones who allow them to exist.
No other race worship niggers as much as whites do.

The white dude looks young and decent, why the fuck would he settle for some brown goblina?


Attached: 1 v 4.webm (362x640, 1.59M)

Don't kid yourself. Only americans worship niggers.

This is why you need friends in HS. My buddies always backed me up when shit hit the fan.

The whites were in the wrong for ever being around blacks in the first place

Fucking niggers

Yeah but the nigger-loving American media dominates the western world thus infecting other countries with their propaganda. Just look at the UK for example.

Fucking niggers can never honor 1v1 if I'm fighting a nigger I'm gonna bring my glock to even the odds

The USA and their jewish masters are a blight upon the world.

This thread made the whitebois seethe

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As a Latino mutt, is cause whites are the only ones nice (stupid) enough to swallow that PC shit.

Who gives a shit? Most Jews don't live near around niggerhoods like normal people would do if given a choice. So it's very unlikely that ginger is a Jew.

Has a nigger ever invented something useful? Aside from nigger food, which kills niggers (and thus is a good thing)?

Can't even begin to imagine how much of a fucking rat you'd have to be to jump in like that.

don't even bother with combat sports if you are under 6'2"

Connor McGregor is worth 110 million dollars

>They should all be killed for the greater good.
Implying theres any good for keeping them alive.

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still a manlet that would be crushed by an adult sized male

Less of a handicap when he takes them off because the opponent won't fight him as hard.

The obvious choice is to immediately kick him in the head like you're trying to score a field goal with him, but unless you're the most niggardly of black gentlemen, social stigma will stop you from doing that.

It's like getting in a fight with someone then suddenly realising that you somehow didn't notice they're an 80 year old woman. You might still fight them, but it'll be incredibly awkward, your body will almost refuse to just steamroll through them.

See every 'oh isn't it so brave and inclusive' high school wrestling matchup where a strong and healthy teenager is pitted against some physically handicapped kid.

I would say that wrestling,boxing,kickboxing,thaiboxen full contact and some competetives like judo will make you a good allrounder when it comes to condition,strength and power endurance.
but if you just like to look like a bulk up faggot, only start lifting weights.

Post body I guarantee McGregor would beat your shit in so fast

seethe more manlet

Reminder that race isn't real, and you're all insecure brainlets

Provide factual evidence.

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Ahem FUCK N-

white boys need to man the fuck up most of them in schools are betas, they get what they deserve for being inferior


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it won't get you /aesthetic/ but it'll make you healthier and probably be more fun than just straight running or lifting


Attached: vitun neekeri.webm (354x360, 2.5M)

user, what the fuck is a NFL field return? You mean a field goal or a punt?

is it legal to open fire on a pack of niggers if they surround me and I fear for my life? (In self defense) I could shoot a chimp and feel less remorse for swatting a fly, they're not human

I wouldn't care at that point. Just shoot those apes.

It can bring cardio fitness and give you a good boost on your way to making it but it alone won't help give you a good physique.

Great gif. Hope they didn't steal his legs.

This dude shot 4 blacks that were about to, allegedly, mug him. He shot them before they intitiated the mugging proper, but after they had surrounded him on the subway. He got away with it. Now, over 30 years later, he's some small time weed dealer or something if i remember right.

Do we really need to explain it to you?

if you do the strength and condition classes your gym has (provided its not a mcdojo and actually has them) and have a good diet then yes of course! Most people end up being a more athletic build though, as if your training seriously your there for like 3-4 hours nearly every day. With kettlebells and just in general the weight training is mostly tied to power and endurance. I'm 6'2.5 and like 185 lbs rn. Im pretty skinny cuz eating a shitton is a bitch and im never hungry. So in conclusion dont be a retard like me and yeah!

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That was 35 years ago, I don't know if we'd be able to get away with that shit in current year

God niggers really are the worst.

Why are niggers so weak? 4 vs 1 and they couldn't drop the guy?

>Has a nigger ever invented something useful? Aside from nigger food, which kills niggers (and thus is a good thing)?
Soul food was invented by Southern whites.