Dont eat too many carrots

Dont eat too many carrots

Attached: carrots.jpg (640x478, 33K)

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the chad carrot man vs the virgin vitamin A deficient man

Imagine being taned and eating carrots, super golden tan

I did last night and when I wake up, I thought my finger bled, but i couldnt wash this shit out so it's probably because of the carrots yesterday

Attached: carrot2.jpg (450x307, 44K)


he eats too many carrots, doesnt he, Jow Forums?

Attached: orange man.jpg (2053x2560, 498K)

how the fuck is he so orange? was he Swedish?

Do you get the same from the animal form of vitamine A? I would love a more tanned skin, but don't want to chew fucking cock like (((plant))) sticks all day.


I only eat meat once a week. So no
If you wanna get tanned, go outside for 1-2hrs a day

Yeah, eat liver instead

>not using your acquired gains to film people quietly
>not enjoying the sheer look of comfusion or terror

the fuck is that Jow Forumstard comment section holy cringe

no. you need beta carotene available in plants (which is a precursor to vitamin A). Alternatively, take a beta carotene supplementation (I take 10000 IU daily)

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They're a German-American family.

>being scared of carrots
So this is the power of Jow Forums

ur so fucking dumb

why exactly faggot

exactly beacuse you think eating carrots yesterday would have any effect on your skin today retard

but wtf is that shit on my fingers then?
looks like blood but its also orange
cant wash it off


im virgin

idk maybe sun spots if you were out in the sun

it has a red orange color on my nails, impossible man
i cant go to the doc because i dont have an insurance.

eh i wouldnt worry about it, will probably go away on its own

>im virgin
what about your boi pucci?

It would you retard, carotenemia can last for days and you only need to eat like 3 big carrots

Thats exactly the term i was looking for, thanks

Reminder skin tone changes from being high caretinoids are separate from high tan.

Also-high caretinoid status is independently attractive from being tan

You can go overboard like that jew kid on Magic Schoolbus, but the opposite is also true. If you don't get enough beta carotene in your diet, you end up looking overly pale and sickly. Getting a good balance of fruits and vegetables that contain beta-carotene and stuff along those lines ends up giving you a baseline "glow" that makes you look more vibrant and lively.

pic-related is an example of someone who really needs to fix his diet or something, because you can clearly see the nutritional deficiency in his face.

Attached: alphadestiny hair.png (649x719, 429K)

I'm Swedish and German and not orange.

It's just from spray tanning. That's why he always has normal-colored circles around his eyes That's where those little eye protectors go when you get a spray tan.