Genetic Engineering

All right lads, there's no denying that in the next 30-50 years designer babies and gene editing will become the norm. Will being natty stay relevant? Or will it just be a sign of being a poorfag?

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All of us will be the same and it wont be fun or motivating to mog others :/

I hope I don't live to see this shit. There will be literally no way to compete for us non genetically modified people.

imagine having 15 genetically engineered blond haired blue eyed sons, fuarrrrk i gotta make some money

These retards ruined educational Youtube channels forever.

>not taking steroids now so you're ready to beat up the crispr zoomers

Having test will cease to be relevant. People will probably look like the stalkers from HL 2.

>not using your acquired gains to film people quietly
>not enjoying the sheer look of confusion or terror

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Imagine being called "natty" as an insult. It will be the new n-word in the future

Lifting wont be the same

It will be the end of us all

It doesnt matter cause ill be dead by then hahaha

Only the ignorant and suckers will let demons corrupt your DNA so that the name of the Lord is profaned (in the DNA there is the sequence 10 5 6 5, which translates to YHWH)

If you get this DNA "upgrade" you won't be able to go to heaven, your heart will be cold, you won't be able to repent and have empathy

Same reason i'm not going to have kids. It would be a hard life for them and i dont want them to curse their waking life and me for my poor genes

You're better off, they'll end up turning themselves into sterile insectoid slaves.

Only the ignorant and suckers will let demons corrupt your DNA so that the name of the Lord is profaned (in the DNA there is the sequence 10 5 6 5, which translates to YHWH)

If you get this DNA "upgrade" you won't be able to go to heaven, your heart will be cold, you won't be able to repent and have empathy

No one can compete with those God is with

Based moralbro, well said. All of them will be beautiful but all will be soulless husks

CRISPR is the next step to enlightenment and evolution. I welcome it

>genetic engineering
>next 30-50 years
> implying ((((they)))) are not doing this right now

Go back to /x/ schizos

But user, steroids dont give you strength

Just don't cry and say nobody warned you

I would pay big money for my perfect genetically engineered waifu

>hahaha can you imagin being still a natural lol

Finally someone gets it.

GM and natties can both get fucked.

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That's why you try your hardest to get rich now before the window closes and there's truly no chance. Everyday it is more and more important to be wealthy.

Yes, this already happened too, fallen angels started fucking human bitches and then nephilins born out of this started eating everything, then God in all his wiseness and mercy dropped the great flood on these impious faggots

COPE prepared fifty years in advance, well done

Thats why you need to beat them to the ounch, you can make crispr kids today

>running to the Jew
Never gonna make it

You have a literal slave mentality and, god willing, you will soon have a slave body too.

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Consider this. The first gen of gene modeds will probably all die in their thirties and parents will do stupid shit like making their kid named goku, put their hair blue and have him with orange skin. Geners will be absolutely mocked and ostracized lads, you wont live to see it normalized.

This is the exact reason I'm not having children.

The thought of bringing a child into this world, having him grow up to be in his prime years only to to get blown the fuck out by genetically modified 6'5 uber chads is soulcrushing.

some guy on /sci/ talked about new improved egg selection technology and how you could almost pick any possible combination of genes out of the ones you have, which if applied to everyone could raise IQ levels by like 20-30 points in a country

It will be so expensive you won't have to worry. You aren't competing with the very top either, and we will probably all die in 30 years.

2000 years plus actually, it already has happened, the greek heroes and shit were all demons and human spawns

Id rather be a slave in heaven

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Oh brave new world

I wouldnt mind being a novelty in that era with perfect beings totally curious about me and my imperfections tbqh desu senpai

But they wouldnt take you seriously. Do you really want to live a life like that?


>implying people take me seriously
Oh user bless your soul

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Joke's on them, they've handed their reproduction to a separate entity to decide what's "best" for them.

Your quote is actually true. But you're retarded if you think that genetic enhancement is inherently morally wicked.
I bet your the type of person that wouldn't push the fat person in front of the trolley so he could save 5 others. Mumbling to yourself that your hands are clean as they die screaming.

I'd kill myself before seeing shit like that. It would be hell seeing ubermensch all around me and then looking at the mirror knowing that whatever i do at that point is pointless against those genetjcally engineered bastards. Im already insecure as fuck today. Thinking about it makes me cringe

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Shit OP youve given me another reason as to why money is important

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Genetically similar babies and diseases getting stronger coming at the same time sounds like a really bad mix

Damn i can imagine people paying for and buying imperfections like theyre accesories/quirks

>China is investing heavily in African countries, so they can get UN votes and access to African resources
>Africa has an HIV problem
>Many Chinese men are knocking up African women and leaving
>Chinese scientist just genetically engineered two babies immune to HIV/Aids
This is happening right now

Don't worry man, it'll be immoral not to modify your children. In fact, it'll be mandatory, they'll know what's best for them.

Shit like that is already happening today. See freckle tattoos

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That looks absolutely horrendous

looks fake af, she is also fat

What a stupid bitch

Like a new form of vaccination. I guess

Literally looks like a bad case of blackheads. What kind of a dummy can you be to do that to yourself?

>tfw I'll be able to have ubermensch white children and still have a submissive asian wife
Hapas/White Whores BTFO'd

Thats why you should do your best to become prime chad today because it would be near impossible in a future full of genetically enhanced chads

Fuck user youre right. Thanks for the positive vibes, fren

The next 2 generations are only going to become shittier and weaker due to vaccinations and improved healthcare. Even a modest Chadlite from today will look like an absolute beast 70+ years from now. All the concerned virgins ITT should take comfort that this likely wont be widespread during their life.

Are your sure this will happen? I mean they imprisonend the guy trying to make an aids resistent baby. Monotheists standards still define the sovereignty on morals and ethics and maybe keeping us in the dark age in relation to our true potential. I imagine the first state declaring it`s goal to get evolution on the next level bombed by america and terrorized by the middle east.

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The jooz will not allow the existence of ubermen, my friend

It can be, but doesn't have to. You can diversify the genes that are important for immune function.
However soon, probably before gene exiting becomes widespread, we will be able to make virusses that are only lethal in people with a certain genetic profile. Then allowing designer babies becomes asking for trouble, because a bioweapon could fuck your shit up and not cross the border back to its country of origin.
Then again bioweapons are already quite deadly, and yet aren't used that much, so maybe it'll be fine.

The first designer babies will be like this, a genetic defect removed here. A small adventagous mutation there. All these edits are incredibly simple however. They target just one gene. Thinks like intelligence would be hardest to improve robustly, since it depends on many genes. While HIV immunity only depends on one. (CCR5)

I don't care about other trivial differences, I just want a boy. Is this possible nowadays?

I can sleep easy now because of you lads

They'll all be designer chinks so expect tall asians. Whites will be restricted by our morality, blacks by their stupidity and arabs wills say it's haram or something.Just means we'll have to try harder when everyone reaches the reasonable conclusion that China delenda est.

Are you saying that chinks are gong to rule the world in the near future? Thats even worse

Ehh, theyre alright. At least slightly better than pseudobroscience channels

Haha can you imagine being bullied by genetically modified goddesses that are taller than you and being pushed around while theyre laughing at your sub quality genes and fondling and prodding your genitals while you get flustered as they call you a natty? Haha that would be embarassing haha

China does not have that problem though

Yeah user that would be so funny haha i wish it would never happen to me

Absolutely based. This might actually be the best part of gene editing.

Boy as in a son? Or you want a boy as your lover?

Fuck user youre making me sweat just thinking about it

Shut up im on nofap >:(

Bro keep the fuck up.

Yes, unless we get our shit in check. Chinks will rule the earth in 20 years.

Attention whores
what else?

I know but how will this workout for the rest of the world? If these experiments become the norm in china will the west try to hold them accountable? Will we have our experimental designer babys officially or secret projects with a cold war like rhetoric to not fall behind china? I´m way to uninformed to take an educated guess on this.

Kek. Boy as in son.

Those are the same tards who said migrants lower crime rate

I swear I saw the writing on the wall right after they gained like 200k subs in a month.
G*rman does as G*rmans do.
"Hey I'm an authority on something, better use it to push multi-kulti." Get your mindset right.

we'll probably be able to change adult height with it so, that's good.

>tall asians
the chinks will genetically engineer themselves to be white. Blue eyes and blonde hair, tall, wide frame and muscular, smart

>live with what you are born
>let a Jew rewrite your DNA

Isn’t selecting the prettiest and healthiest female to have the best DNA also a form of genetic engineering?

If Jews would rewrite DNA you couldn`t spot them by their nose right?

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How do you know it won’t actually be cheap and streamlined in the future? Some Einstein invents a machine that automizes the process so any layman can drag and drop on a computer screen what he wants.

>all doctors are jews
I know you're desperately shitting on the floor for attention, but this is ridiculous

post link

was months ago, but it's been mentioned a few times

Why aren`t we doing this? If there is anything everyone can agree on is that stupid people are a pain in the ass especially stupid people don`t notice themselves as the problem.

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ffs, not all jews have a hook nose.

This, shoot me up with that tasty CRISPER virus, and let me soak in that maximum me.

>Ban eugenics
>Allow this

I blame the richfags.

Yup, they also provided evidence to back up the claim.

What evidence do you have to the contrary? Oh yeah, nothing.

THere's no way they could considering the germanic and european nations where migrants flooded in were so swapped with crime they outright stopped publishing crime statistics, and if they did started removing the racial statistics of crimes so you couldn't directly link the migrants to anything even though the past records were there.


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Genetic modification will be meaningless to you no matter how rich you get. It has to be done when the subject is still an embryo, so the genetic modifications can divide into every cell in the body