What's the worst mogging you've received?

What's the worst mogging you've received?

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This one dude that I knew was a lot smarter than me... Everything besides the IQ is a meme, coping, and sad

I was on a date with a girl in philly at a classy restaurant, and saquon barkley walked in out of nowhere

Was doing a deload week so not going heavy on anything. I was doing incline dumbbell press and some guy set up next to me while I was doing my set. When I was putting my dumbbells away this guy started to warm up with 40kg (on the incline as well), then he got up and was like a head taller than me with a chiseled square face. Never felt so mogged in my life as a 194cm lanklet.

So he was at least 220cm tall? Are you sure this wasnt a dream?

220cm is literal manlet status in Europe

who the hell goes clubbin with a stringer on lmao

Not sure if this is mog or narcissistic rant, but I think I'm mogged by life. I'm not short or extremely fat or skeleton skinny, but rather average at best at everything or completely suck.
I was bullied and received and seen as ugliest, weakest, smelliest, and dumbest guy in class and at my age in high school. I literally looked like a potential school shooter or dude from special needs class, because I'm slowpoke, don't speak much, can't count properly, low stamina, was always broke, am often moody and hotheaded, introverted, passive aggressive, half broken emotionally and mentally by parents and surroundings, and always tried to make things perfect and do not screw up, but ended up screwing up at everything, and I just lost interest in everything, especially studying and just gave up. Even now classmates laugh from me or cringe when they look at me.
Similar situation was in college. I wanted to change and become better person, but enthusiasm vanished soon enough. People peaked and got As or Bs, worked hard, had fun, and I just barely got Cs or Ds, was made fun of for being hardheaded and trying to be perfectionistic, doing things in time, but I was pulled down to the bottom because I fought myself and my emotions, blamed myself and parents for failures and dreamed about random shit, by trying unsuccessfully to get better, getting better working routines and better habits (although my parents screwed me over with their unpredictable shit), but nothing good happened and I was perceived as a retard or edgy with no future and no hopes.
Hell, even my parents see me as a nutjob and broken mess, and hate me, they don't even want to help me and at least compensate somehow the mess they made of me when I was in middle school.

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arabs and northern africans

what happened

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Nice blog you messed up nutjob

Not really that bad but still made me feel kinda weak.
>start weightlifting
>thinking I'm hot shit when I'm doing 60kg cleans on the platform
>big guy comes on the platform next to me
>loads 100kg on the bar and starts muscle cleaning and pressing it for reps without breaking a sweat just for fun
>felt a bit weak

t. dyel braincel

I was smashing this woman from behind one time and she turns around and she says, "Wow your dad's dick is so much bigger than yours". I was so pissed I told Dad to stop recording so I could go back and compare it in the footage but Mom said to keep going.

Many such cases. Sad!

>fuck off from europe fucking australians

s-s-sauce please

then why do so many smart people not take care of their bodies and let them rot?

I am the one who mogs.

im 5'7 and i never get mogged.

Having brainpower doesn't neccessarily imply the will to use it.
And a lot of people who are perceived as smart are anything but.

My 12 year old niece is taller than you

I always wanted a tall girl. Tell her I said sup.


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Can tell from the physiognomy both of these guys are amerimutts with an IQ near 100

the entire dinner she kept sneaking pics of him to send in her groupchat and kept glancing at him
can't ever compete with a NFL player, i guess

I`m not fit at all, but my wife is into fitness. She`s always claimed she loves my "dad bod", and i`m fairly self confident so was cool with it.

Well we went to a friend's barbecue, and a few people were in the pool playing volleyball whatever. I went with jeans to the party because i didn't think i was going to get into the pool, but she was wearing like bikini, mostly because it was summer.

Well my wife went into the pool. I was already a bit pissed. Then they started playing chicken and my wife hopped on this guy who was ripped. I couldn't walk up to the pool and say anything, so i just sat there staring at her until she saw i was pissed. She saw me and didn't do anything.

Pretty bad mogging.

Pretty sad bro

Pure cuck

I went to the gym early one morning and I’m benching 2pl8 and hardly repping it for 5 because I’m exhausted. Total Chad walks up and warm up on incline bench with 2pl8s for like 10. Total mogging, haven’t lifted in the morning since then. But ironically enough I was sitting in chipotle one day and I see him walk in wearing a UPS outfit so it really goes to show that you have no fucking idea what is going on in someone’s life

right is Nicole Kopchak

shit wife

Shoot her. And him. Only manly thing you can do.

I've known many FedEx and UPS drivers
Depending on their route and how much they want to work they can make more than decent money
Shitting on someone's line of work casually makes you sound like a twat, I'm glad UPS man mogged you

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My best friend mogs me pretty often, it's actually given me a bit of an inferiority complex

Now the goal is to train until I can mog him back

I feel sorry for tall girls cuz nobody wants them

I'm too far gone man.
Just pretty much accepted the cuck life and try to avoid fights and whatnot. I know this board would shit on me for this but whatever. Once you're 30 you realize you settle with what you got and things could always be worse.

What do you do for work? A lucrative job sitting in a cubicle and sucking up?

breh saquon leg mogs most people, thats just unlucky

IQ is only a tool to assess how good of a source of tax you'll be in the future.

IQ is a meme.
Only thing that matters is how many children you'll have.

>feeing bad for women

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What happened to you to turn you into this?
You can still lose weight and put on muscle past the age of 30.

I got you my man
Steps for success right here:
>Get Jow Forums
>fuck another chick
>record/take pics
>show her
>break up
ez clap

who is that and how do I get this mode

She didnt stop until she came from grinding on his thick neck and bulging traps

Nah man, I'm handsome lmao.

speak for yourself

Can you really call yourself "smart" if you don't train both your body and your brain? Brains versus brawn is a dichotomy created by complacent betas to jew genuinely capable guys out of achieving their full potential by creating an Achilles heel so that person will always "have a weakness" that can be exploited by lesser men. If he's physically built, he must be mentally weak. If he's well-educated, he must be a skeleton. The sacrificial notion that you have choose one or the other is truly the greatest filter when distinguishing pseuds from true intellectuals.

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You don't feel sorry for a girl thats like 5'11? Bitch can't even wear heels because she'll be taller than 90% of the men. This leaves here with 10% of the tallest men, and most of which prefer smaller girls. And the Chadlets 5'7 above are out of reach, and obviosuly the manlets 5'6 beneath.

>This leaves here with 10% of the tallest men
and me

>go to friends house
>know it is outdoor event
>know friend has pool
>know swimming is an option
>dont bring swimming trunks
>pissed that your wife brought her bikini

Sounds like you just fucked up and want to blame your wife for it. Fuck the "mogging", you're just autistic.

>Brought home huge slut from tinder
>Had sex, pretty good, nothing amazing
>I'm finished, she ends up having sex with my roommate
>She's screaming, he's giving it to her hard, she loves it
>She sends him nudes later, no longer messages me
>They still fuck sometimes

True story.

Well, being an aging bald manlet is no fun. But at least my dick is bigger than the statistical average.

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would you prefer a tall woman or a short cutie?

You're gonna have to honour kill her, bro.

It's the only way to not be a cuck.

manlets are below 5'5, you look taller than that

trick question, a tall cutie
nothing would make me happier as a father than to be mogged by my children

I'm barely 5'10 barefoot (I'm lying to myself, I'm actually 5'9).

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you've fallen for his manlet tricks
first his picture is in a mirror, at an angle
secondly, he wears shoes with lots of cushioning
and lastly, the composition of the picture has a lot of empty space at the bottom to further complicate the casual observer's perception

I'm 6'5", I date Amazons only.

Womanlets don't even bother. If you're under 5'10" this just going to be impractical.

Cant mog what you cant see...

>my dick is bigger than the statistical average
...of course a good proportion of those stats are padded by the insectoids, so.

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...but then again, a good proportion of those stats is padded by the insectoids, so.

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you look bosnian

I would have dumped that whore on the spot desu. Caring about sportsball man at all is a red flag for being retarded, especially if you are on a date.

wouldve guessed 6'-6'3 by the first pic

yes bro all those inventors and scientists throughout history are actually dumb and not as smart as you because they didn't have abs

Imagine actually believing this lmao

Good bait if bait.

If not I have some bad news for you pal

left looks like Daisy Keech

>mate takes me to a candy shop in a supermarket
>the cashier is no where to be seen and we look around
>As we are about to leave the 6.1+ft nordic Chad cashier apears and mogs us both big time
>We both make a hastly dissepreasen
>We make a hastly

Get strong faggot. You're a man. You're the boss. You're gonna stay fucking cucked and destroy that legacy your ancestors build for you by defying their manliness? Jesus fuckin christ.

I have a mate who is 6’2, 110KG and pure rippling muscle, like absolutely huge and terribly, terribly handsome. I’m not DYEL but I look like shit next to him, I’m 6’0, 80KG and in decent shape, I’m far better than your average, however he mogs me in every department: size, strength, looks and he even financial mogs me because his father is extremely wealthy and he drives a lovely car.

I’d post a photo of him to reinforce my claims because he’s gigachad model tier but I don’t want to risk compromising his or my identity. He’s still a bro tho and I love him as a mate.

Awh man, let this be fuel for lifts mate

This is upsetting. Holy fuck.

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Maybe if you live in China...5'8-5'11 girls are the best.

how can lifts help

name one scientist or inventor who didnt have abs
>inb4 stephen hawking
its well known that all of his theories were thought up by his chad phd student while he just typed them up

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and our survey says, your cognitive distortion is the mental filter

She probably gave him her number and fucked him later. Like you said, can't compete with a NFL player

>get rid of your ego
>never get mogged again

I hope this is just some shitposting copypasta

>the eternal manlet

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caught redhanded you samefagging cunt

What the fuck?

Most based post I’ve seen. I’d just be so happy if my children moved me into oblivion

Please tell me you got up after dinner, excused yourself, and immediately left the restaurant sticking her with the entire bill.

The ultimate pill: your children are biotrash. The only things that matters is whether your name enters the annals of history, be it Hitler or Einstein.

Got any tips for picking up chicks on Tinder? Never used it before.

They're extreme examples of dedicating your entire life to the sciences and engineering to achieve what they have. Your typical "smart" guy isn't going to do shit with his 3.5 gpa and liberal arts degree.

I'm guessing your noticeable bald (ie balding from the front hairline) because you're wearing a hat.

also, do you wear lifts?

>tripfag is so self absorbed he places himself ahead of his kids
Should I be suprised?


Igor is a jew

What mogged?

Being made to feel inferior when contrasted with the person next to you.

Solution: Stop being self-aware.

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cool story bro

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Clearly not exclusively as per OPs pic

Every manlet owns a pair of these.

I heard a group of girls laughing at a manlet in the gym for wearing them saying he was only wearing them for the extra added cm to his soles

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