Am I dyel

5'5 manlet 155lbs

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Mirin those hands senpai

how long did it take you to hit that.


Based angry birds poster

3 rd pic of all side poses that day

You are nothing but a manlet

nice tits

No longer dyel

looking good

Not dyel, I'm mirin. I'm also 5'5 but only 140 pounds. I've only been lifting for a year but would like to get a physique more like yours.

5'5" belongs in the chastity cage sweetie

nice angry birds poster


Do you allow people to pick you up and carry you

youre a cutie

What are your lifts?

What’s in the box

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My lifts ohp 100x5. Bench 215 1r squat 275 bbrow 160x5

Jesus CHRIST. How does this happen to people?
I grew up in a loveless, trailer trash home, ate nothing but either powder mash or hot dogs for my meals as a kid, and grew to be 5'11" despite both of my biological parents being 5'2".


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Average male height in the shithole I grew up in is 5'8" at best, so I'm not complaining

>this guy comes in your gym and starts benching 3pl8 for reps

Good chest and arms! Looking good brah!

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How hard are you cranking your arm to make the left side of your chest look like that one really bad captain america drawing?

You're not DYEL but you're definitely W(hy)DYEL

You dont look dyel but you look underage and manlet like you said.
Unironically put a shirt on, how else will we know if you're truly dyel

It's called genetic growth dynamic. Your parents were much worse off than you or your mom cheated

good shit dude
mire and ask if he needs a spot

Can I see more? Legs?

>or your mom cheated
Well, I certainly wouldn't be surprised by that; but my mom is a hippo cunt and can't attract any man who is above 5'7", so that still wouldn't explain me being the king of manlets

My legs

Attached: IMG_20190601_170043013.jpg (2448x3264, 1.57M)

i need to see the legs

nice legs user, be my gf?

Post ass faggot

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what are you hiding under that tshirt?

your face looks like shit and your proportions look short and stocky, I recommend losing like 80 lbs (all the fat and the muscle mass) and maybe you'll look taller.

Unironically your real dad is 6'4"

I always kek with these seething butthurt lanklets so miserable they can't stand seeing anyone better than them

Mirin the arms. Are you puffing our your chest though in this pic? You look kinda fat and i suspect its because of this weird pose you are doing. Can you just post a regular body pic with no weird posing?

I'm 1 inch taller than you and weigh 5 more pounds by I have zero muscle mass and look like a girl.

Holy shit THAT’s why the op pic was freaking me out, fucking hell

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This. Mirin

whats wrong? Chad's GF wont let your little winky out of the cage? You will get used to it after a while sweetie :)

I unironically hope so, but I doubt it

Clean up your fucking room, you filth

Yeah ok lanklet.

i'm 5'5" too

should i kill myself

btw op your body looks gross.

>turbo manlet weighs as much as me and already looks swole
Fucking christ I wish I was either taller or shorter. 5'9" is evil