How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

Attached: matt_kroc.jpg (1280x720, 178K) this?

Attached: janae_kroc.png (352x350, 244K)

through a series of mental illnesses

Being an autistic retard who thinks lifting would cure his mental illness yet it only fueled it.


He fucked up his test balance, it messed up his brain and he became a tranny from living with too much estrogen

anyone who gets as yoked/roids as hard as Kroc is already mentally ill, not surprised he jumped on the tranny bandwagon as well

He got into bodybuilding because he's one of those types who wants to be a "freak" for attention

The most attention you can get from being a freak in the current year is being a whining tranny faggot and so here we are

Kroc said that he wanted to be a girl since he was 5 years old and he didn't use test until after he had testicular cancer. Could he have lied?

damn, kroc looks like THAT?!

Anyone else stop doing Kroc rows for fear they'll make you gay?

>never used test
>looks like that

He grabs your twink body, flings you over her shoulders and drags you to her sex dungeon, wwyd?

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You're getting fucked in ass raw for not using her pronouns, bigot

That's what he claimed. He also has competed in drug free powerlifting leagues. It's possible to be natty when you are genetically gifted and start lifting from the age of 9.

it's never possible to be natty and be that size

What kinda guys do you think she's into? What kinda guy do you have to be to get up in that?

Fun fact: that was his dildo

Lil black men

God damn look at all the hair he got back. I'm taking the tranny pill lads.

>it's fucking real
peak clown world

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Clearly a manlet who went trans so he could wear heels and feel tall for once.

deeply this.

you know, it actually makes sense if you think about it. Bodybuilders frequently suffer from body dysmorphia, (aka muscle dysmorphia in their case). Trannies suffer from another type of body dysmorphia as well. So I can see why someone could end up switching from one type of dysmorphia to another.

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Yeah, mentally ill one way(bodybuilding) to another (tranny)


Kaley Cuoco is looking good

>people with several eating and body image disorders are also prone to having warped sexualities
who would have thought huh
bodybuilding is literally a ''sport'' for mentally unstable people

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The delusion is real. You do know the human body somewhat limited in reaching a certain size natural, gifted or not.

>hello my shtrong shtrong friends

It is possible, just highly unlikely, how much muscle is controlled by myostatin , people have been documented with mutations to their myostatin genes , and remain permanently jacked, if you were to couple it with natually high testosterone, >250lbs is within possibility, though it would be extremely rare.

gear and porn addiction

It’s MA’AM!

I don't see much difference from regular female bodybuilders


Truly the most based and redpilled
Varbies and the fags who like them btfo

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Body issue disorders stemming from percieved physical inadequacy. Im surprised theres not more trannies around with the amount of body dysmorphia i see everywhere

This is probably a big part, if not all, of it.

He uses wigs you dingus

Never met ultra marathon runners.