
Is working out legs a waste of time?

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Is working out the largest muscles in your body a waste of time? Probably not

your calves should be larger than your arms

DAMN those are some BIG FISH

Just do it one day a week, honestly even less.

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If you’re lifting for pussy then legs don’t matter. Anything else, then yeah

Is fishing Jow Forums?

Take the track cycling pill.

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autists will tell you otherwise but literally all you need to do is bench and curls for a 9/10 physique

Post disproportionate body. I won't criticise, could just use a good laugh today

What else is there?

Only if you don’t use them.

I continue to feel empty inside if I dont squat 315+ twice a week though

Yes. Even more so than upper body. Legs are the base of your kinetic chain. If you want to deliver a strong blow in a contact sport, become a faster sprinter, or even just have effective functional movement, legs are imperative.




Just wanna catch some tasty fresh fish

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Lifting for legs

‘Ate leg day
‘Ate SS
Love brosplits
Love fishin’
Love me wife

Simple as

having strong legs is fun. anywhere you walk or climb or explore you know you got a study pair of legs keeping you going. ive been on plenty of hikes with my non-lifting friends and their legs always kill them or they hurt some tendon or some bullshit. strong legs will keep you healthy

Based and NorfPilled

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i recently started doing sled pushes, tire flips and running to work my legs
feels absolutely fantastic

Literally never skip leg day, faggot.

More pics of leglets plox

Why not squats?

I look forward to leg day lol and it's interesting how many people say they hit 1/2/3/4 but yet half of this thread is saying they don't work legs

if you are natty training legs is mandatory

>still squatting in 2019

you be a real nigga and skip leg day and make it fishing day

I work with this guy who's built like a tank from the waist up, but has sad little baby calves. I'm just doing 265 on my deadlift sets and I mog the shit out of him on legs. Running probably helps too.

Only if you care about performance.

that shit can cause irreversible damage to major blood vessels in your taint that supply your weiner