Just started accutane today bros. How I I stay healthy during these next couple months? Any particular foods I should avoid?
Eat fatty meat only.
Nigga ask your derm not a bunch of neet autists
drink so much water it hurts
vegetables, fuckloads of them, fibrous green ones like asparagus and broccoli
ride out the entire cycle, if you quit too early your acne will come back
and finally, lift carefully, it'll weaken your soft tissue (tendons, ligaments)
t. accutane fag twice, still have a bit of acne but not nearly as bad and not cystic like it once was
Get a moisturizer , your shit is gonna be dry AF. If you have oily skin you might be tempted to think that’s good but it’s not
Find a chapstick you like
Also your nose will get dry af so if you pick your nose try to stop
Sometime it will just bleed
Aside from that, my Accutane cycle was totally fine and I haven't had acne in like 6 years
Godspeed user
Go to a derm, nutritionist, and lift.
you're gonna go bald
I'm going on Accutane, but I'm worried it'll fuck up my gains and T levels. Can any science-fag explain if it will?
Don’t use accutane that shit bad for you
Aside from how toxic and lethal the drug is, it can affect your mental health as well. No need unless severe acne
Thanks dudes. I'm going to try something else for now.
this is the best advice and was really similar to my 2 cycles. it changed my life. good luck!
Should have changed your diet instead of poisoning yourself.
Dairy was a trigger for my acne so I stopped drinking milk and it went away,
Accutane isn't even guaranteed to work. It can always come back.
I was on accutane while lifting, only side effects were dry skin and being thirsty all the fucking time.
Before you hop on accutane try Zinc+Vitamin A. Those two have done wonders for me and other people..
Cured my pimples with garlic, my biggest problem are the scars
you will have an okay face, but you will be fucked
good luck with your immune system
You better freeze your sperm. You're going to be infertile by the time your treatment is over.
t. had nothing more than mild acne
How likely is this
Had to quit in first cycle, was making me deaf. Lucky me.
My back fucking smells awful when I sweat. also sometimes only half my body sweats when I'm laying around.
eat garlic, 0nion and leek, best things for your skin, the organicsulfurs and allicin in it cleanses everything
Cum helps
just wash your face 3 times a day with water
drink a LOT of water. Don't lift while you're on it. Get a lot of sleep. Read the instruction manual FULLY. Get eyedrops for your eyes as they will get very dry. Get vaseline for your lips as they will get very dry too. Don't drink any alcohol while you're on it. Get a good moisturiser off amazon, something like cerave, something good quality.
Use acne.org for more information. Accutane is a serious drug, this shit isn't a walk in the park, you have to take care of your body while you're on it. It's the nuclear option of acne treatment. There is some evidence that it can even lead to temporary feelings of depression and even lead to suicide - so keep yourself happy. It won't be an insta-cure either, it could take a few months for it to really kick in.
Never heard of this and googled it. It actually increases fertility in men.
Accutane is not worth it my dude. Godspeed OP
I got me one of these to deal with the acne scars on my cheeks. I'll have to use it tonight though so as to avoid the sun.
Make sure you take care of your liver. Don't drink, don't risk cirrosis, don't smoke and keep lifting. Also for increased effect make sure you change blankets everyday, so buy more if you don't have enough, you can push the same blanket for two days than change it . If you are on accutane you need to
>step 1: restricted sugar/fructose
>step 2: only use water when showering, no soap
It's called water. You just drink that.
Where's that guy who used to trash Accutane at every opportunity because he thought it gave him Crohn's?
Damn that was probably like 6 years ago
>eat clean
>drink water
>wash properly
>new sheets
>still acne
>too many scars I cant ever get rid of
its not fair bros, I dont know what to do. The only option I see is using accutane but I will never do this. Is there anything else I can try.
Take accutane. Why not? I'm most likely gonna start next month. But do low dose. 20mg at most to reduce possible side effects, don't let your jew doctor tell you to take more. Antibiotics? Go read some reviews on drugs.com, specifically about minocycline. My derm prescribed me this, good thing I didn't touch it. Half the people that took this landed straight in the ER with itchy hives, swollen limbs and even much more serious side effects. Plus acne usually comes back after. Seems much more reasonable to take accutane low dose and endure dry lips/eyes and some joint pain for a few months before most likely never having acne issues ever again.
huh yea i remember him.
For everyone here, accutane is just a synthetic form of retinol aka the vitamin A not found in veggies. Go find grass-fed chicken liver and eat a pound once a week and theres your accutane with no side-effects
Possible side effects, I have nothing going for me in my life but my health, I dont want to risk that.
Did you even read the rest of what I wrote after the first line?
acne is a cruel mistress.
had a friend in class with just full blown cystic acne all over his face and he had been managing it for close to 8 years (he's 30 now). he's a smart dud, had explored his options in near full, and nothing seemed to have worked.
all the while i'm over here splashing water on my face and calling it clean with no blemishes. you'd think they would have figured this shit out by now.
Yes just taking that amount doesnt mean no possible side effects. And even if the side effects are minimal they are still there.
I don't think it's that simple chief
accutane is actually fantastic, people are just naturally wary of the minority of horror stories
Well then live with your acne. Otherwise you have two options. Number one antibiotics, which can have much worse side effects than accutane while being less effective. Or accutane, which most likely won't give you any side effects beyond dryness and some joint pain while on it. What possible side effects are you so afraid of?
It is try it, a combination of that plus cutting out foods that didn't agree with me i.e. dairy and gluten got rid of my severe cystic acne that was on both my face and my entire back, now it's just scars but every week when I eat the liver the scars start fading even more; it's worth looking into especially before you take something like accutane
if you are on accutane you dont need to worry about anything else. That stuff is gold.
>Well then live with your acne.
I have and will
I used those already like 4 years ago, my doctor said there were no side effects so thats why I said yes. When that didnt work they wanted me on some stronger antibiotic but I dont remember what it was.
>What possible side effects are you so afraid of?
I am afraid of anything that will stay with me after using accutane. Including the joint pain not going away
>I used those already like 4 years ago, my doctor said there were no side effects so thats why I said yes.
This is why I do not trust doctors and never will. Read the reviews for minocycline, do it. No side effects is a straight lie, and a potentially very dangerous one at that. Doctors don't know anything about the shit they prescribe you other than the name and the fact that it can work for your condition.
You fucking retard kill yourself
Does moisterizer quality/brand/ matters a lot?
What I mean is: can I get a regular normal brand and it will be fine?
Put a clean towel on your pillow before you go to sleep and drink a lot of water
Anyone know what the fuck to do about acne nose scars?
Will lasering make them go away?
Been using a plum moisterizer and my skin looks worse
not older, but less smooth
Do skin peeling