Walking down the streets alone

>walking down the streets alone
>head down, no confidence, nothing in my mind
>Pass by a classy restaurant full of young people like me dressed in fancy suits eating and drinking with their significant others.
>Pass by a store full of young couples buying each other expensive gifts and smiling and laughing
>Pass by the foodcourt; families, couples, and friends all enjoying the view and taking pictures.
>qt girls everywhere. Not a single cunt notices my existence.
>undeserving hipsters, faggots, scums, and liberals all cuddling, holding hands and kissing with their qt significant others:.
>all these women clinging on to their love.
>I have nothing. I am nothing
>Born in the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong body, the wrong world
>I am scum.
>I am self-hating
>I am no one.

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Go post your slam poetry drafts somewhere else you gaping vagina, this is a health and fitness board.

you are someone, you are wonderful bro

your time will come to meet a nice woman, just keep your options out there and just try to make friends with different girls and guys. When you have friends who are girls, get to know them and see who you like. This is the way to do it, or you can just try to meet someone it just is very chancy like it takes time.

Anyway bro the Lord loves you and wants the best for you, pray about it and try to go after what's right and not just what feels good.

hahahah manlet

To be fair the consequences of social failure are lesser than ever now.

I came out of school right as the recession hit. No education past college. Nothing but shop and kitchen jobs and I still have a healthy strong physique. I'd be a homeless skeleton in the past even though to be fair to us both OP. Standards are higher than ever and job opportunities are not nearly what they were a few decades ago but we just have to accept that people born between 1930 and 1950 probably have the most socioeconomically comfortable lives ever. Potentially for centuries into the future.

Just keep lifting. We’re all gonna make it brahs

This, fuck off back to Jow Forums

If you keep calling people cunts And undeserving you Will never find anyone.
Tone that ego Down a a notch, you Are not as special as you think

Fuck you. They actually put effort and time into social gains.


Justify this

stop being a sadcunt
you're doing this to yourself

>qt girls everywhere. Not a single cunt notices my existence.
>undeserving hipsters, faggots, scums, and liberals all cuddling, holding hands and kissing with their qt significant others:.

Gee I wonder why you dont get any OP

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I dont have any friends who are girls. In my degree theres only a handful in the first place.

No they didnt. They were lucky enough to be treated normally into their adult years so they became normies.

If you were treated as subhumanly as I was then you'd be in the same situation I and many other individuals find ourselves in.

See above

Then go inside, take a couple shots and make a friend. Even just talking to a bartender will give you that seratonin release

>Reee I was a shut in who was made fun of in high school and never went out of my comfort zone to socialize or make friends and it's everybody's fault except myself!
You're pathetic.

why do you capitalize Random words you cotton-picking Nigger?

You sound like a cunt. You get what you deserve.

You sound like a great candidate for nofap, OP. You're a friendless loser who refuses to take responsibility for your own failures and wants a magic bullet to solve all your problems. Nofap won't work, but it will at least give you some placebo, make you feel like you belong to a group and give you a feeling of self-righteous moral superiority.

Do you ever notice how arrogantly self obsessed you are? You see yourself as a tragic protagonist down on his luck, as if you are the most significant character walking amongst the faceless homogeneous masses.
You will never admit this, but you find joy in your self misery, you find comfort in crying out "woe is me".

I'll leave you with a quote from Orson Wells about Woody Allen, which I'm sure will resonate with you:
>He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

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It is over.

I relate to this so much it hurts. I feel so isolated in real life because I have no one to relate to, it's very therapeutic to be surrounded by so many people just like me on this website.

(You), buddy

Literal incel mindset. Fucking jew.

>your time will come to meet a nice woman
I think that's not a priority when he has no friends at all. Meeting a "nice girl" will not magically fix his problems.

Yust buy a fucking hooker you fucking oxygen thief

Most of them fake their lifes, at least 90 percent of people just act like they have a good life, they just imitate.
Most of the people you saw in that restaurant don't know anything about beeing fancy, they don't know about good food, they only know that its a status symbol.
90 percent of all relationships are fake, 90 percent of their smiles, 90 percent don't even love each other but are together because they think thats how its done.
Learn about all of it and you will know that most people are in your shoes, eventhough it does not seem like it and if you want to be imposer like them, you first have to learn the rules of the game.

>you are someone, you are wonderful bro
>you are wonderful
Just fuck off with this gay shit. He doesnt sound wonderful at all and he needs to get his shit together or kys

>treated as subhumanly as I was
Then work on it with a therapist.
No such things.


Just do what I did.. drink alcohol until you've killed enough brain cells to be on their level and stop drinking before it becomes a problem (1 major incident due to intoxication and then stop forever). I don't even lift anymore and got the hottest gf of my whole life for the first time got a girl 2 years younger than me instead of a minimum of 2 years older, and she is the only one tight enough to bruise my cock. Want to get back into lifting soon tho.

COPE most people are happy because they didn't spend their entire existence on incel forums

You know what must be done, Elliot.
On the real, have you even tried to consider why it is you’re alone? You said it yourself
>head down, no confidence
Start lifting, work on being confident and in the meantime come to understand 90% of young women today don’t actually care about or love the men their with, any feelings they have can disappear very quickly. Unironically look into some redpill shit just try to be logical with what you read and take it with a grain of salt. There’s a lot of truth to what they’d ay but there’s also just a bunch of bullshit from clueless bitter betas trying to become alpha.

And lastly, you’re pulling an Elliot Rodger. You expect to have pussy ah fed to you, yet all you’re doing is walking around with uninviting body language that screams “hey I’m feeling like a faggot”. Nigga, you need to get these in order first:
This includes physique, being under 15% bf, having gains as well as general health like cardio
You don’t need to be loaded, although it helps, but just have a stable job/career and work towards getting at least average income.
You actually need to talk to bitches you daft cunt. Shit in porn does not happen in real life, very rarely does it and to very few men. You need to know how to socialize and talk to people. If you want pussy, or a committed relationship with a qt you need to actually make words at her. Do you understand how many girls the guys getting all the puss go through? Literally hundreds. Biggest manwhores I knew would just talk to every girl they were attracted to. They explained to me they sperged hard at first but after a few weeks it became easier and easier until they were able to consistently get numbers and laid every week. No matter where they were, if thy saw a girl they liked they would simply talk to them and see where it went. They didn’t nope aroihnd with their head down expecting bitches to just land in their laps like a sad little faggot

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>Start lifting, work on being confident
"working on being confident" can't be done ifhe stays alone. He needs positive reinforcement and that means going out and meet strangers regularly: join a club/association, whatever as long as it means meeting the same people regularly. Choose an activity that you enjoy and/or can reasonnably assume you're going to get good at and you'll develop positive relationship w/ these people.

Act like a subhuman, and you will be treated like a subhuman. You are the only cause and the only source of your pain. Once you realize this, you will be at a crossroads- kill yourself, or better yourself. What choice will you make?

Nope sweety, i spend enough time outside (nearly every weekend with friends) to know my shit.
If you are a beginner at something don't act like a pro, you will just look stupid

Commit neck rope already you bitter narcissistic cunt

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> Dating apps
> Meetup groups
> Local networking groups on Facebook
> Get a part-time job somewhere cool
> Fitness class
> Church activities
> Intramural sports

No... let me complain on Jow Forums about how I have no social interaction.

Any of you low self esteem faggots live in germany? I want to build my own cult and you people seem to need guidance.

You see motherfuckers, the issue is never finding a gf. Finding a gf is easy as fuck. The issue is KEEPING a gf.
How the fuck do you keep a girl if you're a friendless loser?

My guess is that his past negative experience w/r/t social interactions have caused him to shut-in so now he's unwilling to for new social interactions in fear that he's going to get a bad experience again.

>Get a part-time job somewhere cool
How the fuck do I do that when I can barely find a part-time job normally enough

>bedroom community
Top kek

Unironically how does a 20-year old autist go about starting and holding conversations with people? I've got not problem when people come up to me or ask me questions, but when it comes to ice-breaking and keeping a conversation going I'm absolutely clueless or I'm too damn anxious to even try....

Alcohol, or find social circles you belong to

Have you tried being yourself?

get your shit together and you'll make it
if you can't do that

Depending on the context you can ask them questions, ask about their opinions about what's going on/ said social event, etc. Also depends if these people are friends or newcomers. Personally I'm comfortable keeping silent or not speaking much w/ people I know well.

Find a girl that is also a friendless loser. Worked for me. And you can be friendless without being a loser, loser.

Are you white? If so, join the army, get fit and disciplined, befriend some armybros, learn some valuable combat skills and prepare for the racewar. If you're not white then kys

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