Vegan = aging?

Why do all vegans age like shit? I have considered trying the vegan diet for a while because all the science points to it being the most healthy diet and I want to maximize my gains and health. What is making me second guess though is how all the long term vegans look like shit. Is it just because people with health problems are attracted to healthy diets or could it be the vegan diet accelerate aging? Please help. Any here tried it? What's your experience?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They're malnourished

>They're malnourished
What did they do wrong?

Wow, I almost didn't notice that you're the anti-vegan shitposter who hasn't lifted a weight in his life.

Vegans age fine. Durianrider is 41 and eats sugar all day every day for almost 20 years.

He looks fine to me. Good skin, low bf%

Not eat any animal products.

>Wow, I almost didn't notice that you're the anti-vegan shitposter who hasn't lifted a weight in his life.
Nice. You're going straight in attack mode because I'm not immediately praising veganism and huffing your farts. Thanks for the link though

>all the science points to it being the most healthy diet
but that's vegetarians not vegsans

>Why do all vegans age like shit?
Glication from all that sugar

>Not eat any animal products.
duh, that's sort of the point with veganism though. What can I eat to end up like a dyel? That is not meat of course

>Teeth rotted out, wears dentures

Great roll model

Tons of soi protein isolate

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They went vegan, they rejected natural human food and think they can live on 100% plants. OK they can "live" but eating a very unnatural diet, they are deficient, unhealthy, and sagging skin, teeth loss, hollow eyes and accelerated ageing are all in your future, if you choose Veganism.

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Imagine taking a skeleton seriously

>soi protein
Thanks, I'll look into it

He's rare for long-term vegan males, plus he can afford a very expensive set of upper and lower dental implants to replace his natural teeth that rotted out on Veganism.

Every vegan ever--
>I know 99% of vegans look like absolute wrecks...
>But I'll do it right!

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This guy clearly got surgery. I saw his videos years ago and he looked like a fucking ghoul.

>Why do all vegans age like shit?
they don't bathe / more likely use drugs / try to use weird vegan products that do not effectively clean them or moisturize or adequately clean their clothes / they have unkempt hair and dress style

the vegan i let live with me when they were homeless simultaneously preached veganism and wouldn't use my regular laundry detergent because scary chemicals while filling their body with HRT, copious amounts of DPH and DXM (bendadryl and robotussin), meth, and heroin from random sexual encounters on CL.

WHy did veganism become so much popualr than vegetarianism. Being a vegetarian seems way more healthy and balanced overall not to mention cheaper since you don't have to buy vegan meme shit.

Because veganism is a religion

why would you let a person like that live with you?

>WHy did veganism become so much popualr than vegetarianism
Because as a vegetarian you still torture other living beans

>eats sugar all day every day for almost 20 years.
It shows

Veganism is more attractive to the hard-core leftist types who become vegans. If (((some idiot libtard))) is going to join a rabid cult "for the animals" ... She is going to want to avoid and protest milk too, because that's murder and rape.

Just be glad Veganism is damaging so many well-deserving leftists.

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>that's sort of the point with veganism though
No it's not, it's too consume only high profit margin foods for Daddy AG.

In what ways?

Carb the fuck up.

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No teeth lmao

i had known them as a teenager and we were very similar growing up. we had a lot of similar problems (severe abuse in childhood and extremely dysfunctional families, issues with gender/body/sex likely related to sex abuse) and a lot of similar interests (psychedelics, ethology, philosophy).

i lost contact with them for a few years then when they cropped back up they were homeless. two years prior i had been homeless after a fire and someone kindly let me stay with them for a little while while i ran away from my family and got back on my feet. i thought i could do the same for them, and also teach them to drive to hopefully give them a better shot at life since no one ever did and being without a car had been a significant hurdle for them.

it went pretty shitty in the end and they hate me now but they are employed and not homeless anymore when i look at their social media. they had barely worked in 2 years prior to that and sort of got by leeching off people who were very soft on them. they also stole my fucking coat before they left and refuse to speak to me anymore.

Harley (Durianrider) can afford expensive high quality false teeth, so he looks OK. (now) I wonder if every vegan is comfortable with the idea of their teeth having massive problems up to the point of falling out? Maybe vegans are cool with it, willing to sacrifice their teeth "for the animals.?"

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>severe abuse in childhood
>sex abuse
That sounds like a tough experience user. Would you care to share a more detailed version in the form of a green text?

I'm a right wing vegan. Lefties just don't know about hygiene, dont eat enough, fall for memes like the potato diet, and are too poor for supplements. They lose their teeth bc the same people who go vegan think fluoride is bad for you so they dont brush their teeth, or use fluoride free toothpaste.

Enjoy your teeth rotting out

Life demands death.
You need to eat dead meat and animals as to consume their soul, if you can’t your soul withers and tots making you old.

there is a lot.
>removed from school/kept from people by age 8
>emotional abuse
>physical abuse
>sexual abuse
>medical neglect
>exposure to domestic violence
>exposure to police raids/arrests
>exposure to drugs including meth
>exposure to alcohol abuse
>family member died because used needles
>made to take care of fetal alcohol syndrome children while myself a child
>exposure to dangerous/drunk/high driving
>in the car during multiple car accidents including one that resulted in the car catching fire with me inside
>witnessed other people being abused
>witnessed animals being abused
>threatened with abuse of other people/animals to gain compliance
>made to do lots of manual labor/farm work
>periodically not allowed to sleep at night and made to "stand watch"
>never taken by CPS somehow
>texas also does not care if children are or are not in school

Because your airplane forehead boy only cherrypicks raw vegans, fruitarians and other retards with extreme diets. Vegans who eat a balanced diet look fine. Jared Leto has been vegan for almost 30 years.

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this guy is 100% using makeup or had surgery
this is him only a few months ago kek

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>“I’m actually a cheagan, a cheating vegan. I don’t eat meat ever. But if someone’s mom made a cookie and handed it to me, I’d probably take a bite, or if I’m in Alaska and there’s wild salmon out of the river, I’d probably eat it.”

I feel like its a lack of animal fat in the diet that does it
I have no real idea though and cant be bothered to look it up, dont care if vegans make themselves ugly

God I wish that was me.

They're missing a ton of nutrients while getting a ton of antinutrients. They can't build muscle without gear (animal hormones...)

The fun part is that vegans worship big pharma so much that they inject themselves with synthetic vitamins to cheat these tests and tell everyone they're healthy. Then they tell anyone that simply tries to eat like a human that they're going to get cancer, a heart attack and die while these same people feel 100x better than the vegans do on a daily basis.

>all the science points to it being the most healthy diet
You can put yourself on a beer + fries diet. It's vegan but I doubt it's healthy.

So do vegans. Not only do they gas billions of insects, they're cutting down loads of rainforest in south america to grow their meme beans. Always get a laugh when vegans talk about animal cruelty when they're driving entire species extinct.

Wow good luck keeping your head on straight.

Durianrider and his ex Leanne Ratcliff, both suddenly look "younger," it's fair to suspect they are receiving Botox/facial fillers treatment from a skilled specialist.

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vegans like that guy are creepy, ungroomed dirty smelly hobo type people who live in the jungle and only eat fruit, obviously they are going to look like absolute shit. Most long-term vegans are normal people and age fine, but because of this they aren't paraded on the internet so all we see is a minority that looks fucked

Vegans literally don't care at all about that. Their leaders like Ed Gaunt and Joe Carbstrong have sarcastic snippy talking point responses that "debunk" that argument (with lies and sophistry) so it's dismissed as "carnist bullshit" in their minds and they move on....

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Could you do a green text that focus a bit more on the sexual abuse episode?

What is collagen

>Most long-term vegans are normal people and age fine

Most long term vegans quit, some push through regardless of the damage it's doing to their health.

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>Why do all vegans age like shit?
Because they're white.

>I have considered trying the vegan diet for a while because all the science points to it being the most healthy diet

More like:
>fatsos and couch 'tatoes on a shitty SAD diet can greatly benefit from a short/medium term plant-based diet

Look at kids who are being raised vegan and tell me again that veganism is a healthy life choice.

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>hollywood vegan actor looking good
ok yea that's what million dollar cosmologists and plastic surgeons are for

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Dude on the top left (vegan gainz or whatever his handle is) looks alright. Not a beast or anything, just alright. He's massively retarded but I don't think that's got much to do with his diet.

What is he doing right? Is he on gear?

Random pic and reddit spacing 'cos the CAPTCHA keeps giving me the finger.

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you sick fucks are always so into that. why is it always that?

i ran away from my family after the house burned down a few years ago. i drove like 1,000 miles away to a different state. my head got a lot better but i am still weird and dont connect to people right. i work full time, am above poverty level, and have an apartment and a car and stuff. i still freak out and bash my head on walls and stuff sometimes but very rarely.

A fair comment. One single but key study found that English women (50% of English women) cannot convert plant or vitamin A precursers, into retinol, the vitamin A required by the human body (found only in animal flesh/foods)

So Veganism is shown to be factually damaging 50% of all English (white) females who do it. (It's a starvation cult so this is no surprise)

All white people age like milk.

diet dictates

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Well for starters he has admitted to taking steroids by injection, then "lol I was just kidding" Satanists love to tell the truth, in plain sight, in joke form like Jim Carrie on TV. Obama admitted he was a demon on film, without even saying it was a joke.

Also we have no idea if any of these famous vegans are actually vegan, we never get to watch them eat in person, or inspect their refrigerators. If their health starts falling apart, it's in their financial interest to pretend to still be vegan, while eating meat for their health in secret (Rawvana, raw alignment, Jon Penus etc)

Moon and rock even said "we didn't want to tell anybody".....(they were eating meat)

The glasses guy with lacking one tooth apparently lost it due to being hit, not veganism, the one that drops off is a cheap fake.

Wow bro good luck to you. I'm autistic and weird but I haven't been through anything like that.

84% of vegetarians quit and go back to meat. The vegan drop out rate must be more substantial.

I know a vegan who does it until she gets sick and then eats meat/milk/eggs to recover and then does it again.

Weird shit man

You're not going to say all cows are grass-feed, will you?

its been.. something
that whole house burned so i bailed and bounced around half homeless for a while then after a year got an apartment.

a year later the apartment building got struck by lightning while i was inside. also caught fire. also burned.

im like 99% sure theres some mystical stuff and i am a catalyst or dumping ground or something for suffering.

even if they acted like shit, you still did the right thing.

Even if that's true in his case, he still has a horrifying set of choppers, and there is a universal theme among long term vegans, of really bad teeth issues. Hench herbivores mouth is filled with disgusting black fillings and/or rotted teeth.

In the antifa/satanic vegan world maybe this is not seen as a negative thing? I am scared shitless at the thought of cavities or my teeth going bad like some wretched vegan, so eat lots of meat, eggs and drink raw milk.

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Your main problem here is that your base model is people that you see on Instagram and YouTube. I highly doubt you're pulling your information from long-term vegans that you know in real life. Social platforms are sensationalist by Nature, and vegans on these platforms are into all kinds of wacky ship like cycling 10 hours a day and growing a 6-foot beard and not showering.


(Different user) All beef cattle are, for the first part of their lives. No cows are born in factory farms like chicken and hogs. Most cows do get fattened on feedlots before slaughter which isn't nice, but it's still a thousand times better deal than the chicken and hogs get.

Being born and living
7 to 18 months on grass chillin, is better by far than the hogs and chickens fate, which is birth to death in a factory cage.

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pic related

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Proof by example/

I know that X is such.
Therefore, anything related to X is also such.

Argument form:

I know that x, which is a member of group X, has the property P.
Therefore, all other elements of X have the property P.

The following example demonstrates why this is a logical fallacy:

I've seen a person shoot someone dead.
Therefore, all people are murderers.
>Toothless the Anti-vegan posting proof by examples cherry picked from sverige videos
Remember to ignore all of Toothless' posts

Still no more ecological than crop farming, because you still need crops to fatten up these cows.
When I hear people argue whether growing onions or wheat is more ecological I roll my eyes. Fucking idiots, if you want to do any sort of extensive farming, you will end up chopping down the trees, you cannot feed all these people with traditional animal grazing, so plants are used instead due to larger amount of calories you can produce thanks to the fertilizers. You need energy to produce fertilizers, so you end up hurting environment no matter what you do.

Except that irl vegans are pretty rare at least where I am. Vegetarians, yes, you can find, but I'm yet to see a vegan.

how it was your life as a homeless, how did you survive?

There are free range chickens for eggs and some similar concepts for meat chickens. They are not keps on cages all the time.

The problem, vegan, is that your pedantic sophistry only impresses other emotional children like yourself. All liberals are emotionaly petulant 11 year old girls, regardless of their age or gender.

So sterilize yourself and scream until your teeth fall out, normal people will laugh at you.

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i got food stamps and had some savings from a grocery store job
i had worked and bought a car so i lived in my car a lot. i used to put towels and clothes over the windows and just brazenly chill in walmart parking lots camping out and leeching their wifi.
hung out and napped in parks sometimes. used to hang out at this one bridge with my dog and ask people to give her treats so she'd stop hating people.
had internet friends from World of Warcraft let me sleep on their couch.
slept in someone's garage for a while.
stayed in motels a few times.

>Jumbled up lies and sophistry.
I'll address this since you posted it.

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I want to PET that cow

>you cannot feed all these people with traditional animal grazing,
Then the issue is the amount of people. Inb4

>Then the issue is the amount of people. Inb4
No shit, Sherlock.

So instead of talking about whether or not we should follow a sustainable, healthy diet (which we should, obviously), we need to discuss how to reduce the population asap.

Shlling veganism and starving them to death is too slow.

People are looking for something to belong to

Who says it's the healthiest? I've never seen that study. And who was the grant bearer?

>Still no more ecological than crop farming, because you still need crops to fatten up these cows.

You lied. I don't need grain fattened cattle. But economics dictate that they have to lower the cost of beef somehow, so they can somewhat compete with factory farm chicken and hogs, which is fucking near free in (retail)cost . Thus the feedlots.

>When I hear people argue whether growing onions or wheat is more ecological I roll my eyes. Fucking idiots, if you want to do any sort of extensive farming, you will end up chopping down the trees, you cannot feed all these people with traditional animal grazing..

Boom. There is your disengenuous argument. Who are "all these people" that I need to feed? Fuck you I don't want to feed anyone. Not free food for niggers in school. Not free food for Africa, every fucking nigger immigrant or anyone. Europe and the USA can feed ourselves entirely and easily thrice on grass fed beef, but you libtards insist we feed the whole world, so the trees keep getting plowed over. Good job BTW, you liberals are making the Lorax come true.

>>so plants are used instead due to larger amount of calories you can produce thanks to the fertilizers. You need energy to produce fertilizers, so you end up hurting environment no matter what you do.

Here your argument is against the factory farm system, which you liberals support in every way possible by your insisting on free food for the whole world as I describe above. Look in a mirror and protest yourself idiot. I cost one cow per year, who gets a decent outdoor life, you liberals are destroying every forest on Earth .

Traditional animal grazing gave way to factory farms long ago. But I agree that there are too many people. Nuke Africa and China and the problem is solved

I agree and I eat expensive eggs, whose hens I hope have pleasant lives. I don't consider chicken meat to be healthy so I don't eat it..

no dietary collagen

Posting that vegan isn't helping your narrative here

Why are all anti-vegans so fucking retarded? I eat meat but the arguments you guys use against veganism is so fucking hilariously bad.

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nigga looks robinson crusoe

they don't take into account the fact that veganism isn't natural and they do need to put extra thought into getting all the nutrients they need from supplements or some obscure as fuck vegetables and/or nutritional yeast.
a friend of mine who has been vegan for like 4 years was absolutely dumbfounded when I asked him if he was taking B12 supplements, he had no idea what that even was.
look at this guy for example dude probably has a nutritionist and a doctor on payroll and he still looks like a teenager. (plastic surgery probably helped too)

This is Jow Forums idiot, if you want sound scientific arguments there is Bart Kay and Dr Shawn Baker on you tube. I'm here to laugh at sickly Vegans to strengthen their resolve and devotion to their cult so they die faster.

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Being a vegan is stupid and being right wing doesnt make it any better

Fun fact, I ate nothing but chips coke and tacos from age 19 to 20 and I looked exactly like a skinny vegan, sure you can survive, wanna tell me I was healthy?

wtf I love vegans now

>you can be perfectly healthy and vegan like jared leto. all you need is a million dollars for a team of nutritionists, trainers, doctors and plastic surgeons

>Sound scientific arguments
>Dr Shawn Baker
Thanks for confirming youre fucking retarded
Post body, im 6 years vegan 10+ years vegetarian

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>no u
Hey Toothless, we see you spamming and talking to yourself every day. Talking about fragile teeth, your masculinity and lack thereof, we see you spamming threads on your tumblr and instagram. You'll never look like the big, hairy manly vegans that you despise and it tears you up inside, doesn't it?
It's almost sad, but pathetic nonetheless.

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Nice try.

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>Under 30
Stay vegan this takes time. I'll have the last laugh
Who is "we" you idiot vegan? You are in a small starvation cult, which is heavily promoted and funded by (((powerful media/government interests))) "Who are not themselves vegan" Dimwit Jokevitch for starters.

>Executive producer of vegan propaganda movie
>Is not vegan himself

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