newbie gains after 1 nad a half months, avoided SS
Keep at it!
Yes I'm a fat POS and I'm cutting now
7 months in SS + gomad.
might have taken gomad too far
Embrace your stretch marks
Haven’t been to the gym regularly in 6 months mode
6’1 160ish
Lookin good so far homie
6'5 225ish
8/10 add more mass to delts and then cut a little, you’ll be a monster
Any expert can tell me why is there such a difference between my left and right shoulders?My right side is closer to my sides but I had nagging pains and very overactive upper trap while my left shoulder is more flexible with no issues.I don't think it's scoliosis
2 years (God fucking damnit) lifting, been following a 5 day PPL split. Just recently started tracking macros, was chronically undereating. What can I do to fix this?
5’10 160 lb, still doing SL, still hating my chest
any tips :,(?
At your height, it's gonna be hard to do much more for mass. Going to look great after a cut though
Definitely might have. Are you getting stronger? If you're starting to plateau, get off GOMAD and start cutting
Just stretch more and do some rotator cuff work. Should allow them to develop properly
u can't fucking grow when u are 8% bf do u even lurk
Weighted dips and cable flys homie. Really can’t do enough cable flys, that motion activates the pectorals way better than any press.
it's all for nothing when u are pencil neck, train neck
Thanks,have started doing facepulls every workout recently
Will do,my front neck is good but I just now realized how tiny it looks from the back.
Have sex.
Threads like this is why I can't take anyone seriously here.
>Thinking that's 8% bf
theres not such a big difference user don't worry about it really
Will do brah, thnx :-)
my wide hips also maek me cry senpai, what do
How to bulk moar
good frame and insertions but u need to eat more
left seems to be a little more developed than your right, especially rear delts
have you tried these out to see if you feel any better contact with your delts ?
try this
can also feel more effective if you hold a dumbell in each hand, only heavy enough to add a bit of resistance
could remove any odd pains
wrong time mark
personally i feel its working better if i do the rotation on one arm at a time and the arm that isnt working the rotation just resting with the hand on my hip and just take turns.
Thanks a ton,yeah left side is stronger and on wide grip lat pulldown I feel pain and weakness in my right delt,also I have some pains and stiffness on my right trap and neck sometimes...Am positive there is an imbalance in my scapula/lower traps or maybe even obliques
6’2 185. Been training really hard for 6 months and following good diet. Really trying to grow bigger overall but especially my weak ass chest. Any advice? (Yes I hit legs)
shave nips, you'll like chest better
Chest takes time. I'm 1 1/2 year of lifting in and it's still lacking a bit. Hit it heavy and light in the same session for example heavy bb bench followed by other exercises the flies forerver. Twice a week at least. Alternate heavy and light exercises. For example 2nd day of the week for chest do heavy incline then flies with incline variation. Dips and decline bench will muscle your lower pec giving it a better square look making it seem bigger. but just think of chest as 3 muscles, not one
Keep going, user! Also, work on your posture a little. Try not to let your shoulders roll forward
Looking good! Little more chest and shoulders. Your hai pooks good too
Keep going! Add in a little more chest too. I wouldn't worry about the stretch marks either. You're going to notice them more than anyone else
Good frame and good hair! More chest, lats, and traps
Good job! A small cut would make you look super aesthetic, if that's your goal
Eat more and keep going. Also, more chest and lats
You'll always be more critical of your body than others. I barely see a difference. Train neck and go to a doctor if you're worried
Train lats and chest
Hit legs more please
Adds a protein shake to your diet. If that would fill you up, try protein milk. Also, more legs and lats
working on my core and adding more to my upper back volume. An user suggested that to me last time I posted this (ty if you are reading, its going well!)
Holy shit all these dyels.
>mfw I mog 90% of this board
Post body with timestamp
Good job, how do you cut?
lifts OP?
Is that a pool in your garden with a glass shell? Im so jealous
I'm on the eternal cut. Been probably doing everything wrong the last three months. Lost only 1 pound, no idea if I gained muscle..
Eat fewer calories than you expend
Bro one pound isn't even measurable because of water weight fluctuations. Count calories and set a specific goal
post body with timestamp
ive been eating healthy and running 15 miles a week.
look good but traps are a bit disproportionately large. Add more lats and chest
weigh food and track calories!
Post time with bodystamp
I've posted this before but I look the same so fuck it
170 probably idk, give or take 3 lbs
You probably got way stronger though user, just cut and switch routines
You look kinda like my brother, depends on your goals but most people want to be where you are. I'd say bulk to 180ish and get more consistent
Mirin height, just need to cut and you'll look great
Stay consistent and keep tracking macros, make sure your form and shit is good. I realized my bench form was off after lifting for almost 3 years and only recently fixed it and got way stronger
Get better mind muscle with your chest, I like to warm up with some type of squeezing movement for chest before I bench to help me think about pushing more with my chest
Same shit I told other anons, looking good for 6 months though man
Damn good shit user, u must feel good as fuck
If you want to cut, actually take it serious. Don't be too hard on yourself for mistakes because that may make it worse. Just keep at it and push yourself, when you see progress is when you'll go harder.
my traps have always been disproportionate, i dont even train them. My pecs definitely could look better, but i think i have bad genetics there. I train them a lot.
thanks user! It feels really good!
>that face
if you aren't popular kid, save up for surgery
Lol what?
I weigh myself every day and that's the average I lost.
Yeah, I keep adjusting. I already lost 16kg with keto and taking a break from it, but I'm just to retarded for CICO; I adjusted my calorie goal three times, because it was obviously to high. Now at 1600kcal and 140g protein. (I'm 185cm, 85 btw)
6'0, 173.4lbs as of this morning
Last four months of trying to seriously lift, after dicking/maxxing on 5x5. Doing a spotty ppl. Giving myself too many excuses to skip a workout a week. Lost like 12lbs after being ill for a couple weeks, (trying) to clean bulk now.
Count your calories and weigh your food. Track your macros. It's a pain in the ass the first few days but it's easy/interesting to see what goes through your body.
mirin your delts guy
>6'4", 200lbs. Bodyfat estimate?
lol retard, you can't tell from just that
Yeah I know, I forgot the image and you have to wait a few minutes before you can delete a post. I'll repost it in a second.
Hey guys,
twinkbod here. Stumbled upon Scooby1961's channel and wanna get more serious about fitness. I can already run a 10k, but that's about it. What should I do to look less twinkish and more manly? Pic related. It's me.
6'4", 200lbs. Bodyfat estimate? I'm cutting on OMAD + keto until I can see my six pack again, then going back to a slow bulk. I'm guessing I'm around 15% and just need to lose about another 10 for ~10% bf.
3 months
>noob gains
Same here senpai. Almost 1 month and I'm looking and feeling different. We're gonna make it
bruh, change your routine, this is bad
if u are to lazy to workout more try stimulants and nofap
Stop flexing you idiot, I can you're inclining your body
You should be fasting you fatass, not doing GOMAD
5'11" 170 been lifting for 7 months started at 5'11" 135
2 years difference
Found my old footy shirt from first two pics (xxl) feels good to not have bitch tits anymore
Ogre to Brogre
I already do nofap. Doing PHUL, is that not a good routine...?
Am I still dyel
Not by normie standards
pls be my bf
Do u have nice boobs
will you draw my cock?
> newbie gains after a month and a half
> gains
Where the fuck are the 'gains' at? You look like you have never even touched a barbell. Come back in a year when you have actual progress, you dyel cunt. I bet you think you look remotely Jow Forums, but you literally look like my friend who doesn't even lift.
only boinipples
Didn't know reviewbrah had a roommate.
Thanks you make me look good, I like you
>normie standards
>lower than Jow Forums standards
You are lying to yourselves. If someone „mires“ your gains in real life, it is most of the time a pity mire if your under 180lb ripped or 200lb lean.
you already looked good, user
Which muscles do I train to look less skinny? Feels like squats/pistolsquads are not activating my glutes enough. Doing calisthenics atm
Fucking eat more
>>normie standards
>>lower than Jow Forums standards
nobody really thinks that r-right , but yeah I'm OP and my friends and family tell me I look really strong, that I look like I go to gym every day
I have gastritis and an IBD I can't get more down
Thanks bruh, can’t wait to print and frame your drawing
well, you can train your glutes by pounding my mouth
only if you're a girl(female)
You need to add weight. Even untrained, most people's legs should be fairly strong. They are used to carrying around your weight every single day, after all.
Do some squats with dumbbells in each hand, even just 20 lb ones, and I guarantee your ass will be sore tomorrow morning.
Can you smoke weed, and does it help? What about mass gainer? I know that stuff is garbage, but you'd be swole if you just put some weight on.
my body is prettier and more girly than 90% of the girls
Not gonna smoke weed unfortunally, and I tried gainer but my stomach declined that could barley eat for 2 days after trying it
My goal is simply to exercise more for health reasons, but I don't know how to translate that goal into numbers.
5'10 140lbs
Been working up my cardio a few weeks, can now run a 10m mile and steadily improving. Where do I go from here from here bros?
I've always been a scrawn and have IBS, but I started following a low FODMAP diet about two years ago and I feel so much better. Look it up and buy a few books of recipes. It can be tough if you aren't already cooking for yourself, but it's really worth it. I'm no longer bloated or anxious, only have a flare every month or so when I decidedly eat bad or someone inadvertently lies about the ingredients in what they made.
You can make it, bro.
newfag here, what does cbt stand for
cum buddies & testosterone
I'm cooking all my food myself right now. I have heard of FODMAP but never really understood what it is desu
carolina bay titties
avoid estrogenic food your gyno is in first stage, it's still ok but don't let it grow
Cucked by trannies
Its not in a "stage" Its been that way since I was 16 hasn't shrunken or increased. And I already avoid sóÿ for the memes
6' 187 lbs today
bench 420 lbs
squat 510 x 5
deadlift 570 lbs x 5
Back fucked both lower and upper, gonna be a while until i get my squat up, 440 bench could be very soon tho