I've been having a dull aching sensation and the spaghetti feeling veins in my nut sack for several months. I stopped masturbating for about two weeks and now the veins seem to have shrunk and my left nut doesn't hurt anymore.
This is a low effort post but I wanted to let you know that if you value your testicular health you should stop masturbating. Data points: 1 but I'll be damned if I start up again.
you're just unlucky,most of fit is full of masturbation addicts, this would be more well known around this board if it were more common
t. masturbating since before anything would come out
Henry Richardson
No it doesnt. Some people just get them. Not jerking off doesnt change anything. Nofap is outright fearmongering at this point. Also varicocele isnt that bad usually. Doesnt affect sex or lifting
Hunter Cooper
I've got this right now, hurts really fucking bad. I'll sus this out
Kayden Phillips
srsly ? I didn't masturbate until I was 14.
Jacob Moore
Listen, All I'm saying is if you've got pain in your fucking nut sack you should try not fapping for a week or two. What the hell is there to lose?
Eli Walker
No youre not. This is the seed of a nofap thread bc you think I wont post this image if you hide it
Yup. Same story with me. Also, add kegels to your mix, it will strengthen the area
Brandon Long
I don't even fucking care if you post that image, I've never seen it, I'm rarely on Jow Forums anymore. I just came back here to let you fuckers know. I don't even care about nofap. fuck I'm mad now. It's like if I share a single anecdote that might be helpful for others who are having the same fucking issue that I've been having then I'm part of some fucking conspiracy against men and their freedom to touch their dick?
The pain in my balls went away and I think that's because I stopped fapping for a while. Will I fap again at some point? Probably. I'm just trying to help. Fuck off.
Jose Hughes
Rarely my groin hurts as if like balls were misaligned or something. I play pinball with them because I'm afraid that if I leave them like that my testicles will die. Might as well go nofap again for few weeks and see if it happens again.
Elijah Richardson
>I'm just trying to help. Whom? >Fuck off. Right back at you. Why are you so mad? You are in the chanz, man.
Luke Stewart
No it doesn't
Alexander Scott
I've got a varicose. Sports injury from when I was younger. Finally getting my shit fixed desu. Don't sleep on them, they can kill your nutsack
Gabriel Mitchell
>tfw you're sitting on the toilet and your nuts touch the toilet water
Camden Adams
Same story for me, everytime im om 1-2 weeks on nofap they go away but come back if i jerk/fuck alot.
Jack Martinez
STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS SHIT I have this on my left nut (like most people it seems) and you keep reminding me of this every time i come here
Adrian Hernandez
This weekend I got diagnosed with epidimititis, ama.
Hunter Watson
It is over.
Blake Jenkins
a couple of years ago my balls started hurting and it got to the point that i could barely wear jeans or sit down without feeling like someone hitting me in the balls
i was scared that i had testicullar cancer but the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me. did all sorts of tests and sonograms etc and after a couple of years it just disappeared by its own. the doctor said it might be prostatitis but i didn't have the pain usually associated with it. guess i just have shitty balls.
Isaac Parker
No it doesn't. I've been fapping almost daily since I was like 12, and my sack is perfectly fine.
Angel King
I don't know about varicoceles, but I got a fat lump on muh dick (lipoma) from fapping so there you go. It's caused by trauma so I guess I your average Jow Forumsizen could get it from riding a fat sow, but I don't whale hunt.
Ayden Sanders
I had that once. Get checked for STDs asap. The clap was what caused it for me.
Aiden Smith
Oh yeah and ever since then I've had the thing in OP's image. Never once had it before. Kind of sucks. My balls were the size of fucking lemons. Big lemons. It hurt like fuck too.
Ian Powell
No it doesn't you retard. Varicoceles are caused by poor blood circulation. If you are not diagnosed with it, don't assume you have one. I had the symptoms and went to a doctor and she said nope, you don't have one.
Vigorous masturbation can just cause it to hurt because you are moving the veins around, especially if you are have a tight circumcision.
Nobody should ever take medical advice from Jow Forums
Daniel Sullivan
Yeah maybe when your balls are red and swelling and you can never get a natural erection anymore unless you look at really fucked up porn and you precum without even touching your dick and you cum in 30 seconds and even if you no fap / no porn for 3-4 weeks and you still barely cum after that long.. and you're still a virgin boy after 25+ yrs of age, you're basically fucked.
Jayden Morgan
A female doc looked at your balls? That's cute
Christian Diaz
OP, I can tell you're a lazy fuck who sits all day. Exercise more and it'll go away.