Keep deadlifting

Keep deadlifting

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Hey Eric, how does it feel to be absolutely dwarfed by Alphadestiny in relevance and lifetime popularity.

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yeah, I'd rather take the advice of a 900 lbs puller over that of a 600 lbs puller
eric is still cool tho

>dwarving anyone

Not dwarfed in other ways though amirite lmao

obviously a roidroach
why should I listen to him?
they eat chips and magically it turns into some muscle

>cringe rackposting
ericposting is the new wave bruh

Because eric is the real batman

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The only one getting DWARFED by manletdestiny is your mom.

Sad that he's been trying to passive agressively call out other youtubers for attention

And probably others too. It's a good thing they don't address his silliness.

Imagine thinking this chad thinks about anything other than picking up heavy ass shit and pro wrestling

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I mean I like Eric more than I like Robert, but why would I listen to any advice and not just do what I like to do?

rent free

lmao what a load of shit
he just passed the wwe test to fit within in their allowed standards

He clearly does. Do you watch Bugez videos at all? He spent a good amount of time scheming with other youtubers against Alphadestiny, and was forced to cope after getting BTFO.

then he makes a video reply to Omar trying to mog him and fails. (See Re: peak performance.) And now this batman shit, which is a clear knock at Kinobody. Eric isn't a Chad. He's a bully, and a failure of a bully at that since his "victims" end up BTFOing him repeatedly with no response. Not even Blaha gives him a mention anymore.

Also fun fact, the Alphadestiny drama ended everyone besides Eric, who is on his last leg himself.

>unable to take a joke, seething hatred for someone who's succeeding in life

Let's not overblow it. Eric plays a no-name jobber in WWE.

Its okay Alex, 5'4" isn't bagel shop tier

wtf does that even have to do with the safety/benefits of deads vs cleans?
So if he roids, he's now magically wrong and you shouldn't deadlift?

>Loves his job, got an encore on his first night on tv, still has time to dick around on YouTube every once in a while
Sounds successful to me

Nice, manbun, faggot. Do you even lift?

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Imagine being Alex and watching Bugez killing it in the gym with NotStrongEnough

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OMG who is this and why is he so hot???

Eric was kinda shitting on AD because he wanted to distance himself from Alex. Alex used to be a cringy fuck but now he's alright.

i used to like bugenhagen too but i really do feel like he's a passive aggressive dude

I’ve noticed it too and it sucks because he used to be alright I think but YouTube popularity showed his true colors and he’s become the Rick and Morty of fitness personalities

What Alphadestiny drama? I don’t pay attention e-celeb drama

His pay is shit and he's gonna stay a low tier jobber until they release him in 10 years.
He likes eating Vince McMahon's juicy turds.

Eric's faggot Jewish friend with a giant oblong head who he used to lift with in Wisconsin claimed Alpha was lying when he said he could double overhand grip a 600 pound deadlift. Eric backed up his kike friend and said it was physically impossible for Alpha to have done this. Alpha then went to the gym after not having dealifted for months and had his sexy sister film deadlifting 600 pounds with a double overhand grip and proved them wrong.



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If inceldestiny had a girl she'd leave him for eric in a heartbeat. Not just because Eric is insanely muscular and handsome but also because Eric isn't an insecure pesudotoughguy tryhard bitch

imagine coping this hard to protect ur e-boyfriend

>average nxt pay: $80,000

Based, was getting nervous there

Could this dude be more annoying?

rent free

you balding brah?

No one even watches blaha why act like he's relevant




>first thing he does in the video is admit that his D1 college wrestling program didn't do deadlifts

These guys all seem like fags man
Robert Orst BTFO by my boy Patrik