Attached: calories in bleach.png (672x216, 11K)
Is this the cheapest bulking food?
Matthew Barnes
Liam Ramirez
Easton Mitchell
The cheapest food if considering calories per dollar spent is bananas. Although it would be very inefficient and likely unsuccessful to try to bulk this way.
Cooper Nguyen
No it isn't retard.
Henry Moore
Olive oil
Daniel Harris
Just drink gasoline
Brandon Myers
Is GOBAB a good way to gain weight lads?
Noah Sullivan
dry beans or lentils are the cheapest calorie food but you will get sick of that shit fast
Nathan Lewis
Thats not true. Bananas wouldn't even be top 10. If youre eating clean they might be higher but still staple foods are cheaper.
Oats, rice, pasta, beans are all pretty cheap as long as you buy bulk.
Carson Stewart
Samuel Hernandez
you are like little babies
James Peterson
Bananas are still cheaper by weight.
Parker Johnson
Gavin Ortiz
>One gram of plutonium-239 can produce 70 GJ
>not bulking on 40 trillion kcal a day
Carter Hall
no you just need buy bulk, which is also more practical than buying bananas everyday
buying 20lbs of rice is cheaper than 20lbs of bananas, lasts longer, is more realistic and more convenient
Carter Phillips
>tfw what’s a potato
Isaiah Nelson
It's actually eggs, bananas aren't cheap
Sebastian Russell
Bulk rice is still more per pound.
If you have a dehydrater then bananas are superior.
This is actually the correct answer.
Josiah Stewart
Where do you live that bananas aren't cheap?
Alexander Bennett
Peanut butter
Hudson Walker
Since when do we talk about food in terms of pounds? I'm sure if you calculate CALORIES per dollar spent, there are plenty of more cost effective foods.
If you want to be autistic, why not just eat a pound of sugar? 1,500 calories for about $1.
Carson Mitchell
If we are comparing bananas and rice on a $ per kcal basis from a grocery store they are basically equal ~300kcal/dollar
The question should be highest amount of protein per dollar.
Blake Evans
>The question should be highest amount of protein per dollar.
The next question is the amino acid profile of those proteins.
Luke Ward
Well is there anything cheaper than protein shakes?
Christian Powell
That's still pathetic compared to shoplifted steaks. Infinite kcal/dollar.
William Harris
cheapest way to get calories is buying oil, dipshits
Henry Howard
it's not that expensive.
1g is 20 billion calories, that's like 5 bucks for more calories you would need in 100 lifetimes.
Ian Walker
5oybean oil, especially purchased in bulk, is going to be one of the least expensive ways of obtaining calories. Masa is extremely cheap per calorie too.
Adrian Young
where, i am convinced this is a meme
i cant ever find them for cheaper than $3-4/lb
Asher Kelly
Empty carbs are the best fa-bulking foods. Oats, potatos, rice... then chase it down with vegetable oil to really get your body fucked up.
Parker Davis
Where are you getting uranium for $5/gram?
Asking for an Iranian friend.