
Ask retarded questions

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>half squat is bad on the knees
>passing half squat position on the way to full squat is ok
Why is this?

I actually have a few non meme questions.

1: What are the best or recommended isolation exercise for triceps?

2: is it okay if I train all 3 parts of chest (main, upper, side pectorals) in the same days or am I hurting the recovery/growth?

3: Will doing a bunch of pushups daily be better or worse than doing them every 2 days?

Thanks anons.

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How do I keep the bar path straight when pressing?

what are causes for a bloated abdomen?
is it because i always eat oats before i go to bed?
also how can i get rid of my pelvic tilt?

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1. Close grip bench, dips and skull crushers
2. Yeah if you’ve got a dedicated chest or push day I’d say go for it
3. Dunno, shouldn’t hurt much either way unless you’re doing tons of them

Squat depth is controversial as fuck
But the peak forces are when you turn direction, just like when you're in a car that's rapidly decelerating. So among other things, depth will determine where on the knee those peak forces will land

I do not believe half-squat is bad on the knees. I believe it allows you greater control than ass2grass. More control in your lifts means safer lifts.

How do i train my body/brain to sleep on my back?

How much should my lifts on SS progress each workout?

Why is my squat so bad compared to my deadlift?
I do pause squat ATG and conventional deadlift.
My squat max is 120kg and my deadlift max is 175 kg. What could be the issue causing the difference?

Weak quads. God gave you strong hammies and back. Also pause ATG is hard as fuck, bet you could squat 130-140kg without pause.

What is best routine for aesthetics? Full body, push/pull, upper/lower, PPL or some bro split?

>Imb4 SS

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What am I losing by mixing up neutral grip and palms out for my pull ups?

Push Pull

Fuck zyzz
Piana Gang reporting in

Is cutting/bulking a meme?

No they are necessary. Just don't go full faggot and eat yourself fat as pig. When bulking eat 500-700kcal over your TDEE.

It literally tells you how much you stupid fucking retarded faggot.

Strap your self down with some tie-downs. Get kinky with yourself, bro.

No you silly fucking slut. Bulking gives your muscles extra bitches to bang so they can get bigger, cutting gets you bitches to bang because your muscles will stand out more because you won't be a fat fucking cow. Are you a cow? Momma say moo. SAY MOO.

By pushing the goddamned bar up and fucking down you ignorant cuss. What kind of stupid fucking question is that? If you're having trouble keeping the bar on track, lower the fucking weight until you are able to make that cocksucker go in a straight fucking line.

If I was sedentary, and started doing light cardio, would that raise test or something?

I'm asking because I just came and it felt really intense and satisfying and my dick was actually hard. For months before that I felt kind of limp dicked and my orgasms were very weak. Only thing I can think of that changed is me having done a bit of cycling in the last 3 days. I don't want to go back to being limp dicked bros help

no. the best iso exercise for tri's is the cable pulldown. different ROM to experiment, excellent squeeze, and varied weight (you can max it out with a huge ROM and momentum or you can do a low weight with a restricted ROM for the really tight squeeze.) to be fair, I do 50-100 dips in addition to it, but to expect big tri's without using the cable extension is bullshit. also, do push ups on your dedicated back day. gets a good pump for arms.

make sure your grip is right, don't bring it too far down, methodically move your head in and out of the window.

Thinking about swapping white rice for potato or sweet potato for my carbs. Any benefits or drawbacks of doing this?

So the rate is consistent for the entire program lifespan?

Solid advice from the mouth of an obnoxious retard

Insomniac bump

Unless you're some crazy fucking freak with Kryptonin genetics, or you want to snap your fucking shit up, yes you fucking nignog. It's called linear progression for a goddamned reason you fucking bitch boi cuckmeister. You want to slowly put weight on the bar. Your tendons muscles and bones need time to adjust to new shit, right? But they are really pretty amazing fucking things, so you can put them under a lot more stress than you think, but too much, and your shit will literally break like a rubber band. If you REALLY want to you can double the weight you put on daily. So instead of 2.5, you can put on 5 IF YOU'RE COMFORTABLE DOING SO. You're more than likely not going to snap your shit, but at some point that extra 10 lbs will be a bit too much too quickly so you'll need to step down a bit.

The worst thing you can do is snap your shit up because you were ego lifting. Lift what you can manage, not what you want to show off. You'll get to the showing off if you don't break yourself.

I may be obnoxious, but it will probably stick in your head better. "That fucking cunt really rustled my jimmies today, better not snap my shit up."

No for real, strap yourself down. Like, at the shoulders, hips and maybe knees. You'll either sleep on your back, or wake up from struggling with the tie-downs. Or perform some ancient voodoo ritual and hope that chicken's head you just bit off will help you stay on your back.

Alternatively: Start off sleeping on your back, don't roll on your side. Lay there, close your eyes, count your gay ass, cock-loving sheep, and go the fuck to sleep. If you wake up on your side, try again.

A friend of mine stopped using a pillow. That way it was uncomfortable as fuck to sleep on your side. Why is sleeping on your back good for you?

for isolations, are free weights better than using machines for the same exercise (i.e. chest flies using dumbbells vs using the chest fly machine)? i certainly feel it more in the isolated muscle when I use machines, however i obviously sacrifice the development of stabilizer muscles, and if my goal is to make aesthetic + strength gains, are developing those stabilizer muscles necessary?

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>hurrdurr is building even more muscle better for me or should I just be a fucking faggot because I lack the discipline to train properly?

This is how you sound. Use the machine if you want, you'll still build muscle. Use free weights and build even more muscle if you fucking want. But don't ask a dumb fucking question that you basically answered yourself.

To add on to this, make sure you have proper form when using those free weights. You probably "feel it more" on the machines because you can lift more, because it forces you to have proper form. With free weights you can swing your arms about during a pressing movement and get the weight up, but not activate/use the muscles you should be because you bitched out just to get that barbell/dumbbell up there.

Post body

What happens to all the fat your body burns when you lose weight? I've been carb-free OMADing for the past two weeks and I've lost five pounds so far, but I've only shat like twice in that time and they were both small, what happens to all the fat your body processes for fuel? Is it somehow converted to straight energy with no byproduct?

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you actually exhale most of the fat you burn. not even lying.

What is the layman’s argument for justifying banning steroids?

Pretty much, if you don't eat a lot you're still gonna poop but with way less frequency, since you're not directly introducing waste in your digestive system. Look up fat metabolization

I think my coworker is actively trying to make me gain weight. She comments how I'm so skinny and so blessed. She'll pick up starbucks for the office and somehow my cold brew will turn into cold brew with cream and a flavor shots or a small will turn into a large. She'll also pressure me to try to get me to eat coffee cakes. I just don't drink or eat it, but it's making me angry and it's making the office atmosphere a little awkward

>til gut is brain
How do I make proximal gains boss

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Fat is triglycerides, which can, through a lengthier and more energy demanding process, be turned into glucose. If you start reducing food intake, your body will draw on this process to turn your fat into energy. Most of your feces comes from waste and indigestible materials, of which glucose is neither.

It's mostly lost through breathing. O2 becomes CO2, so you lose a carbon atom.

I'm just here to roll for pushups


Anyone used the app Bar Sense?

>counting the bar

I just need a way to track bar path

>close grip bench

it’s not a stupid question (albeit a beginner one) because i clearly implied that the workout i get using free weights MAY be worse off than using the machines simply because some of the work becomes less concentrated in the muscles that i’m trying to isolate. of course if i felt the same degree of tension using the free weights compared to the machines then you’d be right saying it’s a retarded question because free weights would be objectively better. thank you for replying by the way. no sarcasm.

sounds good. it sounds like my form is the problem then

Sweet potatoes are very underrated but I would avoid regular potatoes.

Full body beginner to intermediate, PPLPPL once advanced

Sorry for the blog
>try reaching out to people who obviously need help
>do everything to bring up happy emotions for them, mainly their hobbies
>they are always hurt by this

"Hey Jess, how's the writing coming along?"
>pained expression, looks away, "uh, it's... So, what have you been doing recently?"

"Hey Alex, you said you were really getting into music production last we met, how's that coming along? You had a real skill for it"
>looks around almost panicked, starts talking to John about John's college classes

"Hey Heather, how're the kids?"
>"oh they're fine, they are a lot more behaved now."
"Oh yea? Are you finally getting sleep or are you still on the 24-hour schedule? Hahaha"
>"no yea, I'm getting sleep now, but I have another coming soon, so I'll be back on that schedule..."
"Oh that's great! Congratulations" as she's already turned around to talk to her other friend about something they are doing

I just want them to feel good with what they are doing, and I'm truly happy knowing they are doing well, but they just aren't and they are doing everything to ignore their bad feelings and my help. I didn't know everyone's passions brought them pain, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, but it's really killing my motivation. I don't want to be better if it makes everyone else feel like shit, and it's nothing but negative feelings to interact with them, even when I have nothing but good intentions by bringing up stuff they couldn't stop talking about last time I saw them. High energy, good feelings, I don't even care if they forget to ask about me. As long as they feel good and feel comfortable sharing it with me, I feel amazing. It's only pain now with them, and it's killing my motivation and gains. Dozens of people all in a negative space. Idk what I need, I just want to help them feel better with whatever it is they're going through, I want them to open up, they need someone there for them.

I used the chest fly machine for the first time and near the end of the set I realized I didn't know how to let go of the machine and ended up stretching my right shoulder way too far back.
It pops and there's a dull ache in it now.
How fucked am I?

I need some advice on developing my midsection. I've been getting really depressed because the muscles starting below my epigastric region is really soft. How do I go about strengthening my abdominals? I primarily care about appearance over functional strength.

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> Anterior pelivic tilt
Working on abs (abs exercises) and glutes (hip thrusts)

Take a break for a few days on shoulder/chest shit. You should be able to bend your elbows to allow the machine to return to it's resting position, at least that's the best way for the machine at my gym.

I've stalled for so fucking long on squats because of what seems to be patellar tendonitis in my right knee. Do I just take a week or two off squats for it to heal up?

>should I let this essential part for the lift heal, or just keep going and hope it doesn't snap

That's what you just asked. If after resting and taking it easy for a week or so it doesn't get better, go to a doctor.

tried pendlay rows for the first time today
couldn't get parallel to the floor without arching due to tight hamstrings
what should I do? should I stretch my hamstrings and work on flexibility or should I do an alternative row?

In short, you behave like a cunt and you should stop.

To elaborate, a lot of people are insecure about their skills and achievements in what they're passionate about (see impostor syndrome). When you ask uninvited questions, you make it worse and it actually looks like you want to make fun of their failures.

Why the fuck my thighs hurt so much?
I worked up and squated 85lb comfortably (first time squatting in my life) and I cant even squat the bar anymore my legs hurt so much when I squat.
Do I just need to rest?

Any idea what I could be doing wrong to cause it? My right leg is stronger than my left so it could be a muscle imbalance?

I slept on my floor a couple nights because of the pain side sleeping was causing.

New to the gym here, have some questions, spare me some knowledge if you can:

If I just want my muscles to grow (especially chest), how should my exercises be? Big or small amount of sets with big or small amount of reps in each of them?

Which is a good exercise for chest using only one high pole cable?

I've been hitting new records for my bench the last months, but I seem to have stopped in about 33.5kg on each side (not counting bar). I just can't do more reps, since a long time. Adding weight wouldn't allow me to get to the 5th rep I always aim for. How do I increase the weight I can bench?

How many exercises are enough for a muscle group in a day? With how many sets and reps? I know it depends on what you want to accomplish, but I feel like I can make like 5 exercises, all to failure, pushing me hard and I still can make more exercises. I just want to have bigger muscles.

When is the best time to eat regarding the gym? Before or after? Or both? And how much time before or after?

Thanks guys

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You should fast and do no fap

read the sticky

That could play a part into it. You have to go by how your weakest side can do, for the most part, otherwise you'll just end up hurting yourself. Obviously you can compensate some with your strong side until the weak catches up, but don't go fucking crazy.

Are you sure you're lifting with proper form?

Rest, food, more exercise. Also stretch afterwards or use a foam roller, look up how to properly stretch/roll on youtube. It will help you out a lot. More exercise because it will BASICALLY force the built up lactic acid out of your sore legs. I don't know the science behind it but if you have DOMS an you work through the soreness during your next workout, it will A) stop hurting and B) hurt less when DOMS sets in, at least in most cases.

>If I just want my muscles to grow
Look up hypertrophy and how to achieve it.

>high pole cable
The fuck is that? You mean a PULL cable? If so you can do flies with one side. Just switch sides when done with the set.

>How do I increase the weight I can bench
There are a couple of ways. Eat more food and try again soon. Deload, work on that weight then work back up and past. I've seen people do one rep, rack, one rep, rack, one rep, rack etc. I don't know if that works or not, but I'd look it up.

>How many exercises are enough for a muscle group in a day
As many as you want, really, just be careful of over training.

>When is the best time to eat regarding the gym
There's a lot of sources out there that answer this question and pretty much they end up with "Pretty much any time" that won't end you getting cramps or some shit. Some people swear by drinking their protein before hitting the gym, some advocate 30 minutes after. Look it up, see what sounds good to you, mate.

Also what said.

If I get stuck in the middle of my OHP which accessory exercises are good?

bloated abs is from pushing out with abs/using lifting belt, flex your abs down like arny in his prime. suck the gut in then flex when doing ab work and when doing major lifts will kill the bloating

If a big guy comes up to me and gives me a compliment at the fountain about my lifting numbers, is he flirting or just being a bro?

I lift everything from the ground as I lift at home and don't have a rack, does this mean I can ignore deadlifts? I saw Robert Oberst on Joe Roegan say that doing deadlifts is pointless unless you want to improve your deadlift, and to do power cleans or clean jerks instead. Which I sorta already do due to not having a rack

nice. thanks

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I feel like my squat form is the most inconsistent form wise. Some days I have no pain and the weight goes right up with ease. Other days my right knee is horrible and the weight is a struggle. Current working weight of 105kg sets of 5. I'll probably take squats off for a week or so and then work on from again after that dropping weight.

>When you ask uninvited questions, you make it worse and it actually looks like you want to make fun of their failures.
I didn't know it was a failure for them until after I asked.

I hate talking about myself because they tell me how I'm bragging about how much better I am than they are, even though that's not my intention. Talking about something they do makes me look like a cunt that wants to tear them down and they turn away. What is there to even talk about at that point?

Ty m8

Do cold showers actually do anything for your muscles?

I want a fucking massive upper body as quickly as naturally possible. What kind of routine would work best?

next time release one arm and then the other, turn your body so it doesnt bend shoulder backwards. also you can probably adjust how far back it goes
also you were probably using too much weight, go light and SQUEEZE ur tittys
you probably arent too fucked and will heal, just go easy on the shoulder and dont do retarded shit in the future


It goes without saying, but: Prioritize form over how much you're putting up. If you need to, stay at one weight for a couple of sessions, there's no shame in that. There is shame in snapping your shit and not being able to lift for months.


i bet you money that at the bottom of your squat your feet cave inwards, pulling your shin out of alignment with your knee, causing joint pain.
try it infront of a mirror or film yourself

Every time I go to the gym I do 4x8 bench, 4x8 ohp, 4x8 lat pd, and 4x8 curls. I do this ideally twice a week. Is this retarded?

Steroids. But in all seriousness, you're just going to have to work at it one day at a time. The whole "Rome wasn't built in a day" thing is true for just about everything. There are no shortcuts short of steroids. You just have to put in the effort.

You should always work on flexibility somewhat. Having said that, there are a ton of row alternatives, just look it up, do what is comfortable for you. Work on your stretches.

Goals? Weight/height?

Retarded? Not really. You could do better maybe. Or worse. The point is you're going and putting up the weights. You're at least doing something. Try to split things up, though.

And for the love of god do some fucking leg work.

work on your mobility every time you go gym, hip hinge is crucial for many lifts positioning
start by getting as low as you can with maintaining a flat back, do your sets as best you can like that and work from there, going flatter each workout
dont forget to valsalva manouvre, google it if u dont know

how easily can i fuck my body up for life

Let's translate one thing you mentioned to what it actually means.

> Are you finally getting sleep or are you still on the 24-hour schedule? Hahaha

This means:

> Did you succeed or did you miserably fail haha?

As you noticed, this attitude makes people want to cut the conversation and leave. It is fine to discuss hobbies, but the way you do it is probably wrong.

Meth, heroin.

For the 5/3/1 squat day supplementary lifts, the website recommends leg press and leg curl. I do not have access to either machine. What are movements I can do with dumbells/barbells/kettlebells/bodyweight that would mimic the leg press and curl?

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Easy as putting a bullet through your head

>Steroids. But in all seriousness, you're just going to have to work at it one day at a time. The whole "Rome wasn't built in a day" thing is true for just about everything. There are no shortcuts short of steroids. You just have to put in the effort.

I do get that but I've been going to the gym for two years with minimal progress. It's my own fault because I lack routine but now I'm in a position where I have the time and money to go hard and I want to capitalise on that with some rapid hypertrophy, as rapid as can be managed without steroids and sacrificing my health.

My little sister gets fed through a tube and can't really eat more than 12oz of blended food per meal (3 times a day). She can't have dairy or large amounts of sugar, and bulk powders make the food foam up and it's hard to put through the tube. Can anyone come up with some way to increase her calories by about 500 a day without adding very much volume?

Fuuuck, that's a tall order pal. Nutri bullet some fruit?

That could actually be it, I remember a guy at gym mentioning I was doing that a couple months ago.

She already eats basically a normal diet (fish/meat, veggies, oats, yogurt, fruit, etc.) blended in a vitamix.

Is this the kind of 'bulk powders you mean"? It's meant as a meal replacement and just needs water.

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... ... Then get a fucking routine, man. What the fuck. You're answering your own question.


alright thanks, I'll start with alternative rows until I can increase my flexibility enough to pendlay

Mass gainers, lean mixes also. Hope she's doing well, pal. Thoughts and prayers and all.

I was just joking about how kids never let you sleep, but I guess you can take it that way if I said it with snark instead of chuckling and smiling at the end.

I mean mass gainers. They have too much sugar and it messes with her somehow, maybe a medicine interaction.

Thanks, bro.

Well then try ensure out, should be at local pharmacies or health stores, Amazon even stocks it.