
Redpill me on nicotine for hunger suppression bros. What is the most Jow Forums way to administer?

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Chads like me juul

t. Chad

Scandinavian snus or gum

Sorry, real Chads research their options rather than picking whatever the most popular one is.

t. Real Chad

It werks. It's a stimulant on the same level as caffeine, which you can stack it with. Best way to take it is through gum. No tobacco, and don't inhale smoke.

Redman golden blend, or nicotine gum. Nothing that goes in your lungs.

We should link up, grab some White Claws and invite the Zeta girls over fellow Chad

Ofc bro, just not the grapefruit one that one sucks. Grab some black cherry or raspberry.

If you smoke while you are hungry, your hunger will disappear for an hour or so, because cigs create a disgusting taste in your throat that will make hunger go away
You cant feel the taste tho
t. smoker

Nicotine is a stimulant and therefore has natural appetite suppression qualities.

You should inject it directly, OP. About 10mg should supress your hunger indefinitely.

Nicotine is very underrated. It's not even a carcinogenic, and it has nootropic and performance enhancing properties. I regularly take some gum before I start working out and the burst of energy it gives you is unreal.

Nicotine is based, but i wouldnt recommend it before working out since it constricts your blood vessels.

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Just be a man and ensure it. You must have had rich ancestors that ate a lot and didn't have to feel hunger.

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patch or gum

ex-smoker, current vaper (quitting that too)
Anyway, smoking actual cigs helped take my mind off hunger, but since i quit and only vape the nicotine does nothing that I am aware of in terms of hunger suppression. That said, you're retarded if you think that picking up a costly habit to maybe eat a tiny bit less is beneficial.

I forgot to add, one thing that I did find helps me avoid some cravings is just drop and do a set up pushups or whatever I can with my limited amount on weights at home. It resets my mindset and worse case scenario I make myself pay for the food in that way.

I really wanna know where this "tobacco = gains" maymay came from. Was it "le ebin" thread or has some Discord been spam-fucking it like several other common threads

Nicotine rules
Patch, gum, vape, or any of those packets of pure nicotine salts

Aspire and Breeze are superior

Same, if anything i find that they make me more hungry. The vape juice tastes so goddamn good and ends up stimulating my appetite

Been dipping for 8 years now.
I quit 2 months ago and about to go to my first dentist visit in as many years.
If there is no sign of cancer I think I am going to get back on it.
I have nothing going for myself now. I originally quit to try and get back with my ex though since leaving her I have become an alchie.
I guess I'd rather lose my jaw than die of liver posioning.
Either way I have been starving most of the time since I quit.
When I was using I would just go all day without eating and maybe eat dinner.
NRT is more expensive but "safest" but you will get much less nicotene and probably not even enough to stave hunger, depending on where you live cigaretes or dip would be cheapest.

If you want nicotine, Swedish snus is by far the safest way to get it into your system. Google it, studies of over 100,000 participants showed no increase in likelihood of cancer.

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You know who's addicted to nicotine?
The fragile, soft, skinnyfat, beta, porn addicted, shitty music listening and shitty game playing, absolutely useless generation called the zoomers.

>Everyone younger than me is shit.

Thanks, gramps.

get a patch

If you want actual appetite suppression then cigs are the only way to get that full effect. Vaping and Juuls won't do shit aside from giving you your nic-fix. It's not worth it at all though, you will legit lose so much weight so fast by smoking cigs and then the obvious other health risks that come with it.

t. smoked for 9 years and still stuck on nicotine by vaping

Is it weird this is exactly what I do? The grapefruit ones taste horrible, and zeta is a good sorority at my school