>pay membership fees
>Go to the gym
>run on the treadmill
Why do people do this?
>pay membership fees
>Go to the gym
>run on the treadmill
Why do people do this?
>pay membership fees
>ro to the gym
>do 15 minutes on the rowing machine
>wander around for another 15 minutes too beta to lift any weights or use any other machines
why do I do this?
they want to run on a treadmill but they don't have one at home
they are out of town and want to run on a treadmill at a fitness club where membership gives them nationwide access
they want to run but they don't know their limit so they are seeing how far they can go without having to worry about how long it will take them to get back home
Because you're insecure of what other people will think because you dont know anything user. Watch a bunch of AthleanX, jeff nippard, and shredded sports science on youtube, then make a workout plan and use it in the gym.
They're too shy and incompetent to get a training schedule.
They think cardio alone will make them look sharp.
They're retarded.
to do cardio
i run on treadmill not outside because i'm afraid of chad shouting FAAAAAAAGGGGGGG out of his car as he drives past
Just blow him a kiss. Power move.
good for women to shake their juicy fat asses while they run. what are you gay?
>pay memership fees
>go for 3 months
>been over a year since I've gone and I'm still paying
Why do people do this?
It's fine to do some cardio. But if they want big asses they need to get in the squat rack.
this is about going to a gym to just run. You can just do that outside.
I only go to the gym because my work pays for it, I don't get why you guys don't just start a home gym instead of paying fees
well you go to the gym to be gay. summer special $0 money down 69$ a month to get no gains
how many people actually have space for a power rack? those things are fucking tall
>pay membership fees
>own a house
>not just buying a bar, a bench, a rack and some weights
Why do people do this?
Because running in 100 degree heat in Texas sucks
Mine pays for it too.
Whatever nerd I have a big tiddy goth gf who lifts
Bc they are slaves to social pressure. They think the only appropriate place to exercise is the gym so they go to the gym to do their totally acceptable exercise that nobody can criticize them for everyone qwants to live in a fucking box and be entirely normal go to their ofdice job drive home in their white luxury suv to their bland modernstyle inner city townhouse and watch whatever garbage is on Netflix order that trendy thai food on grubhub and scroll instagram on their iphone (green text bubbles are *ahem* shocking) until they go to sleep rinse and repeat it's so fucking sterile and contained i can't stand theae fucking robot npcs nobody is real everyone is scared to be anything but one-click fabric softener rounded edges
Go at sunrise fix your mestizo sleep schedule
Just suck his dick. Power move.
Bro you gotta move out to the country where people don't give a fuck.
This is how i stopped doing that.
>Pay $600 upfront for the year
>Haven't missed a week since
If i was paying per month it doesn't feel as bad
I like to do my cardio in your moms house. Having sex with her. Using my penis.
She's in her 60 s so you must have low self esteem. At least a gilf fetish is some type of flavor beyond silicon
Enjoy my sloppy seconds, cuck.
blah blah blah i’m smarter than everyone have sex incel
Honest answer.
Have been paralyzed and it's difficult to lift up the left foot consistently so jogging outside is a safety risk for tripping. I need a predictable flat surface and the sidewalks around here are fucking awful. No tracks either. Plus it's hot as balls outside and medically I can't handle it.