How unhealthy is coke before weight training?

is it worse that ciggarettes ? im not addicted i just like the europhia i have on it i get so much confidence i can talk to people and feel motivated to shadow box inbetween sets for those cardio gains

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Coke as in cocaine or coca cola


Its definitely worse than cigarettes

Coca Cola and coffee grinds is what my dad taught me

I did this earlier this week and puked all over the gym.

fuck.. i quit smoking 5 years ago but i like cocaine as i can get it real cheap off the internet lol dont worry its pure it makes me feel so good and i get great workouts

IT stresses the heart, so does lifting weights, its like double the stress.

coke makes me confident girls like confidence
girls like coke i like girls [and coke]
coke makes me workout harder thus being more ripped and with more lean mass making girls like me even more

I'm imagining you shadow boxing and talking to people between sets while high on coke. prettty cringe

haha i bet you got a baby dick and small pea sized testes you fag if u spoke shit to me irl u know id hurt u right lmao

>im not addicted i just like the euphoria

same goes for addicts, you fucking genius. They chase that euphoria.

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but im using it to get fit and social gains your just a hater and have to pay top dollar for it rage on hater

hey man im imagining you sucking my penis with a broken jaw and crying with cum dripping out of your booty hole

is it worse that ciggarettes ? im not addicted i just like the europhia i have on it i get so much confidence i can talk to people and feel motivated to shadow box inbetween sets for those cardio gains

>like the euphoria

>get so much confidence

you have a dependance on it, obviously. Stop lying to yourself you drug addict. Also, i'm not a addict like you, who depends on drugs to feel "confidence" and "motivated"

ur buying research chemicals btw

>roleplaying as a cokehead nigger

You're a pussy who needs coke just to talk to people at the gym. You've already exposed yourself, eat my fat ogre dick bitch boy

sickening logic

my dicks bigger than a niggers

its probably unhealthy but ive done it a couple times. Honestly I just want to rail lines instead and lose focus on the workout

>Doesn’t have the willpower to shadowbox between sets or talk to people without literally doing cocaine
>thinks this is a good thing
So much cope

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dunno how bad it is but damn its fun

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I feel like it couldnt be much worse than pre-workout. Shit ive felt more gacked on pre-workout than coke at times

Are you the seller? How do you know?

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its hard for me to be confident i was bullied growing up because i was so tall and i was diddled so i like smashing trannys up the booty more than fucking girls pussys