I'm gonna say it
I don't get it. Am I supposed to think a guy squinting in the sunlight is funny?
Yeah I don't get it either
Oh my fuck
trannies spamming cuckshit
I thought that chick is such a frauder. Almost every pic I see her ass is never visible and when it is she usually stands in a pose to make it look bigger. Now we finally see what it really is
Why this nigga ain’t got no eyes
cuck? That is legends wife and child.
She has no ass.
cuz he nigganese
this enrages me more than the guy looking over his shoulder in the squat rack
> She refuses to carry his last name
> He acknowledges that he’s married to her on Twitter. She doesn’t even mention him.
> She’s looks like that! And doesn’t even work out!
The fact that she has the nerve to demand so much and acts like she’s gods gift when she brings nothing to the table is what infuriates me the most.
He's gay N E way.
She’s just a 3 dressed up as a 9...
who is this?
This thread is perfect for nigger spotting. The image is completely irrelevant to the non-nog, whites have no idea what the fuck is supposed to be so funny and apparently the coons know exactly who these two nobodies are.
Shit ass.. but who is it?
I'm not black nerd and I know who both are. One is a C+ tier musician while the other is a "model"
I'm assuming the "joke" is the way this guy is looking at her tiny ass.
>nigger gets trophy white woman
>married her and has mongrel child
>in a moment of clarity cant understand why he did it
>i'm not black and i know who they are!
Whatever you say mutt you sound so proud too
So nigger thinks with muh dik and it takes him over a year to realise that this is retarded? Truly one of us, just like myself and other hywite pipul
Please for the love of God think of the advertisers.
I'm not a mutt retard.I wasn't born in America and don't have any intermarriage going in my family for as far as I know. You sound like the retarded mutt here
Life must be hard with full-blown autism
Post body mutt.
Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
>common dialogue between Americans
Please remain in your containment country
post ancestry Amerimutt. $50 you're more mixed than me
omg so based xd
Face swap his face with that of the baby's
>Screencap of a tweeted photo of threeliterallywhos in a bath tub.
A thread died for this. Post this on some other board, please
I have no idea who they are.
But because im not an absolute moron and i know that you guys love the brapps meme and it's common knowledge that black guys like big butts so it's pretty obvious to anyone with any sort of ability to put 2 and 2 together.
that makes more sense. i thought it was funny because the man and son are making the same annoyed face.
So now you're admitting you're at least partially mixed? Just post body goblino
>he's bragging about playing Blue's Clues to figure out a twitternigger joke
You're a fucking retard bro. You're American(the land of mutts) and you accuse other people of being mutts. Newsflash nerd: your crush going out with that ethnic boy doesn't mean that it happens in other countries. You've got 2 black ancestors,4 natives ones(probably rapebabies) and a bunch of other disgusting mixes from Scandinavia,Ireland and France
>You're American
You keep saying this but it's not true. Post body. Last time I ask before you concede your muttness
Whatever anglo shithole you're from I guarantee there's a few rape babies from Africa in your family.
>every 'white' boy itt
>these two nobodies are.
lmao John Legend is more successful than you could ever hope to be, nigger
>t. assblasted mutt
t. faglo saxon
>named John Legend
>be a literal nobody
Why do niggers do this?
I’m so confused. It’s probably better I don’t know how these two nobodies are.
>following celebrity gossip
>that woman
lol thats one ugly fucking baby
a guy who peaked in 2005?
A flash in the pan at that...
cmonBruh SAY WHAT?
Go back to Jow Forums funny guy
Bring me your hot sister, boy. Shaniqua told me last time she wants some more of these REPARATIONS with a side of the N word.
dumb frogposter
If you know who these two niggers are, then you should just kill yourself
So who are these?
Is the joke that she’s picked up and is coddling the child, when the adult man looks more upset?
>twitchspeak outside of twitch
you need to go back
Ainan Celeste Cawley, has the highest IQ in the world, of 263. He is a child prodigy that was born in Singapore, he was able to walk when he was only two weeks old and speak his first words when he was 6 months old and have finishing university graduating in physics ,chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer programming music and now is finishing the triple grade of phylosophy , sociology and phycology
And he is only 19 years old