How to acquire a stronger jaw?

How to acquire a stronger jaw?

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eat red meat multiple times a week, medium rare

Genes or get a beared

Mew & chew mastic/falim gum

Time machine + CRISPR

smash it with a brick until it grows stronger

Keep a bag of tough beef jerky in the car. Snack and chew whenever you're driving
When you're browsing at home, chew gum. Just keep some gum by the computer. Or bed. Whatever.
Eat protein
Good to go?

snack on some ball bearings


A hatchet and some grippy gloves would probably do the trick. Maybe you could also bring that girl an ass.


Don't wear pants like the picture. What the fuck is wrong with the zoomers that think this looks good. Mom jeans. So fucking horrible.

That pic is from the early 90’s dude. Calm down man.

Outed yourself as the true zoomer

orthotropics bruv

Attached: manhattan.jpg (324x550, 43K)

Audrey Horne is so fucking hot it's insane.
No character has ever been hotter. She's the perfect mix of cute, badass, classy, disobedient and wicked hot. She's the Scarlett O'Hara of our time.

what a fucking stooge

audrey best girl

fight me

Attached: sSDq2221d.jpg (620x413, 32K)

unirocally tren

Attached: lsTHho5.jpg (349x554, 83K)

keep her, I'll take Shelly

im very happy taking donna, cheers

White and Twin Peakspilled

You honestly can't look at that pic and tell its ages old?

Imagine being such an uncultured swine

chew lots of gum?

Be a white girl

suck my cock more lol

For me, it's Peggy.
There's a reason Rashida Jones is a perfect specimen, and she didn't get it from her dad, that's for sure.

Attached: giphy (4).gif (480x318, 2.75M)

No shit it's from the early 90s. He's saying it's in unfortunate that style came back and I agree, it's horrible.... Like your ability to comprehend.

chew gum. You can also read out loud in your free time. you get jaw gains and brain gains

those womens are beautiful, I wish I had 20 in the 90 instead of being a lil kid, best fashion best music best tv shows and no internets to ruin my life

Rah debil dawg

Zoomer detected

Stop fortnite dabbing and having stupid haircuts

Attached: ethnic0.jpg (960x720, 56K)

I miss the mid 2010's when women wore tight jeans

23 year old boomer here

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

Attached: Clintwalker.jpg (1080x1080, 103K)

Weighted mews.

Attached: growgrowgrow.webm (960x1200, 1.95M)

why is the dude with the hat the same width as alex kek

don't be an ass, it's obvious what he meant.
He wanted to be in his 20s in the 1990's in stead of being a kid at the time.
Don't feel bad, spanish speaking bro.

pic related, it’s you

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>why yes, I do prefer the One Piece manga to the anime, how could you tell?

Mewing will improve what you've got, but it will never give you a gigajaw.

good opinion