Why do crossfitters have such awful thick waists? And how do I avoid getting it myself?
Why do crossfitters have such awful thick waists? And how do I avoid getting it myself?
What the fuck is that nasty open sore on he shoulder
Most athletes have blocky bodies
She has my goal arms lmao mirin
Probably from cleans. Lu Xiaojun has calluses on his clavicles.
Looks like that korean guy in Olympus has fallen that took over the white house
>And how do I avoid getting it myself?
Don't worry, you probably train not enough to get it
don't take steroids while doing it
I think it's a vagina
Why are there so many crossfitting girls anyway?
Not that it matters, all the girls I see at a local crossfit gym look good and some of them have really thick thighs too.
avoid progressing on squats. avoid progressing on deadlifts. avoid progressing on cleans. Just use machines and you should be good
A lot of females need to turn physical activities into a social group activity. I see this a lot in mountain biking
A thick waist is partly genetic and partly due to well developed core muscles. In any sport where the spine has to sustain heavy loads both of those are good for stabilization. The genetics are already determined, but you can ensure your muscles don't grow by not using them. I've heard breaking your spine is effective for this.
Well, I don't really mind as it is now easier for me to talk to women so I'm making more than just physical gains.
Maybe one day my autism will be gone.
>tfw thick waist but weak as fuck core
should just transition to a hot women desu, unfortunately Im bald so Id have to cope a wig
anybody else just got hard thinking of fucking her (him) raw
id fuck that hole
Because you need a strong core to handle heavy loads on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, OHP, cleans, etc.
>And how do I avoid getting it myself?
By being a bitch and doing machines and isolation work instead. Seriously, why would ever want to have small girly waist? Thick cores are so much more impressive.
Stop being insecure!
Because I want to look like a freaky cartoon character.
Thick waisted men have a higher strength ceiling than slim waisted ones. Just get strong as fuark
There is no such thing as a too large core.
There is only too small shoulders and too narrow backs.
same, trained my abs during my last bulk then cut to 157 lbs at 5'11 and my abs are still barely visible which I assume is from my core still being too weak. Now I'm debating if I should keep training them this bulk or not. Really don't want to become an even bigger fridge at this point.
I could probably snap him in half with one kick
> probs gh use though
That looks stupid and weak.
From distance I thought her face looked like mine
lol found the torrance bro
Would still fuck happily
she doesn't quite have the nose for jackie chan
it's just shit genetics. everyone who does (((CrossFit))) is part of the genetic underclass
'roid gut
this girl has a gym in my town...ive never done crossfit but her gym actually seems like one of the most legit. @torrancetraininglab . I follow them on insta, i could see if you were just a normie who wanted to stay in good shape that crossfit would actually be appealing. Its a good combination of fitness/weights/social.
as for jamie, god id love for her to wrap those thighs around my head while I ate that tight little booty hole
Probably caught herself on the knurling while doing cleans or something