Vegan meal plan?

So I want to go vegan or at least incorporate more vegan meals into my life, but does anyone have any good recipes? I can whip up salmon+rice+broccoli in 15 minutes but all the decent vegan meals are very labor intensive. What are your go to vegan meals?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why not just put a bullet in your brain instead of killing yourself slowly with malnutrition?


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>eating predominately fresh plantbased diet with lean meat mixed in once or twice a week

Yeah okay why not just actually put a bullet in your head instead of dying slowly from heart disease after eating Walmart chicken thighs twice a day

Black beans+rice+broccoli
Lentil curry

>thread over

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sorry sweaty, but you need animal foods to survive and not look like a walking corpse

>the only alternative to eating nothing but plants is to eat processed junkfood
you are retarded from lack of nutrients

I hope you're not asking this sincerely because this board is filled with insecure young men desperate to present themselves as alpha as possible and eating vegan just doesn't go hand-in-hand with that. You'd have better luck elsewhere.

>this board is filled with insecure young men desperate to present themselves as alpha as possible and eating vegan just doesn't go hand-in-hand with that.

Is that 'vegan sarcasm' or understatement. Could you be more clear pls k tks?

Attached: Exciting New Book on Veganism.jpg (863x833, 321K)

The face women pull when they do this shit really pisses me off. Jesus christ

>raw vegan keto
>surely this is an accurate representation of veganism
>look, mom. I posted it again.

Have sex


Post body, meatcuck.

Attached: MMH_0009.jpg (1536x2304, 2.06M)

I hope for your own sake that isn't you



post b12 and dick

I want to marry this one.

Post body

>so i want to comit a slow suicide by anti-notrients, inflamation and the lack of over 15 notrients you cant get from a vegan diet

I don't get your point? He looks like your average vegan to me??

Attached: Go Vegan and Thrive.jpg (1280x800, 495K)

post blood lipid profile

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>The gay olympics.

Looks like a vegan event to me.

Attached: Vegan Olympian.png (1280x800, 992K)

This is literally no different from posting pictures of hamplanets and acting as if it's representative of a non-vegan diet.

>newfag in my gym
>wearing a snapback cap and tank top
>top has, "Eating Animals is Weird" scrawled across it
>accidentally laugh in his face when he walks in, he shoots me a look but I just wave him off
>for his first exercise, goes straight to the free weight area
>picks up 20lb dumbbells but seems to rethink it after feeling the weight
>swaps the 20's out for 15's
>my sides in orbit as 'he' proceeds to cheat curl 15lbs while wearing a shirt that reads, "Eating Animals is Weird"

Attached: 1562023302593.jpg (960x954, 85K)

Vegans tried that, but it was unauthentic, unconvincing, and (((they))) quit that tactic.

Nowadays (((they))) post images of steroid junkies who DO NOT LOOK VEGAN, to trick the new gullible recruits into joining veganism. I'm sure you've never done that.

(gojiman, and vegsource, are the only honest vegans since Donald Watson)

Attached: Another Lovely Vegan Representative.png (1280x800, 598K)

Good job, Eddie. You sure trolled me.

Still not posting body? Post body.

Post hairline, meatcuck.

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Haha that's badass bro, you really mogged him, by the way check this video out I'm already seeing results

this face alone is enough to convince to go vegan

>Seething plant based skeletoids.

Speaking of steroid junkie cheerleaders for the starvation club, check out this gem- Hench Herbivore. Lovely set of black rotting teeth which he proudly? Shows even in his thumbnails??

What kind of sicko cult is this btw?

Attached: Hench Disgusting Rotten Vegan Teeth.png (1280x800, 392K)

lmao his cavities are almost the size of his flared nostrils

>This guy has said "I'm going vegan" like a thousand times lol.

Attached: Vegan Vasectomy Cult 1.png (1280x800, 828K)

>Entire thread on veganism
>Only one person posts body

No, I don't have a bunch of images saved because I get triggered by what people eat. Again though, it's not as if steroid use is exclusive to vegan fitness personalities. It would be more realistic to say that amongst both vegans and non-vegans there are a variety of body types from skelly to roidhead to hambeast.

>I'm vegan and I castrated myself
>Now my wife decides she wants a child

This sterile vegan couple is going to have to call Sverige lol. Nothing they can do with that castrato.

Attached: Vegan Vasectomy Cult 2.png (1280x800, 727K)

Korean bbq chilli made with black, adzuki, and red kidney beans and shredded King oyster mushrooms. Hummus and red pepper for dipping as snacks. Check out gaz Oakley (avant-garde vegan on YouTube) for further ideas. Also hench herbivore is a good place to start as his videos cover a lot of the pitfalls vegans get into.

My lack of thirst over such a picture should be enough proof that I have.

>hench herbivore is a good place to start as his videos cover a lot of the pitfalls vegans get into.

Yeah like having distending $oybelly and black rotten teeth.

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>nod real veganism

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Man what the FUCK is going on in Europe

Trust me bro you don't want to know....

Attached: Robust French Vegan.png (1280x800, 847K)

He's just Anglo user. The belly is from being an old man too.

Why does anyone try ask diet questions on this board?
It's going to devolve into carnitards, ketofags and vegans arguing for hours with a few sane people sprinkled in

Wow, there's a lot of faggotry in this pic.

women were a mistake

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What's the name of this body type?

haha I remember that dude, he used to make lifting videos and was proud to claim he was a fruitarian strongman, no clue about his modern diet though

>raw vegan keto
what the fuck man, how is this even possible? eating nothing but fucking spinach and peanuts?

>S/He's a $oyboy
>He's bloated with zoy

Others have called it a '$oybelly'

Attached: Bloated Obese Veganfest Organizer.png (800x1280, 741K)

He showed up to REEEE at Sv3rige at a England vegan event.
I watched a couple of his videos before he privated or deleted them, one is still up. He was eating avocado for breakfast lunch and dinner if I recall.

>Checks his channel
>All videos down

lol I hope the guy is still alive.

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jesus christ
maybe he finally woke up and doesn't want to see how he looked like on his deficient stupid fucking diet

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Some of these vegans just disappear off the net, when they totally crash and burn. There was one dude connected to this couple, and his handle was something like "Get slim with chauncey vegan" or whatever trendy theme.

He got slim alright, full anorexic now you can't find him anywhere. He just went dark ....vegans probably know who he is...

(High Carb Hannah/Handeeman team, I can't find the other image)

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>but you need animal foods to survive and not look like a walking corpse
lol prove it. You absolutely do not need them. If your preference is to eat meat, as is mine, then do it. But don't lie.

Do these girls even lift

Look at the meat cuck needing a sweater to cover his frail frame.

she’s basically flaunting her asshole. why are women like this

Did the winner get to cop the judges loads on their face?

Because they get attention and money from it

Download cronometer. pic related, legumes will be your staple. Better than eggs and cheaper

I like Indian food, and they have a lot of lentil based recipes. Lentils are a bulker's fren.

Cronometer will ensure you get your protein in and amino acid profile.

Also, for the meat cucks, here are some papers to read before you sperg out.

Attached: Selection_032.png (746x438, 27K)

>Download cronometer. pic related, legumes will be your staple. Better than eggs and cheaper
>doesn't know cronometer won't tell you the bioavailabilty of your food
>actually thinks fucking legumes are better than eggs (which by the way have CoQ10, bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin, B12, folate, choline, the best protein in nature, etc etc)

I actually posted the wrong picture. Check hereAlso, post bioavailability, faggot. I bet your illiterate ass didn't read the links either.

>nothing but plants
OP occasionally eats fish, you illiterate cretin.

>bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin
That's just hilarious to namedrop given how tiny the amounts are compared to what you would find in spinach
Eggs are also a terrible source of B12 compared to other animal foods.
Egg protein is less anabolic than dairy
Eggs are 70% calories from fat, they are actually low in protein compared to other animal foods.

OK lol

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vegans kill yourself

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do you have 4 stomachs

>and eating vegan just doesn't go hand-in-hand with that
Yeah, being vegan doesn't get along with being alpha, or any type of human being to be frank

I was veg/vegan

Nuts, pea protein, I'd recommend still eating eggs for good fats

Don't eat tofu or fake meat

eat beans, you need iron

almond milk > onions milk

Take creatine

b12 supps

Also do your own fucking research or you will be unhealthy AF

Don't tell me that's joe he looks phucking retarded

>creatine is vegan
>actually believes b12 pills do shit to your b12 tissue levels

>When cake is still vegan