You’re about to bench press a new pr when this faggot walks in your gym and tells you to stop lifting because it’s...

>you’re about to bench press a new pr when this faggot walks in your gym and tells you to stop lifting because it’s all about the face
What do you do

Attached: E51C13BA-63C7-4EF2-ABEF-5B9315A7C180.jpg (520x282, 18K)

Extra reps

He transitioned, so I'd tell him to dilate.

Break my pr easily.

You’re not so good looking yourself
How about I fix your face, WITH MY HANDS
>uses a 20lb dumbbell as a brass knuckles

i dont lift for girls

I ignore whatever the fuck it is and bench anyway.

I wonder how he's doing now.
He didn't. He just had surgery to look like an anime character of sorts.

>He just had surgery to look like an anime character of sorts.
Do you have pictures? I have to see this

This was his ideal face he made in photoshop
Did he really get the surgery, Does kiwi farms have a thread on him?

Attached: 91E2A0AC-6740-419D-8CF1-F1125689DBF7.png (400x250, 87K)

something has always bothered me about this incel's face. there's something about that I can't quite describe, but i think it's because his eyes/brow are a bit feminine and his lips are very large and DSL desu. But that's how every male model is as well, albeit with much more hunter eyes.

I unironically believe if this guy dropped to sub 10% bodyfat, got a hitler youth haircut, and then spent months on a rigorous skin and haircare regimen... with the right lighting and angles he could actually be a male model.

We’ll hear more about him in a few years when he pulls an Elliot

Tell his Oblivion character creator looking ass to cop a walk, he’s not the one from the emperor’s dreams.

Im handsome so whatever

Did he actually get the surgery? Source? I would love to see a followup where he realizes his 3000 rejections were because of his turbo autism and not specifically his face.

"The only thing you can pull with a face like that is projectile vomit".

This is his last known picture, after the surgeries. It's a few years old already, nobody knows what happened to him.

Attached: es9npGH.jpg (460x560, 24K)

Ahahahahahahaha what the fuck

Holy shit I just blasted milk out of my nose

>it’s all about the face
Then why doesn't he just get an actual hair cut and drop 5-10lbs? He's got a decent square chin/jaw hiding under a little bit of fat and horrible hair... The irony of these faggots.

dude would definitely fuck in asia. well, most of us would lol. just not the non-whites, they're hated there even more than here.

Didn't this guy start teaching in some asian country?
Or was it some other dude

Oh yeah this was the director of shy boys

Attached: advanced_autismo.png (809x127, 21K)

reminder that still frames arent how people see you in real life and it's all about how your face MOVES which can be trained and incels are seething

I'm glad for them.
Based Advanced proving Chinamaxxing + JBW work.

>stop for a second
>think about all those boys who stormed Omaha Beach and what a pussy I am compared to them
>smash PR