Not seeing a /fph/ need a meme thread to focus the hate.
/fph/ where
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You can eat your cake and indulge whatever you want, just don't expect there to be no consequences to it. I could smoke weed at all hours of day every day but it would cost money and prevent me from doing other things so I don't
Here is something I found on another thread
i want to fuck her
I don't know who is memeing who anymore
Is this real or some deep meta shit? What the fuck
Hey me too. You wanna kick it some time?
You know, there's something I've wanted to do for a about a month...
I used to be a FAT FUCK. 285 pounds, the far side of stage one obese. But just over a year ago, I decided to turn that around. I started eating healthy, working out, and kept track of my weight on a spreadsheet. I've lost 75 pounds since then, and I'm still going.
In losing all that weight, I finally gained the confidence in my body to start trying online dating. The problem is... well...
I've had to swipe left on a lot of cows.
yeah bro
It's kind of baffling. It took me a year of hard work and rock-solid discipline before I felt I was worthy of just putting myself out there...
But these cows are just all "I'm fat, who gives a fuck."
To be a woman is to play the game of life on Story Mode...
Are you from 780/587
>small fat
Can't say I've had a whole lot of success in online dating. I'm a shit conversationalist, not photogenic, and my fashion sense is Marks Work Warehouse and Video Game shirts.
But I'm working on at least two of those...
>less than a kilometre away
Can you feel her gravitational pull?
So close. 403...
>fat liberation
God these people are beyond help. Maybe Hitler was right after all. Congrats on your progress, user. Keep at it!
Like how do you look at a photo like this and think, 'Oh yeah, this will get those cute boys attention!'
>It's not my fault there's a food trolley here
He's not wrong. These "doctors" are goddamn retards. Do you see staff members peddling heroin at the Betty Ford Clinic?
Learn how to dress user, do some research
That poor horse
>seeing an image of even a slightly less fat person being confident is hurtful
what in God's name have we come to. fuck
This one is SPECIAL...
As you can tell from the UI, it's on Bumble, which is that Tinder clone where the woman has to message first when there's a match.
Well, I guess this fat sow decided to Super-like me, which is an option you have to pay money for, except she never actually sent me a message.
It's like she suddenly realized she was a hippo...
>borderline small fat
Oh come the fuck o-
Theres no way they self label as this holy shit my sides
This one just blows my mind. How the fuck do you get a job at a gym looking like this?
I also see a lot of single mothers, which... OK, fine, I get it. You had a thing with a guy, he knocked you up, you had a kid, and then he left...
But this one... Like, ok... how recent was that break up...
The worst part is you know she gives out fitness advice and claims to be in great shape because she works at a gym.
Last one. For now at least.
I refuse to believe there's a trolley going around with sweets and sugary drinks in a god damn weight loss ward.
thats a non fiction horror movie right there
They always say that the guilt comes from outside. They don't realize that the guilt they feel is from their own conscience.
If she didn't come pre-cucked then she'd be pretty cute.
She actually sounds like a nice lady. Too bad she's destroyed all her prospects of attracting a man.
This. They can live however they want. It's when they then try and say that we must find them attractive that is annoying.
no you don't
so you don't mind when all of your taxes pay their medical bills?
In her case family members judging her for taking thirds at events is definitely because she isn't leaving anything left for others. Her poor family probably never gets to have leftover cake, pizza, or Grandma's cooking. This bitch treats every party meal like it's every ham for itself.
Avid food fan?
welcome to the NHS
shut the fuck up numale ahahhahaha
what the infini-fuck is this shit?
I knew that brap looked familiar
>"OMG!! I'm starting to hate fat girls!!!"
No, I definitely mind. I was talking about attraction, but it extends to all aspects of their lives. They can live how they want, but they shouldn't expect to have access to things designed for regular people, like medical care, jobs, attractive people, cars, seating, air etc
Why do they always use words like 'fierce' to describe themselves. You're not fierce if breathing makes you out of breath.
> I could smoke weed at all hours of day every day but it would cost money and prevent me from doing other things so I don't
it would pulverize your brain too
Its a cool shirt tho.
Also because of this im not eating something before going to bed.
Nah brah weed cool lmao
>blocking out the name
dont be a homosexual
How many bullets you think it would take to put her down?
Looks like a 45 year old cat lady.
This TOILET is disturbing.
crazy fat distribution. could be a perfect thick bitch
Why is her upper body normal???
She's like a fat person centaur.
A fat-taur?
Wikipedia tells me a cow centaur is a bucentaur.
So many questions
so hard!
I wonder if you can get the same look from a regular girl if you put huge snowpants on her
fuck yeah
Oh shit, didn't realize this was lewd. No b& plz
at the risk of preaching eugenics, if you weigh more than 350 lbs and your BF is over 30, you should be executed
I get the impression she is genuinely a good person. She’s the first one I got that feeling from. Still wouldn’t date or fuck her, but I would probably be friends with her.
Most of these fat pieces of shit are college grad leftists.
They likely think they are smarter than you because they are swimming in debt on account of a useless degree.
They are, without a doubt, mostly progressive liberals brainwashed into thinking every last category applicable to humans is equal among everyone. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone is smart. Everyone is healthy. Everyone is special. Everyone is just like them deep down.
They likely think your are secretly a racist shit bag by body type and discipline alone.
They are at odds with our civilization and are one aspect of its decline whenever any of them gain positions of authority.
Is noone picking up on the fact that they intend to ban screenshotters even though you fucking can't?
what video game is this
literaly none of these people show signs of selfishness or laziness
you really need to stop comparing yourself to other people
foods are engineered to be as addictive as possible
T. food addicted fatty
read the sticky lardass
That was strange to watch.
I like this one
310 pounds?
and is she really 30 yo? fuck me, she looks she's 40+
strong will..
that's a bidet
at least we know that strange alien creature is keeping itself clean
each day we stray further from god.
literaly one of them is just pregnant, not even fat
yall are just jealous that these people put literally zero effort into their bodies yet are lusted after while you gymcel creeps couldn't buy a second glance. Look at all the communities that worship infinifats. I'm still waiting for someone to show me a single Jow Forumsfag worship site
>literally none of these people show signs of selfishness or laziness
uhhhhhhhhh sweaty, they are fat as fuck. that's a huge sign you fat fuck
>infini- fat
lmao learn how to spell retard I can pick out your individual posts in these threads. keep seething