What are your thoughts on rowing?
What are your thoughts on rowing?
i can see their pps
why not just row naked
i don't really give shit about it to be honest with you
I used to fuck a closeted gay on my college's rowing team, oh boy I miss him. He was so sexy even though he has the stupidest fucking tan lines from that singlet.
Why not barbell rows
I gotta agree with this those guys in OP's pic look pretty fucking gay
Not that being gay is wrong
Pretty much the ulltimate chad sport
Used to compete it's fun as fuck
Gay rich kid shit, not for real men
>TFW you will never have a petite coxswain gf
If only you knew...
based but also pretty gay, actually just super based
In terms of aesthetics, way too much work for the end result.
In terms of fitness, I'm never getting that fit again. And I'm pretty much fine with that, the training was hard but OK but regattas take up so much time and kinda just fucking suck.
that hand
I dated a girl who took up rowing after we broke up. I remember when I ran into her a year or so later her back was fucking huge.
Is that a common occurrence? From the photos I've seen the muscular development of towers is less about size and more about tone and leaness.
What is your assessment?
she did sarms
and wasn't a she
Best shape of my life was when I was rowing, good memories desu but if youre just interested in getting fit there are probably better ways to do it for the time/fitness ratio
Rowers do have fucking great backs (not bodybuilder /powerlifter wise ) ,they have good legs as well ,almost became a NCAA atlete throught it ,but fucked hard my spine really hard wrestling .
Great ,better with low use of steroids /moderate some of some sarms with ITPP or cardarine if you want to go wild.
hour a day 6 days a week?
females seam to get jacked from aerobic based stuff, compared to the man anyways.
t. faggot incel virgin
hard as hell but by far the most enjoyable sport I have ever done. incredibly beautiful too, you don't mind being on the water at 5:30 am because everything is just so perfect. The birds are awake and often you'll see a rainbow or the steam off the river if the air is cold. It was the best way to start my days and I always felt energized after. Also, there's a strong bond between your teammates cause everything has to be in synch.