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Is lifting weights twice a week enough to grow? (Solid diet of course)

For reasons I won't get into, there's no way I can go more than that, time-wise. I have a day job and something else on top of that.

Anyway, I'll do a full body routine twice a week. Progressive overload where possible etc. Sound good?

How do I workout lats at home? Bodyweight stuff.
I do push ups, chin ups and planks, but by lats are so under developed it's embarrassing.

how to properly PPL?

Pull ups

How do you guys feel about weighted calisthenics? Or more specifically, what is the potential for gains like with weighted chinups, pullups, dips, etc compared to their strictly bodyweight counterparts?

I'm asking this because I know it's commonly said that calisthenics, while good for building strength in relation to your own bodyweight, do so at a slower rate and with a lower 'ceiling' per say compared to resistance training.

So does doing calisthenics with added weight fill this theoretical gap? I'm currently incorporating chinups, pullups, and dips into my routine and I'm just about to hit my goal of being able to do 3x10 for all three, so I figure the next step up is to start adding weight. I just know gains are usually slower with strictly bodyweight so I'm curious if I'll begin to see a jump in my strength or hypertrophy or both.

That's just about the bare minimum. You should be training every muscle group every 48-72 hours; especially if you're young and new which therefore allows you to recover more quickly

Maybe see about getting a small set of weights to keep around your place to cut time out of travel

Pull ups, then do a set or two of wide-grip pullups to isolate the lats a bit more at the end of your workout

maybe find heavy objects around the environment, tie a rope to them, and figure out a way to do rows lol. cinder blocks or some shit

pls respond
i dont want to kill gains because i did the program like a retard

How do I shot web?

What amount of weight should I be able to lift once my arms are 15 inches in diameter?

That's a good idea. Thanks user

Try /sci/

Is it alright to do Kettlebell swings daily? Or should I stick to 3-5 days a week.

I'm not lifting weights just to mention that.

Is it okay to do skip ropes every day? If not what's a good amount of days per week?

If you guys miss a workout in the middle of your split, do you just say boo hoo and move on the next day or do you add the body parts you missed onto the workout. If you do, do you shorten each portion or keep it the same.

Push pull legs push pull legs rest is fine, just lift in the 8-12 rep range for all your sets

How do I increase my max reps of pushups and situps in a timely manner?

Yes weighted calisthenics are based. Yes you can expect to get bigger and stronger provided your diet is in check. You're lucky we're in a stupid questions thread because I'd ridicule you for asking such a dumb question otherwise :)

isit ippt

I did a few months of Stronglifts 5x5 and I think my results are lackluster at best. I am also tired of grinding my fucking spine for no reason just to get "strong" and anyways my gym has no safety bars in the barbell rack zone so if I strictly followed I legit risk KMS. I still love the squats, OHP, BP, BR and DL; just think that this program sucks ass.

What's a better program with compound lifts that has a little more reps and only do 3-4 exercises at most per workout? I'm thinking of sets of 8-10.

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I'm dirt fucking poor, but I want to get fit. Presently on the Keto diet, have seen some positive results on my weight and overall mood. Anyway I have a pair of dumbells I lift and a bicycle I ride every morning for 30 minutes. I wanted to ask if anyone could give me some exercises or work out advice. Presently unemployed so total fucking NEET but don't want to end up as a fat bastard by the time I'm 30

Get yourself some rings or make youtu.be/seLWvu96-aw yourself. That's your best and cheapest bet for upper body at home desu

thanks buddeh, have one ( 1 ) (you)

>no link to dead thread

well, then.

i am 26 not-even-lifter and i started losing weight and going to the gym 2 weeks ago. i have 15 kgs to lose and i am doing some light lifting 3 days/week to keep muscle while doing boring steady-pace cycling for 30 minutes on the 4 other days.

i've ton of energy, goodwill and free time so today i've tried doing 50 minutes of cycling at 140 bpm, thinking it would be a great idea, and it destroyed my energy level and pretty much stopped from doing anything else for the rest of the day.i don't want to do it again, not even once each week.
i've heard about HIIT and it sounds like shorter daily sessions with HIIT might be better for me. can you redpill me about it?any reasonable schedule counting 3 days of lifting at the gym?what are the exact timing? on one source i've heard 2 min HI/3 minutes LI, on the other 30 seconds HI/1minute LI.

Thanks for the link user, was worried I'd be laughed out of the thread.


When I do certain ab exercises (like the one wher you lie back on the floor and arc the weight backwards above your head) sometimes I feel my pecks and my insides hurt. Like earlier I drank some water and my heart hurt. im not fat but my tummy is incredibly weak

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Dont drink anything before doing abs

How do you not get shin splints. As I've been jogging for a week every other day for about 2 miles and my right shin hurts. It hurts near the top part of my shin, just a mild pain all the time.

Look up the scientific fundamentals of muscle growth.
Once you know how much workload you need to do each week, you can begin to create your own program tailored to your own body.

The basics are train a body part 2 to 3 times a week.
Do 10 - 20 sets per body part per week (however more sets past 20 equals more hypertrophy, but too many sets can affect recovery from the workout, so start at 10 sets per week and work up, listen to your body).
Reps all the way up to 30 build muscle, but the 8 to 12 reps per set is a good compromise between load and volume.
Rest about 3 -5 mins between sets.
Train close to or sometimes to failure. Going to failure all the time can impact recovery between workouts.
Eat at least 20g of quality protein every 3-4 hours for optimal protein synthesis,
2g per kg protein
slight calorie surplus
lots of quality sleep

What happens when I drink stuff?

Where can I buy (real) anavar and chlomid on the internet ?

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Is it possible to build a good physique without any supplements?

Yes. Supplements should be just that supplements. If you're diet is good you don't need them

im skinnyfat and i right now i still have all my fat on my belly its kinda bad when i sit down and turn sideways! i dont want abs but should i just not worry about my belly for now since i might get bigger anyway?

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What’s better?
>A day: bench, followed by close grip bench
>B day: OHP followed by incline bench
>A day: bench followed by incline bench
>B day: ohp followed by close grip bench

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Don't be retarded and just start training. For most men belly fat is the last to go away (keep in mind that spot fat reduction is not a thing). If it makes you feel any better my abs look like shit when sitting even though they are easily visible when standing
These two exercises aren't supposed to be the entire routine right?

No it’s just a portion of my training, I’m not that retarded. Do you think one would be better than the other?

what kind of dumbass question is that? Pick up a weight and try lifting it. If it's too easy, take a heavier weight. If it's too heavy, take a lighter weight.

I don't see much difference between the two honestly but personally I'd go with the second one. Maybe someone who knows more about the topic can chime in though

if you're a beginner and accept the limitations of 2/wk training

depends how long they are

yes but its retarded

yes but if sedentary warm up into it starting alternating days for a couple weeks or building in time each day

i do the missed workout and move everything ahead one day. you can probably do both (whole) on one day though. in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter (if you dont make a habit of missing workouts)

running/cardio, calisthenics+dumbell and sensible diet is enough to stay healthy and fit

>it destroyed my energy level and pretty much stopped from doing anything else
sounds like you're being a bitch. that is not how bodies work, its how sedentary brains work
building up to higher workloads is more sustainable in the long term. cardio will never stop sucking, you'll only get faster

stop heel striking

ur body gets wet on the inside


absolutely. make sure you hit protein and calorie

>Don't be retarded and just start training
bitch i am training hard never missed a day at the gym ok. im just concerned because i have been bulking.

so you think its still ok to keep on bulking? i hope you say yes cause i really dont want to cut cause i might look like skin and bones

(note - I live in a nation whose doctors are fucking retarded)

Why do I feel pressure in my head when I work out? Even when doing exercises like Planche, my face gets red like a tomato. I don't really feel pain, and I get dizzy only if I truly over-exert myself.
What the fuck should I do? ..

intra-abdominal pressure increases, blood pressure increases
its normal dont worry

Tbh judging by the picture I thought you haven't started lifting yet kek. As long as your numbers go up and you feel stronger then it's fine I suppose. As long as you actually gain muscle not fat that is

well thats just rude but come on its only been a month give me a break. plus you dont know what i looked like before lifting. man dont hurt me like that

anyway i do feel stronger and my numbers go up.

>As long as you actually gain muscle not fat that is
how do i even know if im not gaining fat too? i did gain some weight already! fuck

Why would you pick the second

Hey I simply describe what I see. Keep on working so nobody will react like that in the future fren ;)
>how do i even know if im not gaining fat too
I don't know how to answer that honestly. I've never done the bulking/cutting thing before as I found it pretty pointless (I'd rather slowly gain weight without changing the body composition too much)

I'm not sure whether to continue doing Muay Thai or start BJJ. I have ~6 months experience in MT but I'm apprehensive of training with new people due to a recent concussion in training. No experience in BJJ but it looks fun. It'll be an investment in time and money though.

Personal preference and that's about it desu. Why don't you just try both to see which one you prefer?

I also hate the feeling od 'quitting' MT after only 6 months, but I'm nervous about further concussions

i will!! thanks luv (I'd rather slowly gain weight
hmm this makes sense... i think ill just go easy with bulking cause sometimes i just stuff my face with so much food

I hope you count your calories/protons intake? You shouldn't go higher than 300-500kcal above your maintenance from what I've heard.
>hmm this makes sense
It made sense for me starting as a lanklet skelly, I don't know your starting point so I can really speak about that though

Is not being full after a meal means it didnt have enough calories? Cause sometimes i feel like a meal is packed with lots of calories but i still feel hungry afterwards

>I hope you count your calories
... i dont lmao i did for the first week but shit i dont feel like its accurate or i dont know exact measurements of my food

i started 5'7" 139lbs

My right arm is bigger than my left, how do I even it out, just work on my left more? Got a 40lb dumbell I rep a few sets a day.

You've got too much blood. Time for a bit of blood letting. Also make sure you're breathing properly, it sounds dumb but it's so easy to forget to breathe.

You've probably got too much blood in you, this can inflate the taste buds and influence your taste. You should probably try some home blood letting. Give Gordon Ramsey's scrambled eggs a try, they're amazing.

Probably too much blood in you if you're making a post like this.

Scooby has a home workout plan but I don't know if it works, a lot of it seems rock solid but he doesn't provide any home blood letting procedures which is honestly crucial for anyone who wants to be healthy.

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I’m honestly just indecisive

Tbh just count the calories in the meal and see for yourself
Just buy a cheap electric kitchen scale and get an app like myfitnesspal or loseit. It might not be the most perfect way but it sure beats going by feel.
>i started 5'7" 139lbs
Doesn't say much you can be 139 lbs fat or muscular
From what I've heard you should work both (just make sure you start with the weaker one) and it should normalize after some time. Keep in mind that no one is perfectly symmetrical and you're probably the only person who notices this inbalance (unless it's super visible)

What do you guys do during rests between sets? I just get bored sitting there for three minutes so I just rest for two at max but I've read that that's not ideal.

Based medieval doctor poster

Just do one for a couple of weeks and then the other to see which one you like best then. It's not like you're changing the excercises themselves so I don't think it's too much of a problem
Dancing autisticly and doing vaccums/light stretching. I like to flex to myself in the mirror as well. My rests are only about 1.30 -2 minutes though

Simply drain some blood out of your right arm.

The big problem with skipping rope is that all the blood rushes to your head. It's important to provide that blood with an escape point, if you've got any leeches you should apply them to your forehead before each workout. Scooby says you should do cardio after every workout.

>Doesn't say much you can be 139 lbs fat or muscular
i got on this inbody machine in the gym and it said i was 26% bodyfat... :/

So fat then. I don't know what to say really as I've never been in your situation before (and I don't know what your goals are). Sure as hell eating enough protein and working out won't hurt you in any way so keep doing that kek

where should I make an incision? What do with the blood afterwards?


meditate, then visualize your next set

If i do the big 4 compounds. Is that enough to preserve my muscles that i believe are at a expert level of fitness for 3 weeks while im abroad?


Can I make it with 3 or 4 full body workouts a week and keto diet?

Every time I take a bite of some food, whatever it is, my belly bloated up so much I look pregnant. Why? This isn’t normal bloating as it only started last week

Could be SIBO or a similar type of infection/colonization
Something for a doctor to check out

>spinach: 2.5g of protein per 100g serving
>split peas: 14g protein per 100g serving
Remind me again why spinach is memed as the gains plant

desu i dont know any guy who is big and does not lift 4-5 times a week including myself

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why do a meme workout and when you could just move barbells and do a normal sport ?
hit the gym and do some edgelord sport like boulder/climbing, mma or something

How is climbing an edgelord sport?

Ok, will see if it’s still like than in a few days. Looking up SIBO I seem to be eating the exact opposite I should be in order to avoid worsening it

look at the people who do the sport

Another bump

I want to exchange back extensions for something else. What would you suggest?

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How to fix flared ribs, help

>no gf
>no job
>indefinite NEETbux, property owner, bunch of assets
>all I do is lift weights, eat, read books and shitpost on a cambodian basket weaving forum
>judge everyone for being a normie
>only person outside the gym I talk to is my therapist
I'm thinking about starting boxing to further feed my narcissism and train to fuck up the plebs if needed. What's a good cardio base to have before I go to my first class?

how do i maintain the most muscle possible while cutting?

Are BCAAs worth it if I don't have that much BCAA in my preworkout?

Planche progression is based

Just focus on cutting fat dummy
What's the question though

couch to 5k

What happens if i squat higher than parallel besides not working the muscles as good, it still hits everything right?

why do you want to exchange it?

Is it just for me or has the zyzz - story behind video been removed?


>255lbs down from 286lbs, 5'9
>Currently eating 1690kcal a day
>Working 30 hours a week retail at busiest clothing store in country
>doing a bit of calisthenics daily and endurance lifting to fatigue on saturdays
>Eating around 140g of protein a day too
Am i going to lose muscle? Feel a bit tired and lacking energy but other than that not really having any trouble eating this amount and pretty easy losing the weight, just would rather make sure im losing majority fat and as little muscle? Any advice? Not in any rush but would like to keep a pretty high weight loss for the next 8 weeks without sacrificing muscle cause i wanna look a bit less shit when i return to uni

planches have literally nothing to do with back extensions

i'm doing an slow bulk to not repeat the same mistake again, i've been on it for 2 months, my weight went from 79kg/174lbs up to 83kg/182lbs (i'm 175cm/5'9 btw) my lifts are increasing a lot too.
assuming that half of that gains are fat, then is that acceptable?
should I increase my calorie intake as long I'm gaining muscle?

sgooby galgulator told me to increase my calories.

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Hey niggers, /tv/ here.
I wanna buy a barbell to use at home.
Should I buy one with rubber/iron discs, and how heavy should it be?

i'm currently eating 2400-2500 calories on lift days and 2100-2000 on rest ones.

Because I think it's hard to have a progressive loading on it. Bigger weights are wide, and it has rods that are in the way if you "hug the weight".