Does nofap actually work?
What are the benefits apart from avoiding cum brain
Does nofap actually work?
Well apparently after a week you want to fuck every walking female, and your confidence goes up because suddently you "care" about looking at women, and they probably notice.
Other than that, no gains.
Why's that user
What is instant gratification?
Who are jews?
Basically you'll realize that being an introvert is a meme and that it's just a symptom of cum-brain syndrome
I flirt far more at parties now.
The porn withdrawal is pretty bad though, just remembering all the porn I liked.
You think that instant gratification is a bad thing and you still masturbate? Are you an idiot?
Just had a wet dream. Thanks Jow Forums
It doesn't work at all.
Nofappers are weird. Like there hobby is nofap. They make threads constantly on fit about fapping.
Literally they probably spend more time trying not to fap, then they would spend fapping.
Its like imagine I gave up playing video games as I thought that would improve my life, then I spent hours talking about how video games are the cause of all my problems.
Its similar to people who do MGTOW.
Some men think women are the root of all problems with society as they won't date them. So they stop trying to date females. However, they spend all their time complaining about females.
What is even the point.
Porn ruins your brain but a good wank does no harm
Well said
The NoFap community consists of 50% m'lady nice guys.
>nofappers are weird and I know this because I spend my time following every poster, learning their writing styles and confirming beyond doubt that they are the same people in every single thread
Something like that right? Or are you just speaking out of your gaping twinkie ass? And following your logic you can also assume that steroid users and carnivores are also hobbyists of Jow Forums - which is technically true but adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.
porn warps the mind on how a woman and man should act, also on how you perceive sex. While faping 4 times a day is pretty bad it would be worse with porn. Porn is a slippery slope.
Thats why I jerk off constantly so that I dont' give no bitch attention
>do nofap and have wet dream of me jerking off to porn.
>Wake up sad.
>Eventually dreams normalize.
>Wake up feeling good.
I got more respect from people because I jerked off 11 times in a row on camera than I ever would have just by having sex.
>tfw you realize that cumming and having an orgasm are two different things.
>fap every day ,orgasm every day,cum only like once a month
>can fuck for hours and cum almost on command
get on my level bitches
if you're doing it for some kind of benefit and not just to join the no-peepee-touch club, fap once every 7ish days, it'll give you periodic test spikes
that's a
Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thanks user.
>apart from avoiding cum brain
Is this not enough for you?
Lmfao. I am doing nofap right now but that is seriously autistic. So funny.
Srs. Cumbrain will ruin your life.
excessive porn use conditons you to be more attracted to it than real women
porn can cause ED
trying to delete my porn again. spent the last two months collecting this shit, fucking waste of time. but i still struggle to delete and move on. wish me luck
Hey me again, like a shark drawn to the blood
Nofappers are all pathetic losers. Its masturbating. If it has a major impact on your life, thats on you. Fix the problem bc its deeper than just porn
>inb4 literally anything you weird sexless "reformed" porn addicts say to me
If your life is such a fucking shitshow that the best place to start fixing it is to create some epic struggle about fighting the urge to chokeslam your smelly penis, you are already too deep. If you think it will give you health benefits, no. A dude who beats off once a week will be the same medically as a dude who cranks it daily. Stop making this an identity
what if I only watch solo female masturbation porn?
well i did it. took a while to convince myself it was the right thing to do. crazy what a grip it has on me. time to stop relying on this shit just because i feel hopeless. deleted all bookmarks, history, about 4 gigs of pics and webms. now to quit Jow Forums i reckon. peace.
It works. I no longer see women as objects. I can now talk to them wholesomely. I made a new female friend and I'm so proud.
nobody is making it an identity or claiming it's a stepping stone
why are you projecting so much
Idk I did no fap for a while and really got focused on life and would blow hot loads all over my GF cause we'd only fuck once a week
We broke up
I got a Fleshlight and my libido shot through the roof.
Idk if that's normal but that's my experience
I literally can't stop exclusively fapping to straight shota, it's just too good bros, what should I do?
You discovered sexuality early on but never acted on it until later. Closest youll get to that feeling is older women
Look, we disproved the all the anti nofap shills, so they have resorted straigth hate and attack
Just jerk more off to gay porn and calm down
Yes it must be shills telling you doing something natural is an evil self destructive act. Unless you are having sex theres no reason to not jerk off. Stop being a child and making up goals bc you cant actually beat any real goals
I’m doing NoFap but I have a folder of “High test” images (thick girls from test boost threads). Should I delete this? I don’t masgurbate to it
Ancient philosophies and religions have taught it and still do. I'm not saying it's magic though. It's just like, if you're a chronic wanker (aka the average Jow Forums user), you become a normal person after you learn how to stop jerking off all the time.
It works if you're basically jerking off all the time/addicted to porn. Makes a huge difference. If you're normal (like doin it once or twice a week or rarer) it's nbd.
I can’t even keep a conversation going when a girl talks to me at work, tend to want to talk less if I’ve recently fapped. I think my dopamine receptors are fucked as well.
>no hope for reproduction
If youre the kind of person to ever prioritize porn over real life nofap isnt gonna help you lol
>if you try to improve yourself you have no hope
its very obvious you're a fucking kike
Lets see im an atheist (raised catholic) and ive never had snapchat. But by all means keep fearing literal jews bc you cant not masturbate all day if left to your own devices. And what i meant by
>no hope for reproduction
Is that you are already too far damaged by allowing yourself to become so weak porn is ever a factor in your life. A dog who bites gets put down. Pedos are shamed for life. Junkies always have drugs on their mind. Same principle. Too bad you have so little going you need to create arbitrary challenges to feel better
>Plant based diets
Hohohoho nice try
Nofap/noporn won't cure your autism.
Growing to beyond whatever you think is the arbitrary Manlet cutoff won't cure your autism.
Roids won't cure your autism.
PUA won't cure your autism.
Yohimbine/creatine/Maca root/other snake oil won't cure your autism.
Looksmaxing won't cure your autism.
Mewing won't cure your autism.
Lifting won't cure your autism.
Dopamine fasting won't cure your autism.
Face-pulls won't cure your autism.
Cold showers won't cure your autism.
Quitting caffeine won't cure your autism.
If you suck as a person, you need to identify real problems and come up with real goals that will bring you closer to the person you want to be. None of these magic pills will solve your life problems, you need to work on yourself in an honest way, and understand that it takes time and dedication to build habits that form a lifestyle that will help you reach your goals. Nofap, and all the other snake oil to which Jow Forums clings desperately are just more examples of how you refuse to do the actual work required to improve your situation.
>porn is a form of control
you have to be so fucking stupid low 2 digit iq moron to believe this.
I lost interest in porn over the last couple of years. It just becomes tedious after you've seen so much of it. I masturbate maybe once a week on average and I invest all that time into working out and other practical things. Never felt better
Why someone should do NoFap:
- Avoid recurring to easy and instant gratification -> Mental benefits
- You get hornier, which means that if you're socially well adjuster, you act more dominant, which obviously has its benefits. Obviously, if you're an autist/can't control it, you're just horny and can't do anything (which is why most people here think it's a meme).
For me, it gets hard to control around day 7 or so, and I start seeing effects around day 4. When it "peaks", you feel like you can go on with less sleep (you feel groggy, but you still have energy), and are way more motivated to do stuff.
My penis is not smelly
Just go ask the palestinians good goy
> avoiding cum brain
Are you really such a moron that having a fucking orgasm makes it hard for you to function?
Jews btfo sandfags daily. Idc about your nazi larp but to side with muslims on anything is to side with cavemen
stupid ass normie kys
true post best post
when gf is out of town, I fap 7-8 times a day.
I still made 12 pounds in 6 weeks.
no fap is just a meme, but I would agree on porn, if you really want to watch something go for soft.
It is gonna take sometime for your brain to adjust.
Train your muscles, heart and brain
If you unironically call people normies you will never make it
normies are fucking morons, it doesn't matter if you call them normalfags, average joes or whatever, the message is the same. you're a fag so stfu