How JUSTED are you Jow Forums?

How JUSTED are you Jow Forums?

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Well I never had sex so I guess I'm the ultimate JUST

Putting sex in the red is so fucking stupid. Like its equal to breathing in terms of needs.

I don't even feel like a human being anymore OP. I don't want to be here.

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I guess jacking off would be more accurate. I mean we get wet dreams anyways and it fucks with our heads if we dont get to fuck once in a while.

Maslow was very Jewish and his pyramid represents what Jews think people should focus on, whereas any normal white guy at the time would have put race and nation as among the most important things, and sex as an accessory, with "lack of prejudice" certainly nowhere to be found. The entire theory was also just a product of his imagination, with no data to support it.

He puts sex as more important than sexual intimacy and family, so yeah I'd say it's very Jewish. Why is it always them?... always them........

it's not sex how think its sex in terms of continuity of the species as in it is core to human survival. It's not sex in the sense of "I cant be a good person cuz I get no pussy". That would inclusive in sexual intimacy

What are monks? You have been fooled by sexual revolution peddling kikes

Its a hierarchy of needs for an individual human, not for the species as a whole.

>sex is important as oxygen, food and water
>lack of prejudice
...why would i ever take this seriously

Homeostasis is for pussies.

it's actually a grouping of traits based on what was consistent in a group of "successful" people. Then comparing it to what was lacking in "unsuccessful" people. Though we use it in an individual sense to try find areas of dysfunction and prioritize what should be fixed first. So it's exactly the opposite. The way people use it is not in line with how or why he made it and most of the flack it gets is from people trying to apply it to individuals

>have blue, some of green
>barelly have yellow besides family
What gives? I thought lifting weights was enough to get sloots

How would looking at a group of people translate into creating an importance based hierarchy? Oh well this group of people all have sex therefore sex is as important as breathing? Makes literally 0 sense and deserves the flak it gets. He pulled it out of his ass based on his own values

does using medians or averages give more realistic figures? It depends on the distribution. Maslow himself said theres a high degree of eccentricity in self neutralizing people. Point being you cant really use this effectively on individuals since its derived from a group and deviation is very high.

You still didnt answer what i asked: how can you look at the group of people and derive an importance hierarchy out of their behaviours? Its complete psuedoscientific nonsense. Like most (((psychology)))

Virgin reporting in at the base

by looking at the most successful ones the gradually down to a less successful bracket seeing what's present and what's missing then repeating until you have a good idea of what's gating what.


Lack of prejudice on the whole seems like a terrible thing to strive for

Then explain how people can be all over the place on the pyramid if its supposed to be gated like that

>lack of prejudice
>lack of one of the most basic human defense systems and learning mechanic is a good thing


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You wrote sex twice. If you can’t stop thinking about it, then it’s time to have it.

Found the virgin.

>tfw can't even complete the base.



I am missing sexual intimacy and friendship

Maslow was a incel failed bodybuilder, his works are all cope.

He's right and you know it.

>having sex on the same level as food water and shitting.

For fucks sake guys

>He forgot Maslow's "Transcendence" level
>Heh, nothing personel kid *transcends your bounded pyramid*

>lack of prejudice being right above acceptance of facts


Well at least I`m quite good at the breathing part.

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