Looking for a good strength routine. Not doing SS, I’m way past that...

Looking for a good strength routine. Not doing SS, I’m way past that. I wanted to do shortcut to strength but bb dot com has locked everything behind a pay wall and I can’t find a pdf online.

Attached: DACB5C80-D97C-4A87-976C-4D2E65653454.png (1449x907, 1.65M)

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Texas Method

Imagine going undercover there and hospitalizing all the söyboys haha

please stop these gay images

The bridge from barbell medicine, or israetel 's Physique templates are good options.

Whatever you do don't pick a lower volume program based around low rep sets. After you finish a beginner program you need more volume not less

Heavy light medium or texas method if youve used up your novice linear progression.

So after some light reading that doesn’t look like the program for me. I lift before work and the amount of time needed for that just isn’t feasible. Also I’m not into 5k calories a day. It’s summer after all. And as much as I dislike it, i need to be doing cardio. I lifted for ~5 years then moved in with my fiancé and quit for almost a year. I’m just now back in and have my body mostly back after 3 months.

Lmao this

Excuses excuses excuses
You wanted a strength routine, I doubt you're even past SS now you DYEL

Got a link or just a resource for heavy light medium?

>antifascist fightclub
all that larping just to run to daddy government and corporations for protection

This is what I’m working with currently.

Attached: 0EF53C72-1179-4DEA-ABE3-3E3B3649FD68.jpg (4032x3024, 1.9M)

So? How strong are you

Heavy and Light day on HLM is the exact same as Texas Method, you don't have the time apparently

2 plate bench and 3 plate squat and dl for ~3 reps

I have an engaging job and commitments otherwise outside of work. I have about 1.5 hours before work to lift. Need something that fits in that time slot.

Barely into intermediate territory depending on how much you weigh.
There's a four day split of Texas Method which can reduce the daily time you spend in the gym

Know where I can find it? I’m googling and reading while I monitor this thread but any help would be appreciated.

Okay i gotchu

The 4-Day Texas Method generally looks something like this:

Monday: Bench Intensity / Press Volume
Tuesday: Squat Intensity / Deadlift Volume
Thursday: Press Intensity / Bench Volume
Friday: Deadlift Intensity / Squat Volume



t-nation.com/training/texas-method (for percentages)

You the real MVP

Pull a Stalin and waste all the soi-commies.

That's what always gets me. These people imagine they're in the same lineage as like the soviets, etc. but they'd be the first to go.

Thanks my friend not OP but in a similar area for lifts, I’m gonna pick up this program