Anyone here give up drinking for a period of time? Did you feel better? Was it hard/easy?
Anyone here give up drinking for a period of time? Did you feel better? Was it hard/easy?
its almost impossible if you want to be social, at least in poland. i feel a lot better when not drinking
Haven't had a drink since January 2017. Best decision I've ever made.
Mostly same in the US desu. I've never been too concerned, but I've cut back on binge drinking so now I'll just have a couple beers on a night out (maybe once every other month) instead of shots, etc. Feels better and more in control too.
how do you handle going out with friends to a bar or something if everyone is getting sloshed or offering/buying you drinks?
I haven't drank in 5 weeks and my social life is hardly suffering under it.
T. Autist that is not functioning if not drunk
yeah, few days ago i went on birthday party to a bar, i drunk just a little so ppl wont freak out that i dont want to drink, but i just cant stand bars without being drunk so it was a shitty expirience
I gave up on alcohol january 2018. I only drank on maybe 4-5 occasions since (2 marriages, christmas and 2 important birthdays) and got really wasted only once. Absolute best Jow Forums related decision I ever made. In the first weeks it also felt like my mind got somewhat clearer. Really hard to explain. Like a constant refreshed feeling. Hardest thing to quit was the "afterwork" beer, I substituted it with non alcoholic beer in the first few weeks, then quit the extra cals entirely.
I want to give up drinking but literally all of my friends offer me beers when I'm over or when we go out.
Worst would be when my parents or grandparents offer me a beer or wine at dinner and I would have to say no.
I don't receive nice gestures very often, so it's just nice to accept when someone does, and it seems like 90% of the time it's when someone offers a drink of theirs.
I generally avoid it, i use to drink pretty heavily in college, and now I only drink on Saturdays or when at large events with friends but only have 1 to 2 drinks