
Good or Bad?

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fruit is poison hehe

*They* want you to eat them


While fruit have some vitamins and minerals, they are just carbs, maybe a little fiber out of them.

Non-starchy veges for micros & fiber
Sources of protein that have a calorie per gram of protein ratio of 10 or less.


If you cut veggies with lower glycemic index are better for your vitamin intake.

The fuck is spbp supposed to mean

>veggies with lower glycemic index
never heard about this before.

This is a list I found

Artichokes, Artichoke hearts, Asparagus, Bamboo shoots, Bean sprouts, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Daikon, Eggplant, Leeks, Lentils, Beans (green, kidney, garbanzo), Greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip), Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Pea pods, Peppers, Radishes, Rutabaga, Squash, Sugar snap peas, Swiss chard, Tomato, Water chestnuts, Watercress, Zucchini, Cabbage (green, bok choy, Chinese), Salad greens (chicory, endive, escarole, iceberg lettuce, romaine, spinach, arugula, radicchio, watercress)

Lurk more

Very good
>can make protien smoothies
>vitamins and minerals
>natural sugar that digests. Not high fructose crap

Must I continue?

Fruits will make you fat, they are just sugar bombs no different than a Mars bar. The sugar will spike your insulin which causes your body to go into emergency mode to store as much fat as possible. Then your blood sugar will crash and you will be fatigued with no energy. So it's really bad if you are working out or trying to lose fat or trying to build muscle and over time you will develop diabetes. I always go for the healthy fats like butter and bacon as well as cheese, they keep me full while I wait in line at the cardiologist.

Kinda related since every time you look up fruits and berries they always talk about "antioxidants"

Are antioxidants bullshit?
They feel like bullshit.

Filled with antinutrients and literal poison, so you tell me!

Berries and apples good

Bananas and grapes bad

No they're not, you just hang around retarded online spaces. Reminder vegans live longest of all groups carnivore copers

It's controversial, even the extent to which the antioxidants are bioactive in a relative sense,
The whole thing is controversial because at this point there is no real science of humans regarding whether it's actually a beneficial thing to prevent as much oxidation as possible.
In many lab species, inhibiting ROS formation shortens lifespan. It is thought that it's good to have a bunch of free radicals for the body's own scavengers to work and practice on.

However, fruits per se are associated with longevity in epidemiological studies, which is pretty much the best you can get for a longevity metric (which is bad). But you don't know the mechanisms or if there even are any or it's just confounders

God tier for hydration. Eat a piece of fruit and you're good for hours.

hehe eats fruit.

Too much can be toxic. There has been no research showing that supplementation makes you less likely to die or get cancer. Like vitamin E, it's non-essential and anybody pretending it is is just trying to shill a vegan diet to you. Your body handles itself just fine without needing berries or whatever.

So basically a little bit won't do anything and too much can literally kill you. Doesn't sound essential to me.

Fruits are nice though for the electrolytes and hydration alone. Then you can get some more vitamin C and potassium from it too.

they're good for you

good, and so are meat abd veggies

Eating a good variety of whole foods like meats, eggs, diary, vegetables, and fruit is mandatory in making it.

Probably the best source of simple carbs for just before a workout. Should be consumed somewhat sparingly otherwise

Good once in a while in amount no sane man can enjoy. It's easier to avoid than to control yourself from overconsumption.

>a particular food
>good or bad

Just eat a balanced diet retard

tastes good

Suck precious boipussy