2020...i am...reborn

2020...i am...reborn

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calfs mog mine

Yeah mirin that discoloration and edema bro

remember to take care of your teeth Jow Forums

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>still wearing shirts 3 times his actual size just to constantly show off his progress and look like a moron.
I hate boogie

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Isn't he the same weight he was over a year ago?

>teeth look exactly like right and i dont even brush that often

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same bro. this is now a /teethchad/ general

>that obvious peripheral vascular disease

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ikr same here, well almost my teeth are perfect but i barely brush so they get yellow. Then i brush and they're gameshow host mode again.


Spotted the shitskins that can’t comprehend that the contrast from their skin color that resembles feces and the natural white/yellow teeth are supposed to be creates the illusion that they’re whiter. Feels good to have stark white teeth and still be white.

Can someone explain wtf is going on with his legs? Why are they different colors? Thats so bizarre wtf

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I dare you

there's not shame in that

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blood pooling in his ankles due to poor circulation
>t. not a doctor

They're fucked lmao

with those calves boogie1488 would literally be squat god

that's not muscle, it's fat and swelling from fluid build up

Is he turning black

wow faggot, thats some coping

i think he's just used to big shirts and doesn't think much about it


>be me
>be 39
>brushed my teeth as a kid but stopped at around 12
>haven't brushed or taken any kind of care of them since
>until recently used to drink litres of soda every day
>always ate a ton of sweets all my life
>teeth look perfect - they could literally be mistaken for fake ones
>went to dentist for first time in over a decade last week because I had toothache at the back
>got 1 filling and that's it, teeth are otherwise perfect
Feels good to have good tooth genetics. Imagine been such genetic trash that you actually have to brush them and eat right to avoid decay lmao

/toothchad/ calling in

Imagine the smell.

I chew a lot of bubblegum my nigga, my breath is fine

who here is /neverhadacavitydespitepoorregualrdentalhygine/?

>boogie is 5 foot 9
>mcjuggernuggets is a solid 4-5 inches shorter

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>drank soda every day for years

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Boogie has great circulation. In fact his heart is so strong that it only needs to beat at the level of an elite Olympic athlete.

Meanwhile my heart rate of 58bpm is 20% higher than his (48bpm), despite weighing about half what he does, doing cardio, etc!

Attached: heart rate comparison.jpg (925x1025, 358K)

God he looks so fucking weird with those teeth.

You can’t be a /teethchad/ if you had to get your tonsils removed or your wisdom teeth out.

Bullshit. Nobody on this planet will be fine by just chewing bubble gum.

Imagine being SO FAT the heart rate monitor is missing beats

hes only 344 pounds now.

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I mean, if you chewed gum every day that's a good way to pull all the food off your teeth, although it might push it in further. I guess it depends. But food getting trapped in your gum line is what causes decay.

those teeth look fucking awful holy shit


He's like 5'8" isn't he?

How can you have gastric bypass surgery and still be that big? Good lord.

Looks like that smile face app thing

He's making good progress. At this rate he'll be a normal weight for his height (5'8", 164lbs) in only 22 years!

By being a lazy, sedentary, overeating sped retard, I guess
>or maybe he's going to start lifting and go kingpin mode

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Maybe he doesn't want to blow a bunch of cash on new shirts
t. Guy who lost a lot of weight and still wears a lot of fat clothes because poverty

I imagine that a lot of it was just because it had to work turbo overtime and as such it enlarged quite a bit while he was heavier, but because heart's don't like de-enlarging even if you lose weight it's not just like "Lmao I used to pump like so much more blood than this when this fuck was a death fat, lightweight bby" which can potentially lead to other problems.

Longterm his cardiovascular prospects are probably still worse than yours.

>natural hue is yellowish
in god damn elementary i already had yellowish teeth fucking stupid shit they will never be white no matter what i do

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coconut oil bud

>beetus calves

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Why? They're replaceable.

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Boogie is king of Jow Forums now



He looks fucking awful, looks like a double amputation waiting to happen, fat cunt. I honestly would love to punch all of his fat basedboy followers who give him money. Even worse than Blaha nuthuggers.

>heart rate always in the 80-100 range ever since I was in middle school
>family does have a history of problems with heart disease and shit
fucking hell, am I fucked for life or can I go to the gym to hopefully fix this

hawthorne pills might help
>should I workout
why the fuck are you here


