How badly are the anti-nutrients in vegetables, fruits, ans grains affecting my performance in the gym?
How badly are the anti-nutrients in vegetables, fruits, ans grains affecting my performance in the gym?
Here's this meme again.
How is it a meme? Please post studies
how about you post some anti-nutrient studies
I am not the one calling it a meme. The burden of proof is on you
Hey nigger you're saying that vegetables have anti-nutrients. The burden of proof is on YOU you FUCK
There are things in some veggies that somewhat prevent the absorption of some nutrients like iron and some vitamins; however they do not stop the absorption all together. Over all it’s not that big of a deal. If you want to get all your nutrients eat meat, veggies, dairy, and healthy grains like oats and you will be fine
Thats simple fact.
Why would I eat peasant foods?
idc, it's got ELECTROLYTES.
Fiber, minerals, and good for heart health my nigger