What do you wear to the gym each day? post outfit

What do you wear to the gym each day? post outfit

Attached: Before, during, and after steroids.jpg (1080x1080, 195K)

Can't post it since it's a blue board. I work out at home though

rate my entitled upper middle class fratboy fit

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>those nmds
I have the same ones, nice
>tri delt
this user knows who the cardiobunnies are

Pic related. Comfy as fuck.

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anything not a wifebeater is beta as fuck
also beta wearing anything but wifebeater anywhere during the summer


Unironically esports jerseys.

Good ego shirts.

Hands are shaking, can't get a great pic

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Based. Are you the trailer trash wife beater (untucked) or inner city italian wifebeater (tucked)?

Sand T shirt
Gym shorts
black ankle socks
PL2.0 shoes for my squats
$20 pair of headphones

compression wear niggers need to kill themselves.

What do you have in the fanny pack?

Keys and my phone
I can move the pack out of my way for every lift so it's pretty efficient storage space

What gun do you keep in your fanny pack?

Cut t shirts or tank tops tucked into well fitted athletic jogger pants, pic related me

Attached: 20190714_213821.jpg (2660x2636, 2.91M)

Basketball shorts
Converse shoes

wtf are those nails???

Blue tank top, Adidas track pants, and white Converse hightops

I like keeping them a bit long, they grow crazy fast so might as well

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Hand towel
Basketball shorts


I was hoping this thot would get her legs bent the other way for locking out. Oh, well, eventually.

Tank top
Basketball shorts

Gym isn’t a fashion show and people who treat it as such are dyel faggots

Go garish or go home

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which thot is this?

Attached: readyforthegym.jpg (900x1200, 125K)

Are you really even trying?

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>Sippy cup at the gym
Kek @ you

skinny chinos, slipper moccasins and some waffle-print shirt usually
whatever im wearing that day
homegym masterrace

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damn where the fuck can i buy a bar that has no flex with 400lbs on it?

>fake tits
>fake ass
>fake weights
get the guillotine

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those clearly say 35 on them
assuming it's lbs not kg, that's 325 lbs

Had a busy schedule a few months ago, so regularly walked into the gym wearing my work clothes and working out during my lunch break. Just tucked in my tie, took off my vest and did a quick 30 mins.

Attached: ludlow-suit-vest-in-irish-linen-original-8581.jpg (418x418, 28K)

Small shorts, band tee and otomix

Attached: LonelinessOfTheLongDistanceRunner.jpg (866x1076, 621K)

>t. Tie dye t shirt wearer

thanks for posting funny cat with text make me kek

yw bro L:3

This, basically

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You ever get paranoid about leaving skid marks?

This pretty much

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I wipe my ass, being a non-troglodytic non-mongoloid and all

need sauce on the dodgeball porn parody

C'mon man, you're telling me you never let out a little dookie when you go below parallel? If you don't then you're wasting potential gains.

I got you, bro.

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>not using a squat plug

shit is comfy as fuck. literally hate wearing t-shirts since i started wearing these joints.

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Barrett 50 Cal

this is that chick that uses fake weights in all her vids, fucking kek, watch her breathing on the squats it doesn't even make sense

trailer trash for sure

Usually solid color bathing suit shorts with the liner cut out from h&m and a tank/shitty shirt I get for free from wherever or joggers and shirt/tank

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Shut the fuck up, and cut your nails. Everybody who sees your nails actually can't trust you anymore because you, and your nails are fucking WEIRD.


Lifters, everyone. Just lmao.

No lie. This morning was the boomerpill standard kit.

Greasy old beer company ballcap, regimental pt sweater, cargo shorts, wool socks and teva sandals. Doing OHP and Zercher squats on the back deck.

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