Lifting doesn't fix the real problems

I'm a manlet(5'6")
My height crushes any hope I have of looking attractive.
I don't like what I cannot change about myself. I've been going to the gym and I've gained a fair bit of muscle and it feels great being able to do just that. I'd be okay with my height if I could make up for it somehow, If I just had to train harder than everyone else, but I can't do anything about it. I hate being powerless. The fact that I can't do anything about it makes me resentful and the only thing I feel is rage.

How do you guys deal with improving yourself and the conundrum of having qualities that you cannot change?

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Why don't you stop being a faggot that wastes energy thinking about things that cannot be changed and instead put that effort into areas that can be improved?

Not OP but its not fucking easy being a manlet. Cant go clubbing because you cant see shit. Cant take pics because one taller guy in the pic is a mog. Cant do extra best or else youll be a napoleon. Cant be bitter or else youre an elliot rodger. Literally have to bust my ass off for a chance at a gf as opposed to lanklets just being present.

Casual sex is shit and if you're looking for a life partner, someone who rejects you for your height is a shit partner anyway

>cant go clubbing
>cant take pics

These are problems for children.

Be napoleon. He wasn't even as short as most people think.

Not care about what others think?

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kys manlet

It's not as bad as you think. One of my best friends is like 5'4", his wife is around 5'-5'1"ish. Yeah it limits your dating pool but think of how hard it would be if you /didn't/ lift. Now stop being a faggot and get some gains

Easier said than done, user.
It's more than just casual sex and life partners, user.
But I do agree with everything you've said.
You have to be 18 to post here. Sure, even if you don't care what other people think it will still influence how they see you and how they treat you. I don't intend on spending the rest of my life shit posting, so peoples opinion of me is going to matter.
Also 90% of the problem is that I don't think that I look attractive.

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Yeah, not trying to suggest it is easy. And not trying to dismiss the hardships that come from being short. But it is still wasted time. You could use that to make yourself a more attractive mate instead.

>tfw 5”11
>tfw homo
>tfw submissive bottom

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>You could use that to make yourself a more attractive mate instead.
Oh, I am. It just feel like every time I lift heavy things from the ground and put them down again it is for naught.

There is nothing you can do about it, just try to move on. Guys with small dicks cant complain either, because then women know he got a small dick... and that he is complaining a lot.
I have a lot of smaller DYEL friends, but they still pull girls a lot more often than me, because they have good charisma and personality. They dont complain all the time, women hate complaining.

Look at the positives. You can sit in seats etc. more comfortably than us tall motherfuckers. Its not a dance on roses for us tall fucks either, it doesnt make us automatically attractive to lift and be tall.

>you have to be 18
my point exactly.
>so peoples opinion of me is going to matter
No, not if their opinion is that your height makes you inferior.
People that tell you some shit you're doing is bad, love them. They have opinions about how you can improve yourself, maybe there is something to be learned. People that say "kys manlet", screw them.

is for congrats user.

This will be overly convoluted...

One of my best friends since childhood has a roofing business. I worked for him during summers while in college. He is about 6'3 and has a very good body. His wife isn't that good looking but her sister is gorgeous. Her husband works for this friend. He is several inches shorter than me (I'm 5'11), isn't some model, and isn't as successful as my friend. You aren't doomed just because you aren't ducking your head every time you walk in a door.

>tfw you say 'look at the fucking tits on that one' and it ends up being your coworker's wife

You should just accept that everyone is imperfect to some extent, and most people are just as insecure about their looks as you are, especially women. I have a friend who is handsome af, blue eyes dark hair 6'5, and he keeps complaining about his nose being disgusting and ugly (it's not). Loving yourself is a hard thing to do, but until you start loving and accepting yourself noone else will for sure.

>No, not if their opinion is that your height makes you inferior.
This is some dudebro tier, not everyone you meet is going to be unimportant enough to just ignore.

You are an idiot. Your appearance matters and peoples opinion matters because that is what makes them respect you.
You look good-they respect you from the 1st moment, unless you are autistic. You look bad they treat you like a joke. I'm not saying everyone should look like a supernodel, but wearing nice chlothes that fit and are clean, having some muscle and taking good care of your hair and skin will make you 1000% more likeable and respectable

100% agree on everything but the idiot part, that I'm still trying to figure out.
Still, if some people don't respect you because you are short, there is something wrong with them, not with you. And you can't fix them, so there's nothing you can do about that (except from realizing they are inferior creatures and being satisfied you're above them).
>How do you guys deal with improving yourself and the conundrum of having qualities that you cannot change?
Make the best with what you have.
Good night.

>imagine making a thread knowing it'll just be 90% of people bullying you for being short
Why would you do this to yourself.

You don't dwell on the things you can't change, you accept them, and do your best to improve things that you can change.

btw there is surgery for that.

what is this the size comparison of the monsters from attack on titan?

confidence raises ×f

You need mental training now. Accepting your inherent qualities and insecurities is difficult but worth it. Also 5'6" men find wives all the time.

>no matter how much I lift I will never be able to unmolest myself

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