Does anyone do deadlifts for aesthetic gains rather than strength gains?

Does anyone do deadlifts for aesthetic gains rather than strength gains?

Should aesthetic focused lifters not bother with deadlifts?

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Ronnie Coleman did deadlift for aesthetic gains.

True. You think his deadlifts helped him with gains? Some bb pros seem to avoid them

he's really aesthetic in a wheelchair

You can`t compare colemans deadlifting to mere mortal fitizens.

Deadlifts will put the most muscle mass on you of any lifts apart from perhaps squats.
Glutes, Hams, entire back. Massive amount of muscle, fantastic for contact sports and general performance. Gives you that thicc look from the side too, can't really beat them for mass building on the entire body.
May not build the usual 'aesthetic pretty boy' muscles but you're never gonna look THICC without diddlies.

then why do we see skinny ass twinks pulling big numbers all the time?

I have never seen an aesthetic guy at my university gym doing deadlifts.

Get a bigger deadlift, your posterior chain grows. Simple as

The only variants of deadlifts a bodybuilder should concern themselves with are romanian and stiff legged deadlifts

Romanian deadllifts are less fatiguing, and will produce greater glute hypertrophy. Even if your goal is strength training, you could limit yourself to deadlifting once a week and suppliment with RDL's and see great improvements. While deadlifts will create a great posterior chain, you can target these muscles with other lifts and achieve the same, if not greater levels of muscle mass, if you wanted to avoid the deadlift for some reason. So you could avoid them, but should you? It depends i think, a compound movement gives you the best bang for your buck, especially when you are a beginner. For more advanced trainees who have already achieved a certain level of hypertrophy, recovery may be more of a factor. That is if you are looking to bring up a certain body part(s), it will probably be wiser to use isolation movements rather than a relatively fatiguing compound one like the deadlift.

>u must deadlift only once a week
Someone should notify nsuns

Could, not "must". My advice is not for maximizing his strength for powerlifting, but rather an increase of strength while focusing on his main goal, aesthetics.

Link one skinny ass twink pulling a big number

>yeah he might be a millionaire
>yeah he might be the greatest bodybuilder of all time
>yeah he might be nicknamed The King
>but he walks with crutches now so my life is better
>i wouldnt trade places ever, nope
peak cope


Deadlifts are fucking stupid.
There is no reason you should be performing a lift that allows you to move more weight than any other movement you can do when one simple error in form can transfer all that weight on to a single distal bicep tendon that can only curl something like 1/10th of the weight youre pulling.
Its fucking retarded

if you do hypertrophy work with deadlifting you’re just going to grow a ridiculous girl butt

Use straps, don't use mixed grip
Problem solved

I don't know man! from what i see at the gym, only guys who are super out of shape do deadlift!!! maybe is the area, but i haven't seen an in shape aesthetic guy doing them. INCLUDING ME!!!!

Terrible! What sort of hypertrophy work would one do with deadlifting to grow a ridiculous girl butt? Asking for a friend who is concerned.

1 (one) twink pulling 600 as requested

That's not a twink that's a dwarf or a goblin or something.

That's not a twink are you retarded?