Aside from eating healthy and exercising, what are some skin care tips for people dealing with craterface?

Aside from eating healthy and exercising, what are some skin care tips for people dealing with craterface?

Attached: acne.jpg (1100x810, 76K)

wash it wit face wash and moisture it up after u gotta be consistent

derm said use dandruff shampoo as soap

St Ives face wash.

Use a good acne scrub twice a day. If you work out in the morning then use it after the gym and before bed. If you work out in the evening, in the morning and after the gym. Try to avoid touching your face a lot, and use hot water in the summer. If you get too dry, use a facial moisturizer. Use cold water, and possibly a less harsh scrub in the winter since the drier air will dry out your skin more.

Literally just age

All the meme treatments don't do shit when there is a 95% chance it's hormones

Literally just eat zinc. Zinc is the cure for everything

yeah hormones i fucked up by doing a cycle

>hot water in the summer
Why? Isn't hot water bad because it opens your skin pores? And why specially during summer
Ice cubes help, rub some on your face occasionally. It helps reduce swollen pimples and kills bacteria


Your pores aren't sphincters. They don't open and close like Asian gape porn.

I've also been told pores close. So what do they do?

you sure about this? my derm told me to not use hot water unless before a facial, before a facial because it opens up the pores and and makes it easier to extract pimples. how do you know that pores dont open up?

go to a dermatologist have him look at your skin and prescribe you the best cream he can.
Literally go to a proffesional instead of getting a bunch of broscience experts on fit


go and get a bottle of astringent, cotton balls, some equate gentle face wash, an exfoliating cream with the tiny beads that contains benzoyl peroxide, and a moisturizer.

Every day in the morning, wash your face with the gentle face wash in hot water and once your done, rinse your face in cold water.
Every day in the evening, wash your face with the gentle face wash in hot water, then apply the astringent with cotton balls and leave it on your face for 2 minutes, wipe off with another cotton ball.
Every other evening, before you even use the gentle face wash, scrub your face with the exfoliating cream, don't push too hard when washing, just let the beads do their work.

OPTIONAL; buy some charcoal gel mask (its pretty cheap and comes in a big tube) and use it every other time you exfoliate.

This is what recommends in their wiki and has helped me greatly.
My face used to be bad, but now my skin condition is pretty good, even though I work outside and sweat all day.
Good luck.

Oh, and moisturize every time you wash.

did you ever deal with hyper pigmentation? the dark spots after a pimple? ive got some and had it for a while now.

Unironically go to Jow Forumsskincareaddiction and read the sticky.

Hot water evaporates off the skin and takes moisture with it. Drier skin gets much less acne. Dry skin is easier to manage in the warmer, more humid air of the summer.

this is conflicting, how do you know this though? either my derm sucks or idk. my derm told me that dry skin is bad because the skin tries to make even more oil and as a result more acne

my face started clearing up greatly in the last couple weeks because i've been drinking ~3L of water daily. i feel constantly feel bloated but my acne is getting better so it's worth

To all the people who want to see a dermatologist, he's gonna look at your whole body and he might chop off some moles if they look cancerous. It can leave you with some awkward scars. But the chads who stay outside in the sun all day probably need a checkup

pores are like mouth breathers technically their always open

Because I'm a physician. Your dermatologist was speaking loosely. It will make the skin more pliable, and soften up pockets of sebum. But pores don't open and close like doors or assholes.

Wash your face. Wait. Turn 18 eventually. It will get better. We all know you're 15, stop pretending.

thank you man